Gas Bandit's Political Thread V: The Vampire Likes Bats


Staff member
This is where Obama can really make impact on the history of this nation ... the White House is preparing one, possibly two, Supreme Court vacancies.

The House voted to raise the debt limit by $1.9 trillion, which raises the debt ceiling to $14.3 trillion. Outrageous.

A must-read from George Will on the fiscal follies of the United States.

Here's another must-read column. This guy is able to tell you in 800 words what I've been saying for years about government spending.

Barack Obama is anything but a fiscal conservative. But that is not what the media would like you to believe.

Nancy Pelosi is forming a task force to figure out what the Congress can do about the recent Supreme Court campaign finance ruling.

Here's a list of 8 sneaky ways to raise taxes.

The class envy warfare continues... Newsweek has an article about why people who make $250,000 or more a year can afford a tax hike. There's also a slideshow of the "greediest people of all time." You ask me, there's more greed in a horde of indolent people demanding someone else pay for them than there is in someone taking advantage of the opportunities presented to make the best possible life for themselves and their families.

Here's a little insight into why Scott Brown wanted to be seated earlier than planned.

It doesn't take an expert to pontificate as to what the next bailout will be: social security.

Obama denounced Republicans for using a "hold" tactic to delay some of his appointments. But Barack Obama used that same tactic to delay Bush appointments when serving in the Senate.

The Obama administration is receiving a lot of flak for revealing, against the FBI's wishes, that the underwear bomber is cooperating with authorities.

The government may decide as soon as today whether the American pika will get federal protections primarily because of climate change.

I guess Barack Obama has not learned to pick and choose his battles with America.

A prison Imam was arrested for carrying three utility blades and a pair of scissors into a lower Manhattan jail.

The good times are over. The Obama Store at Washington's Union Station is officially closed.

Marylanders may soon be celebrating their right to dry their clothes the old-fashioned way.

Rahm Emanuel's solution to his latest gaff ... ban the word "retarded" from federal legislation.

Lawmakers in Great Britain want to ban paper lanterns because they are a risk to ... cows.
Wait, did Obama put the hold on them because he felt they were unqualified, or was it like Sen. Richard Shelby, who put the hole up until he gets his way with Alabama earmarks?

This is the complaint. If you think the person is unqualified, yea, that's a reason to put the hold up. However, putting the hold up because you want to be bribed is shit poor governing.

Sometimes, I worry that these links focus too much on the "what" and not enough on the "why".

Edit#2. Checked the link. He put a hold on ONE person, not SEVENTY. Big difference, I think.
Krisken be honest. Any Republican or Conservative appointment would be considered "unqualified."

It's all the same politics.
Krisken be honest. Any Republican or Conservative appointment would be considered "unqualified."

It's all the same politics.
History calls bullshit on you. I seem to recall a slew of unqualified nominees by the Bush administration being held up, but for the most part if the candidate was qualified they didn't receive blanket holds.

But that there is a heckuva job, Covar.


Staff member
Krisken be honest. Any Republican or Conservative appointment would be considered "unqualified."

It's all the same politics.
History calls bullshit on you. I seem to recall a slew of unqualified nominees by the Bush administration being held up, but for the most part if the candidate was qualified they didn't receive blanket holds.

But that there is a heckuva job, Covar.[/QUOTE]

They got held up all the time for being "too conservative." See the perfectly qualified Jance Rogers Brown, held up for 2 years.

Krisken be honest. Any Republican or Conservative appointment would be considered \"unqualified.\"

It's all the same politics.
History calls bullshit on you. I seem to recall a slew of unqualified nominees by the Bush administration being held up, but for the most part if the candidate was qualified they didn't receive blanket holds.

But that there is a heckuva job, Covar.[/QUOTE]

They got held up all the time for being "too conservative." See the perfectly qualified Jance Rogers Brown, held up for 2 years.

And you again ignore that it's one person, not 70, and she wasn't held up for a tantrum over pork money.

\"Her remarks gained particular attention, however, for her thesis that the 1937 court decisions upholding minimum-wage laws and New Deal programs marked \"the triumph of our own socialist revolution\", the culmination of \"a particularly skewed view of human nature\" that could be \"traced from the Enlightenment, through the Terror, to Marx and Engels, to the Revolutions of 1917 and 1937.\"
Gee, I wonder why the Democrats in Congress weren't thrilled with this one.


