Gas Bandit's Political Thread V: The Vampire Likes Bats


Kitty Sinatra

Huh. Canada's right leaning party was called the Progressive Conservative Party. However, in a recent flash of honesty, they dropped the "progressive" bit. They still haven't dropped the Conservative part even though they really oughtta since they aren't that, either.

I also rather doubt they're much of a party. Again, the Liberals had them beat on that, as various Liberal PMs have hung out with the likes of John Lennon and Bono.

So in conclusion: Every word of the Progressive Conservative Party's name is a complete lie.

Not that anyone in this thread cares one bit about Canadian politics.
Huh. Canada's right leaning party was called the Progressive Conservative Party. However, in a recent flash of honesty, they dropped the "progressive" bit. They still haven't dropped the Conservative part even though they really oughtta since they aren't that, either.

I also rather doubt they're much of a party. Again, the Liberals had them beat on that, as various Liberal PMs have hung out with the likes of John Lennon and Bono.

So in conclusion: Every word of the Progressive Conservative Party's name is a complete lie.

Not that anyone in this thread cares one bit about Canadian politics.
I care. I think it's neato.


Staff member
The Cato Institute also took some time to fact check Obama. Even the AP is "ehhh, not so much" on the truthfulness of the State of the Union address.

SEIU president Andy Stern called Joe Lieberman and Ben Nelson "terrorists" for opposing the card check bill.

If government decides to raise taxes, take a look at the result: Nearly three-quarters of Colorado businesses say they would delay planned expansions and more than half would cut worker pay and freeze hiring.

In a vote along party lines, every Senate Democrat voted to raise the debt limit to $14.3 trillion.

John Kerry wants to harness Tea Party "anger" and apply it to climate change legislation. ... Wat? :wtf:

Chris Matthews is trying to back pedal on his comment after the State of the Union address that he "forgot Obama was black tonight."

Polling shows that the next generation of Americans is skeptical of big government AND big business.

Only in the UK .. an employer is told that it can't post an advertisement calling for "reliable" workers because it discriminates against "unreliable" applicants. (Yeah, yeah, dailymail.)

Michelle Bachmann pulls out of Tea Party Convention.

CIA operative that said waterboarding quickly loosened tongues now says he made it all up.

First, it was the dictionary for containing the definition of oral sex. This time, it's The Diary Of A Young Girl for bringing up vaginas.

That guy who told you if you vaccinate your kids you give them autism? Yeah, he's not such a great guy.


Staff member
Polling shows that the next generation of Americans is skeptical of big government AND big business.
Gee... you leave an entire generation of kids to raise themselves while you go out and enjoy yourselves, without first instilling them with an sort of ethical values, and they turn not trusting ANYONE but themselves? Call me shocked. :rolleyes:[/QUOTE]

Something to be said for that. I'm a firm believer that having kids means one parent needs to go full time into parenting.
Polling shows that the next generation of Americans is skeptical of big government AND big business.
Gee... you leave an entire generation of kids to raise themselves while you go out and enjoy yourselves, without first instilling them with an sort of ethical values, and they turn not trusting ANYONE but themselves? Call me shocked. :rolleyes:[/QUOTE]

Something to be said for that. I'm a firm believer that having kids means one parent needs to go full time into parenting.[/QUOTE]

I don't necessarily agree with that, but I do believe that you need to make time in your life for your children, even if it means delaying your career track for a bit to do it. You can't let school, TV, and the Internet raise your children for you... you need to give them a personal element to their life to counteract the outside forces of society.
Polling shows that the next generation of Americans is skeptical of big government AND big business.
Gee... you leave an entire generation of kids to raise themselves while you go out and enjoy yourselves, without first instilling them with an sort of ethical values, and they turn not trusting ANYONE but themselves? Call me shocked. :rolleyes:[/QUOTE]

Something to be said for that. I'm a firm believer that having kids means one parent needs to go full time into parenting.[/QUOTE]

I don't necessarily agree with that, but I do believe that you need to make time in your life for your children, even if it means delaying your career track for a bit to do it. You can't let school, TV, and the Internet raise your children for you... you need to give them a personal element to their life to counteract the outside forces of society.[/QUOTE]

You know, if the "next" generation is skeptical of big government and big business, I can't say that's a bad thing. I think folks should be skeptical of anyone in a position of power. Not paranoid or illogically disruptive, mind, but able to ask informed questions.


Staff member
Now that the Republicans have been successful in Massachusetts, now they are aiming for their next target - Illinois.

What is going on behind the scene with Democrats who are still trying to quietly come to a healthcare compromise?

Suddenly the Obama administration is worried about legality ... when it comes to the college Bowl Championship Series.

Looks like the Obama administration came around. It canceled that $25 million federal contract for work in Afghanistan, which was awarded to a top Democrat campaign contributor without entertaining competitive bids.

Former Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson has a book being released today, which claims that Russia urged China to dump its Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac bonds in 2008 in order to force a US bailout.

Education Secretary Arne Duncan called Hurricane Katrina "the best thing that happened to the education system in New Orleans."

A few reminders for the constitutionally challenged.

