Rant V - The Drama Strikes Back

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Whaaaaaaaaaaaat? The wood ones were the best. Also, the tire fortress of pain. You never climbed through that thing without ending up with 4-5 new cuts.
Best slide around was a bus stop away and it was made of concrete... by brother got it all bloody once while trying to go down it on his feet... it's no longer there now, but i did find another in a more secluded place... by how dirty it was i could tell it hadn't been used in a while...

Same here. But when I was a kid we didn't play on those things either. I always thought they were a pretty lame idea for playground equipment.

Ours had ring at the top that we used as a throne (or a pretend toilet), we also put blankets on it and made a tent...
Of all the illnesses I get on a semi regular basis, stomach flu is the absolute worst, bar none.

I'm blaming whatsisname here who ranted about it last week.

Remember friends, practice safe foruming. Always wear a keyboard condom!

Oh God...this is the worst hair cut I have even had in my life. I usually don't put much though into my hair but yesterday I actually cried looking at it.

I'm just so embarrassed. It's by far the most unflattering thing I have ever done to my head....and I live with a bukkae fetishist.
That was a joke.
Oh God...this is the worst hair cut I have even had in my life. I usually don't put much though into my hair but yesterday I actually cried looking at it.

I'm just so embarrassed. It's by far the most unflattering thing I have ever done to my head....and I live with a bukkae fetishist.
That was a joke.
You can always cut it shorter. Ripley in aliens worked that bald head very well.


Stupid freezing rain! My van is under a sheet of ice and after I took the time to chisel away enough to get inside, the damn thing is dead. I am not happy!

My wife "Where did you sister go to school?"
Me "University of Waterloo, why?"
My wife "Waterloo, Napolean surrendered we won the war!"


Stupid freezing rain! My van is under a sheet of ice and after I took the time to chisel away enough to get inside, the damn thing is dead. I am not happy!

Isn't South Dakota WONDERFUL?!?[/QUOTE]

I think alot of places have to deal with icy rain. And yes it is wonderful Davey.[/QUOTE]

What the fuck is icy rain. It's sleet motherfuckers! SLEET![/QUOTE]

sleet means icy rain. I hate the word sleet so I just say icy rain.
What the fuck is icy rain. It's sleet motherfuckers! SLEET!
Sleet != Freezing Rain (which is what I think they're trying to say)

Sleet are small ice pellets that bounce around like Styrofoam when they hit your car. Freezing Rain is when the rain hits your car as a liquid and then freezes on contact. It makes life complicated. Thank god we rarely ever get it out here.
Freezing rain is far worse than sleet. Especially when you only get it once every few years. When I lived in Kentucky we got hit with freezing rain and it snapped branches off most trees in the area, causing impassible roads and power outages for days. My jeep was encased in an inch of solid ice, which did help to protect it from the multiple branches that fell on it. One branch that fell from the top of a tall tree punched right through our deck. Every time one hit our roof, it sounded like it was caving in. Good times.
Hail tends to happen with thunderstorms that have strong enough updraft to send the rain up first to freeze and refreeze. Each time it refreezes it picks up more water/ice until it is too heavy to be held aloft by the updrafts and falls like a brick.

<lives in the southern end of tornado alley.
Hail tends to happen with thunderstorms that have strong enough updraft to send the rain up first to freeze and refreeze. Each time it refreezes it picks up more water/ice until it is too heavy to be held aloft by the updrafts and falls like a brick.

<lives in the southern end of tornado alley.
Hail is fucking terrifying since it's a pretty good sign that you are fucked.

<used to live in tornado alley>


New rant-
Back when the law school was built the average class size was 40 and it was mostly men. My class is 82 and mostly women. Unfortunately the school bathroom facilities are still as they were years ago. There are three women's toilets in the whole place. It is so damn annoying >.<

If they aren't going to add more toilets they could at least provide a few potted plants >.>
The most awesome thing about hail is that I can always tell when it might happen, due to the area where I live. I live in northern Waterloo, a couple minutes drive away from St. Jacobs, a big farming/rural/Mennonite town. When they suspect that hail might happen, they use cannons to fire blanks into the sky, hoping that the sonic boom will help to break up any hail chunks that might be forming.