Staff member
Krisken be honest. Any Republican or Conservative appointment would be considered \"unqualified.\"

It's all the same politics.
History calls bullshit on you. I seem to recall a slew of unqualified nominees by the Bush administration being held up, but for the most part if the candidate was qualified they didn't receive blanket holds.

But that there is a heckuva job, Covar.[/QUOTE]

They got held up all the time for being "too conservative." See the perfectly qualified Jance Rogers Brown, held up for 2 years.

And you again ignore that it's one person, not 70, and she wasn't held up for a tantrum over pork money.[/QUOTE]

It was not just one person, I just provided one (typical) example of a nominee being held up NOT for concerns about qualification, as you asserted, but simply for political purposes. They also blocked Miguel Estrada because they could not stomach the idea of the first latino on the SCOTUS being republican-appointed. In fact, more than 180 bush nominees were held up and the rate of confirmation was 29%. Liberal selective memory strikes again.


Again with the "if you dislike the wealthy, you're just jealous" thing?

Sometimes there are circumstances behind simple lack of drive that force people into poverty and desperation, such as mental illness (can't afford treatment because they can't afford health care!), systemic poverty due to area of origin and in some odd cases, family members actively and forcefully discouraging their relatives from doing things like going to college or taking an out of state job, because "ya ain't sayin' yer better than me!".

I've said it before and I'll say it again, capitalism will not work if left to its own devices, it creates a self-destructive system that shudders under its own weight and collapses, before rising again in a different sector. We need to implement a mixed system, wherein the good parts of capitalism check the bad parts of socialism and vice-versa.

We can't live in a libertarian dream world, Gas. Any pure system is simply unfeasible.


Staff member
I've said it before and I'll say it again, [capitalism/socialism/democracy/dictatorship/communism/monarchy/etc] will not work if left to its own devices, it creates a self-destructive system that shudders under its own weight and collapses, before rising again in a different sector.
It's like a mad lib, and it's true no matter what noun you pick.

Yes, capitalism is the worst thing there is, except for everything else (With apologies to Mr. Churchill).

But I'm not advocating pure, unfettered capitalism. I've always said there needs to be a government whose job it is to enforce competition, so that competition makes capitalism work to the benefit of the consumer.

Besides, we're a LONG LONG WAY from pure capitalism now. We're actually getting closer to socialism by the minute. Just because I want the needle to move the other way doesn't make me an anarcho-capitalist.

---------- Post added at 11:05 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:51 AM ----------

Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad says that "we can handle" the current level of debt. Tim Geithner says that the United States will never lose its sterling credit rating. Hey Tim, just a reminder, it's getting close to April, and we wouldn't want you to screw up your taxes AGAIN.

Over the weekend, Barack Obama emphasized his continued commitment to passing healthcare reform. Will the Democrats get their healthcare plans passed piece-by-piece? It at least seems like a viable option.

More from the "well duh" section - Recent Gallup polls show that a majority of Democrats view socialism in a positive light.

The Democrats continue to hammer the idea that Republicans are a "party of no" without any ideas. But here's an example, thanks to George Will, of those "non-existent" Republican ideas.

The Obama administration already spent $4.35 billion on education in the form of economic stimulus. Now he wants to spend an additional $1.53 billion. But these dollars comes with strings attached - more federal government in your government schools. Oh and get this... Your children are being encouraged to create census cheers in their government schools.

Continuing the "blame Bush" mantra .. Obama accuses George Bush of dereliction of duty.

Listen to Nancy Pelosi trying to be politically correct.

I am tickled to death to have seen the collapse of the global warming movement in my lifetime.

A record 38.2 million Americans are now enrolled in the food stamp program.

Here's a little slide show to show you how your federal income tax dollars are spent .. for those of you who actually pay federal income taxes.

Take a look at these charts if you want to see a strong correlation between increased government spending and increased unemployment.

The real story here is what the student is writing on the board in the picture.

4-year-old daughter hasn't learned her ABC's? That's a waterboardin'. (disclaimer - Daily Mail)


I didn't say capitalism is the worst thing out there, merely that it cannot stand alone and work as intended. Capitalism, like Communism conforms to the idea that individuals within the system will act in the best interest of both others and themselves, creating a bonus of prosperity via direct competition, leading to higher wages, better products and so forth.