Apparently, there's a bit of a brou-ha-ha brewing in Canada about patients getting pelvic exams by rooms full of med students... without their knowledge or consent while they're anesthetized. No, it has nothing to do with socialized medicine. It's rather a different question - what's more important, the privacy of your nethers, or the ability of doctors to learn?


Staff member
Recent Gallup polls show that most states still favor Democratic candidates.

The White House has quietly scrapped its rubric for measuring how many jobs it has "created or saved".

Rep. Carolyn Maloney of New York says that that "Democrats have been considerably more effective at creating private-sector jobs." Is this true?

Trying to stay ahead of Barack Obama and his healthcare dreams and schemes, lawmakers in about half of the states are working on constitutional amendments to ban government health insurance mandates. There's already another thread talking about this in depth.

The Cato Institute explains why Obama can blame Bush all he wants, but his budget is even worse than George Bush's.

Apparently, flying Air Pelosi means you're in for quite a party.
* One CODEL traveling from Washington, DC, through Tel Aviv, Israel to Baghdad, Iraq May 15-20, 2008, “to discuss matters of mutual concern with government leaders” included members of Congress and their spouses and cost $17,931 per hour in aircraft alone. Purchases for the CODEL included: Johnny Walker Red scotch, Grey Goose vodka, E&J brandy, Bailey’s Irish Crème, Maker’s Mark whiskey, Courvoisier cognac, Bacardi Light rum, Jim Beam whiskey, Beefeater gin, Dewars scotch, Bombay Sapphire gin, Jack Daniels whiskey, Corona beer and several bottles of wine.
Did the president of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) violate the Lobbying Disclosure Act with his constant visits to the White House?

Did you ever think the words "political instability" would apply to the United States?

The fun-loving folks at Westboro Baptist Church (you know, the "God Hates ***s" people) decided to go to San Francisco to protest Twitter for some reason. They didn't count on a counter protest. A hilarious protest.

Mayor of Lancaster, CA tells townspeople to vote for daily prayers at city council meetings to "grow a Christian community." Hilarity ensues.
Apparently, flying Air Pelosi means you're in for quite a party.
* One CODEL traveling from Washington, DC, through Tel Aviv, Israel to Baghdad, Iraq May 15-20, 2008, “to discuss matters of mutual concern with government leaders” included members of Congress and their spouses and cost $17,931 per hour in aircraft alone. Purchases for the CODEL included: Johnny Walker Red scotch, Grey Goose vodka, E&J brandy, Bailey’s Irish Crème, Maker’s Mark whiskey, Courvoisier cognac, Bacardi Light rum, Jim Beam whiskey, Beefeater gin, Dewars scotch, Bombay Sapphire gin, Jack Daniels whiskey, Corona beer and several bottles of wine.
Over 17,000 per hour? Thats disgusting. What a waste of taxpayer money. Smurf these jokers.
Apparently, flying Air Pelosi means you're in for quite a party.
* One CODEL traveling from Washington, DC, through Tel Aviv, Israel to Baghdad, Iraq May 15-20, 2008, “to discuss matters of mutual concern with government leaders” included members of Congress and their spouses and cost $17,931 per hour in aircraft alone. Purchases for the CODEL included: Johnny Walker Red scotch, Grey Goose vodka, E&J brandy, Bailey’s Irish Crème, Maker’s Mark whiskey, Courvoisier cognac, Bacardi Light rum, Jim Beam whiskey, Beefeater gin, Dewars scotch, Bombay Sapphire gin, Jack Daniels whiskey, Corona beer and several bottles of wine.
Over 17,000 per hour? Thats disgusting. What a waste of taxpayer money. Smurf these jokers.[/QUOTE]
Hey, they helped stomp out the "Culture of Corruption" that was running through Congress. The Speakers family earned it.


Staff member
A must-read from the Washington Times: The era of big government has returned with a vengeance ...

Will Obama get on board with the growing number of Democrats who think the Bush tax cuts need to be extended? In other words, is Obama ready to be president?

From the "Well Duh" department - a majority of Republicans believe Obama is a socialist.

Here are just a few reasons why taxing the rich won't work.

Harry Reid has stepped up his rhetoric, accusing the GOP of undermining national security. Oh how delicious the irony, Mr. "The War in Iraq is Lost."

Obama admits that he broke his campaign promise by not airing healthcare negotiations on C-SPAN.

The Obama budget wants to increase taxes on oil companies. We will see if that one sticks.

Las Vegas wants Obama to back off. Las Vegas isn't alone.

Fox News has 13 of the top 15 programs on cable news. It is also the only cable news operation that grew in 2009. There's a reason for this. Watched CNN lately?

A conservative civil liberties group is challenging the constitutionality of the recently enacted federal hate crimes law.

This is a great interview with information that every American needs to know about our national debt.

Guaranteed job security for Rahm Emanuel. Thanks Sarah!

The Wall Street Journal argues that the deficit has grown so large and persistent that it is becoming a national security threat.

Yesterday Barack Obama proposed a $30 billion fund to encourage community banks to lend to small businesses.

How many millions of dollars does it take the federal government to weatherize just 47 homes in Texas?