Sometimes in the early spring or late fall I can hear the cannons softly firing from my house. :)


Staff member
The most awesome thing about hail is that I can always tell when it might happen, due to the area where I live. I live in northern Waterloo, a couple minutes drive away from St. Jacobs, a big farming/rural/Mennonite town. When they suspect that hail might happen, they use cannons to fire blanks into the sky, hoping that the sonic boom will help to break up any hail chunks that might be forming.

Sometimes in the early spring or late fall I can hear the cannons softly firing from my house. :)
That's kind of nice. It's WAY better than knowing because your knee starts to throb or something.
I just did the math. I have basically $50 with which to survive until February 9th.

GODDAMMIT! I made so much fucking money over Christmas, and saved a decent amount of it. Then life happened, and it was needed elsewhere. I've even been putting off dental work that I desperately need (discovery of a new cavity, plus another filling fell out a few months ago) because I can't really afford it.

I will never get out of this living from paycheck to paycheck thing. Why the fuck does this always happen? I want to write, and travel the goddamn world, but I can barely write worth half a shit, and I can't keep enough money in the bank to pay for a big mac, let alone a bus ticket.

I just did the math. I have basically $50 with which to survive until February 9th.

GODDAMMIT! I made so much fucking money over Christmas, and saved a decent amount of it. Then life happened, and it was needed elsewhere. I've even been putting off dental work that I desperately need (discovery of a new cavity, plus another filling fell out a few months ago) because I can't really afford it.

I will never get out of this living from paycheck to paycheck thing. Why the fuck does this always happen? I want to write, and travel the goddamn world, but I can barely write worth half a shit, and I can't keep enough money in the bank to pay for a big mac, let alone a bus ticket.

I am so with you, dude. I've got about 30 till my paycheck this week, and then all but about 20 bucks will go to rent. I've been trying to get a better/second job but nobody is hiring.
The most awesome thing about hail is that I can always tell when it might happen, due to the area where I live. I live in northern Waterloo, a couple minutes drive away from St. Jacobs, a big farming/rural/Mennonite town. When they suspect that hail might happen, they use cannons to fire blanks into the sky, hoping that the sonic boom will help to break up any hail chunks that might be forming.

Sometimes in the early spring or late fall I can hear the cannons softly firing from my house. :)
They do the same thing here in Michigan. Huge, massive, sprawling lots with shiny new cars destined for the rest of the US.

Even though they have them insured, there's a massive shortage if a hailstorm gets through and dings them up.

Being inside during a hailstorm with golfball sized hail though is very, very surreal...


Staff member
I'd forgotten about something that happened in my earliest class today until just now... Not angry, really, just baffled.

My Kinesiology teacher asked us to talk about the good and bad of P.E. when we were younger. I used to have to run a mile once or twice a week in high school. It sucked, but I mentioned in class that I'm glad they had us do it, because it got me off my lazy ass. I've always had short, thick legs, and it makes it hard for me to really run well. I also have poor circulation. I had mentioned all of this except the poor circulation... I was about to, then my teacher laughs and cuts me off: "Right. You can't run because of your legs." I just kind of stayed quiet for the rest of the class. I wasn't sure if she meant what I thought she meant or if I misunderstood.
I'd forgotten about something that happened in my earliest class today until just now... Not angry, really, just baffled.

My Kinesiology teacher asked us to talk about the good and bad of P.E. when we were younger. I used to have to run a mile once or twice a week in high school. It sucked, but I mentioned in class that I'm glad they had us do it, because it got me off my lazy ass. I've always had short, thick legs, and it makes it hard for me to really run well. I also have poor circulation. I had mentioned all of this except the poor circulation... I was about to, then my teacher laughs and cuts me off: "Right. You can't run because of your legs." I just kind of stayed quiet for the rest of the class. I wasn't sure if she meant what I thought she meant or if I misunderstood.
What a bitch.
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