However, the problem is that both you and I know that an individual is far more likely to look out for numero-uno first and foremost, with possibly their direct family included in that statement, if applicable. Any system that hinges on all participants acting exactly as they should is inevitably doomed to failure without something to check it.

The glaring problem with our economy is not that it's too regulated or not regulated enough, but that it works on a bubble/burst system, which needs to be fixed before we can have a relatively stable system and not have a crash every damned decade.


Staff member
I didn't say capitalism is the worst thing out there, merely that it cannot stand alone and work as intended. Capitalism, like Communism conforms to the idea that individuals within the system will act in the best interest of both others and themselves, creating a bonus of prosperity via direct competition, leading to higher wages, better products and so forth.
That's not what capitalism conforms to at all. Capitalism is about harnessing individual greed, forcing it to work against other greed in competition, and thus benefit society as a whole. You might want to read a little more Adam Smith before you go defining capitalism. The main strength of capitalism is that it DOESN'T depend upon a nonexistent altruism.

However, the problem is that both you and I know that an individual is far more likely to look out for numero-uno first and foremost, with possibly their direct family included in that statement, if applicable. Any system that hinges on all participants acting exactly as they should is inevitably doomed to failure without something to check it.
That's what dooms socialism/communism. If you're guaranteed to be provided for, what sense is there to bust your hump when it doesn't affect you whether you work hard or goof off? Thus, the producers more and more turn to goofing off until the whole thing collapses under its own weight.

The glaring problem with our economy is not that it's too regulated or not regulated enough, but that it works on a bubble/burst system, which needs to be fixed before we can have a relatively stable system and not have a crash every damned decade.
No such thing. Everything is cycles. That's like saying our children need a swingset that never swings backwards.


Staff member
Now you're not going to believe this; but Atlanta's rapid rail agency has come up with a new name for the rail line smack dab into the middle of Atlanta's Asian Community. How does "The Yellow Line" sound to you? What do you think they call the line into the predominantly black Southside, I wonder?

Rep. John Murtha passed away from complications from a surgery. Does this change the political landscape, particularly for Obamacare?

Lawmakers supporting cap-and-trade are trying to link clean energy with the current push to pass a jobs bill.

Hillary Clinton says that a nuclear-armed North Korea or Iran isn't as great a threat to the U.S. as al Qaeda and allied jihad groups.

Democrats in the House admit that they are going to have a tough time selling the American public on increasing taxes for the evil rich.

Well duh: There's a huge mismatch between Americans' desire for low taxes and high government services. There's an entitlement crisis approaching. Quickly. News flash: we aren't going to be able to tax our way out of this one.

Obama's "jobs bill" is just as bad as the stimulus plan, starting with this phony idea of capital gains and small businesses.

When Barack Obama is trying to save his healthcare plan, who does he turn to? Clinton aides who tried to pass Hillarycare.

This is from 15 months ago: Global warming means no snow or cold in DC.

A question for you to consider ... Why are liberals so condescending? (And yes, that's the Washington Post there, not Free Republic or National Review or anything)

Obama's labor secretary is coming down hard on companies for any violations of labor law but proving remarkably lenient on the abuses of organized labor.

Connecticut has a new website that tracks every penny in government state spending. Take a look at some of the pork they have found.

Republicans in South Carolina are heeding Sarah Palin's advice and merging tea party resources with their own.

Obama wants the government to improve child nutrition and he wants to start by banning sugary drinks and snacks from vending machines.

Muslim school children celebrating the Sept. 11 hijackers as "heroes" in a UK classroom.
The way they are trying to fix school lunches irritates me. Like taking flavored milk away as a #1 priority. For fuck's sake, you count ketchup as a vegetable on the nutritional chart, but flavored milk is the big thing that needs to be fixed?! /facepalm (This is a thing in my school district)

Kitty Sinatra

Huh. Up here, we've been promoting chocolate milk as a good alternative to get people to drink something mostly healthy. It is a stupid thing to get rid of it if there's still ready access to pop and chocolate bars, and if the cafeteria food uses too much salt.


Staff member
The Democrats are calling this a "jobs bill." More specifically .. the "Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment Act." One of the largest pieces of the bill, considered the centerpiece, is a tax credit for businesses that hire workers. The problem? Tax experts and business leaders say that businesses aren't likely to hire workers just to receive a tax break. Bill Rys of the National Federation of Independent Businesses says that they are skeptical that it is going to be a big jobs creator.

Let's begin with a quote from The Community Organizer. Here he is pushing this so-called "Jobs Bill" that would have been passed by now if it hadn't been for a bit of snow in DC.
\"If [small businesses] can get the bank loans to boost their payroll... they will do so.\"
Yeah, I know. Absurd. But what do you expect from someone who has never had a real job in the private sector - someone who has never had to make a payroll - someone who has never had to seek a business loan.

January 2010: Barack Obama says that he is ready to fight financial institutions on their "obscene bonuses," calling Wall Street executives "fat cats who are getting awarded for their failure." February 2010: Barack Obama says he doesn't "begrudge" the bonuses of JPMorgan and Goldman Sachs executives stating, "I, like most of the American people, don't begrudge people success or wealth. That is part of the free- market system." Liberal activists are upset with Obama's latest talk about Wall Street bonuses. They are disappointed that Obama doesn't "begrudge" their success.

Charles Hamilton Houston Institute for Race and Justice founding director Charles Ogletree says that labeling Obama as a "professor" is a thinly veiled attack on his race. So there you go, calling someone a professor is now yet another show of racism.

Here's a little video montage of Democrats demanding action on climate change because of the mild winters. It boggles the mind. Winter is mild? MAN MADE CLIMATE CHANGE! Winter is severe? MAN MADE CLIMATE CHANGE! They can't lose! There could still be some hope for climate change legislation in the Senate. Aren't you thrilled?

Freddie Mac has announced that it is going to start buying back bad loans.

First President Obama said critics of his health care plan had no ideas worth considering. Then he said he never said that. Now he says he is eager to hear those previously unacknowledged ideas. More from Reason Magazine ...

Democrat Senator Ben Nelson has joined a bipartisan effort to block the administration from trying the Sept. 11th suspects in civilian courts.

Here's what Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke plans to do AFTER the economic recovery.

FoxNews has a report about an anti-Tea Party website that is being funded by labor unions and turning into a political slush fund for Democrat activists. Meanwhile, a poll on says that most of their visitors think the Tea Party Movement is a "fruitless mix of racism, conspiracy theories." Ron Paul: Neocons are infiltrating the Tea Party Movement.

According to Hank Paulson, part of our economic problem is that we have a tax system that really encourages consumption.

Sixty percent of Americans support a $1 per pack tax on cigarettes, which could raise $9 billion in one year.

Latest Rasmussen polls show that a majority of Americans support cutting the size of the government workforce to reduce the deficit.

While Barack Obama has called for a spending freeze, that would not apply to education spending. In fact, Obama's FY2011 budget is "one of the largest increases" in education spending, according to Education Secretary Arne Duncan. We are talking about a 10% increase in discretionary funding for the Department of education ... $50.7 billion. But what didn't make the cut in Obama's 10% in discretionary education spending? The DC voucher program. A quick recap: this program was established in 2004 and provided vouchers for children to attend private schools in the DC area. The program was efficient. The voucher cost $7,500 a year per student, meanwhile a government education in DC government schools cost $18,339 a year per student. Not to mention the fact that studies showed improvements in student performance, particularly in reading. Hooray teacher's union.

"Saying No to Democracy" This from David Harsanyi, who realizes, as more Americans would if they weren't government educated, that America was NOT designed to be a Democracy .. and if we ever become one it is the end.

I mentioned this one yesterday on the air: Obama's top national security advisor says "Politically motivated criticism and unfounded fear-mongering only serve the goals of al-Qaeda." Meanwhile, during the Bush years it was your "patriotic duty" to question the presidency.

Here's a story about one of 24 lawsuits brought by one man in Michigan Courts. Remember as you read this that trial lawyers make their political donations almost 100% to Democrats ... and Democrats are the principal opponent of tort reform.

In the wake of John Murtha's death, Democrats are worried that they are going to lose his seat to a Republican.

Democrats in Congress are pointing the finger at one man in particular whom they believe is responsible for the collapse of healthcare reform.

GOP Chairman Michael Steele plays the race card.

Another win for government and eminent domain in the city of Chicago.

Considering the recent "Miss Me" billboard featuring George Bush, Michelle Malkin has assembled a list of reasons why she does not miss George Bush.


Staff member
Special WALL OF TEXT edition for my fans out there.

A show of hands ... how many of you are shocked by Barack Obama's broken tax pledge? That's what I thought. You may remember Barack Obama pledging that "if your family earns less than $250,000 a year, you will not see your taxes increased a single dime." At the same time, he promised the American public healthcare reform, cap-and-trade, and other programs requiring more spending. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that Obama would have to pay for his dreams and schemes somehow ... and since the government does not create wealth but merely takes it at the point of a gun ... he is going to need the force of government to get the money. A lot of it. More than he can get his hands on merely by taxing the evil rich.

So the Community Organizer now says that he is "agnostic" about raising taxes on families earning less than $250,000 a year. First of all, let's clear up this word "agnostic," which means a person unwilling to commit to an opinion about something. Well gee, Mr. President ... I'm sure that there are a lot of taxpayers out there who DO have an opinion on their taxes and earnings. After all, it is OUR money and not Obama or the government's money.

For those of you who are absolutely certain to entertain a tax increase - you filthy rich people - Obama doesn't want you to feel like you are being punished. He wants you to see it as a viable way to "deal with debt and deficits in a realistic way." Because we all know that taxing the achievers is how we are going to turn the tide of this economy ...

But when it comes down to it, Barack Obama has things figured out. Are you ready for this? Obama says, "Our real problem is not the spike in spending last year, or the lost, even the lost revenues last year, as significant as those are ... The real problem has to do with the fact that there is a just a mismatch between the amount of money coming in and the amount of money going out. And that is going to require some big, tough choices that, so far, the political system has been unable to deal with."

I hope you re-read that one a few times. According to the Community Organizer, our real problem is not record levels of government spending. That is not the problem. Our problem is a "mismatch" in funds. And how do you shore up a mismatch in outrageous government spending? Generate more tax revenue.


Harry Reid decided to rewrite the "jobs" bill after Democrats complained about too many concessions to Republicans.

A great article from Bloomberg: Clueless in the Capital Meets Small-Business Ire.

The White House says that we are likely to average 95,000 more jobs each month this year. Even if that turns out to be the case, unemployment will remain around 10%.

Joe Biden says that progress in Iraq "could be one of the great achievements of this administration."

It's official. Two Democratic senators - Tom Harkin of Iowa and Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire - are proposing to get rid of filibusters all together. The Nuclear Option goes full circle.

Janet Napolitano now says that she was in contact with the president on Christmas Day about the Underwear Bomber.

Democrat Senator Chris Dodd and Republican Senator Bob Corker are working hard to draft compromise banking legislation to prevent future financial meltdowns.

Who do you think will be gone first? Counterterrorism chief John Brennan or Attorney General Eric Holder?

It may be a snore-fest, but it's your future. The Federal Reserve is in talks with money-market mutual funds to help drain as much as $1 trillion from the financial system.

The Obama administration says that it is open to tracking your cell phones because there is no reasonable expectation of privacy when it comes to the whereabouts of your cellular calls. I personally think he may be right, but my point in posting this is to remind you that if you were outraged about Bush's wiretaps but not this, you might be a zombie. But I'm willing to bet most of you are unhappy with both.

A group of Muslim scholars is complaining that airport scanners violate the teachings of Islam. There is an easy solution to this one ... if you don't like the security measures, you don't have to fly.

Saudi Arabia - the beacon of romance.


Staff member
What happens when you increase taxes on the rich? They move. Or they at least find other places or other means by which to thrive. The most recent example is New Jersey. A study by the Center on Wealth and Philanthropy at Boston College measured the migration of people with high net wealth (not income). It found that between 2004 and 2008, the state lost $70 billion in wealth because the wealthy packed their bags and left. Why did they do this? The study shows that taxes on the wealthy have risen in recent years. In 2004, the top income tax rate rose to 8.97% from 6.37%, on incomes starting at $500,000 -- a 40% increase. These income tax hikes were above the levels of neighboring New York and Pennsylvania. New Jersey residents also fled to Florida where there is no income or estate tax. The Wall Street Journal says that Florida received 17% of the households, 20% of the capital flight and 37% of the charitable capacity that left New Jersey. Lawmakers in New Jersey also did away with income tax deductions for charitable giving. Who does this ultimately hurt? Charities, local communities and state revenue coffers. John Havens of the Center on Wealth and Philanthropy says, "This study is important because it is the first time we have captured the movement of household wealth from one part of the country to another ... The migration of wealth out of New Jersey is substantial and significant."

Obama floats are all the rage at the Carnival in Rio! You won't see these in the Rose Bowl Parade ... even with flowers.

Seems that Arnold is getting fed up with watermelon eco-radicals.

Joe Biden versus Dick Cheney on terrorism and national security.

Crony capitalism is in full swing under the Obama administration.

From the incomparable George Will: Only two things are infinite -- the expanding universe and Democrats' hostility to the District of Columbia's school choice program.

Harry Reid pulling the bipartisan jobs bill just hours after it was announced is a sign of how rattled the Democrats truly are.

A recent survey by the U.N. International Health Organization shows that the United States has the best healthcare in the world.

The Obama administration says that it will post its proposal for a legislative overhaul online before the February 25th meeting on healthcare.

Senate Republican Whip Jon Kyl says that Democrats have already decided how they are going to get healthcare reform through Congress.

Here's what a little bit of bullying from the Obama administration can accomplish.

Take a look at the lengths that the mainstream media will go to just to try and prove that Obama's massive stimulus plan is working (even though it hasn't).

The former CEO of Air America says that progressive talk radio failed because of the "Darwinian world" of market forces.

Great Britain is entertaining the idea of raising its VAT to 20%.

Sometimes in politics, you just have to give the opposition the middle finger. At least that's how they do it in Canada.

Barack Obama's current Twitterer is connected to Not surprised.

Apparently government school teachers also have no sense of humor whatsoever.
A recent survey by the U.N. International Health Organization shows that the United States has the best healthcare in the world
There's no such thing as the "U.N. International Health Organization", and the WHO has published nothing of the sort recently as either an article or just looking through their publicly accessible database. I think the blog author just got taken.

I would also be skeptical of anything supposedly coming form IBD. These are the guys who claimed in an editorial that the U.K.'s health system would have allowed Stephen Hawking to die, ignoring the fact that not only was he born there, he's lived there for his entire life, was treated for his condition there, and is not dead.
Well, I think what he meant to get at is that they would've let Hawking die if not for the fact that he's famous.
Except that is, you know, pure conjecture with no basis in fact. Symptoms of the disease started showing when he was 21, well before he was "famous". I think that is what TeKeo was getting at.
Well, I think what he meant to get at is that they would've let Hawking die if not for the fact that he's famous.
Except that is, you know, pure conjecture with no basis in fact. Symptoms of the disease started showing when he was 21, well before he was "famous". I think that is what TeKeo was getting at.[/QUOTE]

Exactly. I'm under no obligation to give the benefit of the doubt for a self-described "research periodical" incapable of doing a Google search or even just looking a Wikipedia page.

At least when GB posts links from Cato or the Heritage Foundation, they do their own research and post links and documentation. You can argue methodology, bias, conclusions, etc, but they don't make random shit up to avoid thinking critically.


Staff member
Sorry for the gap yesterday... Work. Usual excuse.

John Stossel pointed out this quote from a union official in New York. It really highlights the essence of union mentality, particularly the ever-growing government union mentality.
Albany Police Officers Union President Chris Mesley says that, regardless of the faltering economy, a no-raise new contract is unacceptable. And to hell with the public. \"I'm not running a popularity contest here,\" Mesley said. \"If I'm the bad guy to the average citizen . . . and their taxes have go up to cover my raise, I'm very sorry about that, but I have to look out for myself and my membership. \" Mesley added: \"As the president of the local, I will not accept 'zeroes.' If that means . . . ticking off some taxpayers, then so be it.\"
This is not good news for our financial situation in this country ... foreign demand for U.S. Treasury securities is dropping.

The Obama administration is about to lose the union support for healthcare reform.

Thomas Sowell has a message for you: Politicians are taking away your freedom.

Barack Obama is on a tour to try and convince America that his $787 billion stimulus plan actually worked.

The Obama administration predicts to add approximately 95,000 jobs per month through the end of the year. Now what if that prediction had been made during the Bush years?

Retiring Senator Evan Bayh says " ... if I could create one job in the private sector by helping to grow a business, that would be one more than Congress has created in the last six months."

Only a third of American voters think that most members of Congress deserve to be re-elected this year. Now we will see if the people actually follow through. My guess is that they won't. Everybody always seems to think "all politicians suck, except my guy, he's ok."

ConocoPhillips, BP and Caterpillar have dropped their support for a cap-and-trade alliance.

McCain is going to unveil 10 promises from the GOP that it would seek to enact if it takes back control in Congress.

More global warming fallout. A statistical analysis of the raw data shows that the claims that global hurricane activity has increased cannot be supported.

Hillary Clinton says that Iran "is moving toward a military dictatorship." Really glad Obama's strategy has worked. Iran will get its nuclear weapon; it is just a matter of when. Saudi Arabia says that our sanctions aren't going to make a darn difference when it comes to Iran securing a nuclear weapon.

The newly confirmed head of the Corporation for National and Community Service has quite a history with ... ACORN?

Take a look at the rising cost of the federal food stamp program.

Akron-based Summa Health Systems says that it will not hire employees who are smokers.

Here's a fun little tidbit: More Americans believe that the federal government had something to do with 9/11 than believe that Obama's stimulus created jobs.

So where exactly are taxpayers moving to? The latest figures from the IRS.

The White House has now changed its timeline AGAIN on the Christmas Day bomber. Now the underwear bomber was read his Miranda Rights nine hours after he was taken into custody, not 50 minutes.

I've been telling you this one for a while, but considering the recent collapse of the global warming movement, it is now gaining credibility: temperatures gathered from weather stations were skewed by their locations near heat-generating equipment.

Nicolas Sarkozy is preparing to tackle the unions head-on in order to address the looming pension problems in France.

A simple lesson from the Cato Institute: government schools cost more and deliver less.

The Obama administration announced plans to help finance the construction of two nuclear reactors.

Much to my surprise (and a lot of other folks), it is the anti-gun lobby that is disappointed with Obama's first year in office.

Now we are starting to get people calling for Al Gore to be stripped of his Nobel Peace Prize. Eh, the thing has already become a joke.

Here's a prime example of the entitlement mentality.


Staff member
Akron-based Summa Health Systems says that it will not hire employees who are smokers.
No offense, but would YOU want to receive health care from a nurse or Doctor you caught lighting up outside the hospital? It's about conveying an image of cleanliness and purity, something that smokers do not... and to be perfectly honest, it's not like a Doctor is going to have a hard time finding a job whether he smokes or not.[/QUOTE]

Actually I support their decision. I post links because I think they will be controversial, not because I disagree with everything. I once worked for a company that had a "no smoking, not even on your own time" policy because it got them cheaper health insurance. Of course, all the smokers in town thought they were nazis, but the employees didn't smell at least.
Akron-based Summa Health Systems says that it will not hire employees who are smokers.
No offense, but would YOU want to receive health care from a nurse or Doctor you caught lighting up outside the hospital? It's about conveying an image of cleanliness and purity, something that smokers do not... and to be perfectly honest, it's not like a Doctor is going to have a hard time finding a job whether he smokes or not.[/QUOTE]

Actually I support their decision. I post links because I think they will be controversial, not because I disagree with everything. I once worked for a company that had a "no smoking, not even on your own time" policy because it got them cheaper health insurance. Of course, all the smokers in town thought they were nazis, but the employees didn't smell at least.[/QUOTE]

The planets must be in alignment again or something... only a celestial event could possibly cause us to agree on something!


Staff member
Akron-based Summa Health Systems says that it will not hire employees who are smokers.
No offense, but would YOU want to receive health care from a nurse or Doctor you caught lighting up outside the hospital? It's about conveying an image of cleanliness and purity, something that smokers do not... and to be perfectly honest, it's not like a Doctor is going to have a hard time finding a job whether he smokes or not.[/QUOTE]

Actually I support their decision. I post links because I think they will be controversial, not because I disagree with everything. I once worked for a company that had a "no smoking, not even on your own time" policy because it got them cheaper health insurance. Of course, all the smokers in town thought they were nazis, but the employees didn't smell at least.[/QUOTE]

The planets must be in alignment again or something... only a celestial event could possibly cause us to agree on something![/QUOTE]

That a company can decide for itself who to hire and why, so long as it doesn't violate what the constitution has to say about discrimination, is a very Libertarian ideal.


Staff member
I'm not saying I'm back full time yet, but I have a minute to post a few links today...

Barack Obama has been touting this fact, and he did it again yesterday during his speech in Missouri, that if you pass healthcare reform the cost for families currently receiving coverage would go down by "14% to 20%." If you believe this line of BS, you are truly drinking the Obama Kool-Aid. Even Dick Durbin knows that this "fact" is not true. An analysis of the Senate healthcare bill by the CBO - the plan Obama wants the house to pass -- found that healthcare premiums would actually RISE by $2,300.

Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius was out there yesterday doing her part to push Obamacare. She made a speech to America's Health Insurance Plans where she told them: "You can choose to take the millions of dollars you have stored away for your next round of ads to kill meaningful reform, and use them to start giving Americans some relief from their skyrocketing premiums." Kathleen really is getting into the Obama anti-free market swing of things, isn't she? I wonder if she even knows that the average profit margin for the health insurance industry is 2.2%. Prolly not.

Harry Reid promises that he is going to reform the filibuster. Bet he won't be singing that tune when the Democrats are no longer in charge.

Nancy Pelosi has a message for Rahm Emanuel: stop assigning us deadlines.

Have you been following this back-and-forth between the White House and Justice John Roberts of the Supreme Court?

Did you know that two-thirds of the jobs "created or saved" by the stimulus program were in the Department of Education?

The House Appropriations Committee announced Wednesday that it will no longer approve earmarks for for-profit companies.

The government spent $71,433 doing what??

What do you think ... should low-income drivers caught driving drunk or without a license may get a break in paying their fines? Texas is considering it ..

Nancy Pelosi truly has to be one of the most brain-dead politicians in Washington. You aren't going to believe what came out of her mouth yesterday during a speech she delivered for the National Association of Counties. She is talking about Congress passing healthcare reform and she says ...

"We have to pass the bill, so you can find out what is in it." Uh, isn't that supposed to happen the OTHER way around?

Reason Magazine documents the president's habit of telling untruths.

California's climate change policies are leading to ... job losses? Ya don't say.

he Senate voted unanimously to create a running tally on the secretary of the Senate's website of any new mandatory spending that isn't paid for through offsetting spending cuts or tax increases.

The US Department of Education is trying to purchase ... shotguns?

Who warned of the impending freddie/fannie crisis, and who said "STFU it's FINE!" ? Let's hear it in their own words:

Congressman Mike Rogers sums up the health care thing succinctly -

The US Department of Education is trying to purchase ... shotguns?
I think it's to supply security guards in some high risk schools. Most police departments can't afford to keep an officer on school grounds all the time, so some districts are forced to hire security guards to protect the school grounds and break up fights. Since it's legal to own most long arms without a permit, I assume the schools are getting shotguns because it's simpler than getting permits for everyone.

That or they are trying to set up a Skeet shooting team. *shrug*


Staff member
The US Department of Education is trying to purchase ... shotguns?
I think it's to supply security guards in some high risk schools. Most police departments can't afford to keep an officer on school grounds all the time, so some districts are forced to hire security guards to protect the school grounds and break up fights. Since it's legal to own most long arms without a permit, I assume the schools are getting shotguns because it's simpler than getting permits for everyone.

That or they are trying to set up a Skeet shooting team. *shrug*
Thing is, isn't that a *local* issue? It's not a particular school district that is buying these, it's the US Federal Department of Education.
The US Department of Education is trying to purchase ... shotguns?
I think it's to supply security guards in some high risk schools. Most police departments can't afford to keep an officer on school grounds all the time, so some districts are forced to hire security guards to protect the school grounds and break up fights. Since it's legal to own most long arms without a permit, I assume the schools are getting shotguns because it's simpler than getting permits for everyone.

That or they are trying to set up a Skeet shooting team. *shrug*
Thing is, isn't that a *local* issue? It's not a particular school district that is buying these, it's the US Federal Department of Education.[/QUOTE]

Good point. Maybe they have been getting threats and they want to make a show of force at their headquarters?


Staff member
The US Department of Education is trying to purchase ... shotguns?
I think it's to supply security guards in some high risk schools. Most police departments can't afford to keep an officer on school grounds all the time, so some districts are forced to hire security guards to protect the school grounds and break up fights. Since it's legal to own most long arms without a permit, I assume the schools are getting shotguns because it's simpler than getting permits for everyone.

That or they are trying to set up a Skeet shooting team. *shrug*
Thing is, isn't that a *local* issue? It's not a particular school district that is buying these, it's the US Federal Department of Education.[/QUOTE]

Good point. Maybe they have been getting threats and they want to make a show of force at their headquarters?[/QUOTE]

I suppose... but wouldn't it just be easier to requisition troops from the DOD? I mean, it is the federal government after all, and if each department is going to start stocking it's own army, why have a DOD?