Reason Magazine highlights the growing entitlement class of government bureaucrats.

There's a lesson to be learned here ... New Hampshire has a low unemployment rate primarily because it has zero income taxes, zero sales taxes and few government regulations on businesses.

Here's an exclusive from Fox Business on how federal officials ignored red flags and warnings on an imminent housing collapse.

If you are more of a visual person, here are seven charts worth $1 trillion.

Citizens Against Government Waste has named Barney Frank its official first Porker of the Month for 2010.

The United States ... where healthcare is so bad, even top Canadian officials come here for heart surgery.


Yes, we will fix unemployment by getting rid of the evil taxes and regulations on businesses! Shame on the government for trying to tell them what they can and cannot legally do!
Yes, we will fix unemployment by getting rid of the evil taxes and regulations on businesses! Shame on the government for trying to tell them what they can and cannot legally do!
Umm... the less taxes I pay as someone who runs a business the less I have to charge for my product and the more employees I can have. So... yeah, kind of.
Yes, we will fix unemployment by getting rid of the evil taxes and regulations on businesses! Shame on the government for trying to tell them what they can and cannot legally do!
Umm... the less taxes I pay as someone who runs a business the less I have to charge for my product and the more employees I can have. So... yeah, kind of.[/QUOTE]
Funny, most companies just consider that profit.
Yes, we will fix unemployment by getting rid of the evil taxes and regulations on businesses! Shame on the government for trying to tell them what they can and cannot legally do!
Umm... the less taxes I pay as someone who runs a business the less I have to charge for my product and the more employees I can have. So... yeah, kind of.[/QUOTE]
Funny, most companies just consider that profit.[/QUOTE]

Kind of, you see, for me, as someone who runs a small business, if I make more money? My goal is not to just roll around in it and go wooooo! It's to turn that money into MORE money. How do I do that? I increase production, I run more ads which means the more customers that come in the more people I need to hire. So I make MORE money and I pay MORE people good wages. Crazy idea huh?
Yes, we will fix unemployment by getting rid of the evil taxes and regulations on businesses! Shame on the government for trying to tell them what they can and cannot legally do!
Umm... the less taxes I pay as someone who runs a business the less I have to charge for my product and the more employees I can have. So... yeah, kind of.[/QUOTE]
Funny, most companies just consider that profit.[/QUOTE]

Kind of, you see, for me, as someone who runs a small business, if I make more money? My goal is not to just roll around in it and go wooooo! It's to turn that money into MORE money. How do I do that? I increase production, I run more ads which means the more customers that come in the more people I need to hire. So I make MORE money and I pay MORE people good wages. Crazy idea huh?[/QUOTE]
I think it's a bit more complex than that. Keeping in mind that you, as a small business, have received many compensations already regarding taxes, I was focusing more on larger businesses.

I was thinking more like this. Deregulation hasn't helped improve the situation, even though we've faced a ton of it since the early 80's.


Staff member
I think it's a bit more complex than that. Keeping in mind that you, as a small business, have received many compensations already regarding taxes, I was focusing more on larger businesses.

I was thinking more like this. Deregulation hasn't helped improve the situation, even though we've faced a ton of it since the early 80's.
There's a number of issues here -
1) that chart doesn't go back far enough, not even to the 80s, much less what was before this rampant deregulation supposedly ruined everything
2) who is "ABS?" Antilock braking systems? American Bureau of Shipping? Wha?
3) The chart doesn't say where its markers were for what constitutes a low, middle or high income household.
4) The chart is being used in a way that ignores income mobility - that is, it doesn't indicate how many households moved up to the next bracket, which had been happening a whole lot before our latest crash.

So really, that chart provides no useful information to show anything at all, in its own context, much less show harm done by deregulation.

---------- Post added at 01:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:10 PM ----------

The United States ... where healthcare is so bad, even top Canadian officials come here for heart surgery.
Quality was never the issue Gas and you know it. It was always a question of affordability.[/QUOTE]

The issue was also what happens to the quality of the American system as statists try to force it closer to the Canadian model.


If you are more of a visual person, here are seven charts worth $1 trillion.
Gas, I love keeping up on your threads. Even if I don't agree with your political viewpoints or the factual accuracy of more than half of your sources, the comments on the articles you post are almost always hilarious. That one is a perfect mix of "Those Dems are intentionally destroying America", "Obama is the anti-Christ", and "that graph looks like the WT towers".

Some nut on the interbutt said:
“And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.” – Revelation 6:3, 4 (King James version, which I don’t like)

Anyway, red besides the clear communist association typically parallels with blood, rage, war.. etc.

Whereas blue – lapis lazuli in old Egypt was symbolic for heaven – generally evokes a sense of youth, spirituality (earthen), truth, peace.

My theory – Democrats probably historically grasped blue because of their stronger emotional tie to domestic programming; Republicans to the red for their intellectual understanding for the need for national defense and a strong international presence. Today’s Newpublicervatives probably are trying to rightfully shed their public ‘red’ to today’s Communist Libnuts.


Staff member
Finally, after weeks of poking, prodding and questioning, Eric Holder admits that he is the one who made the decision to read the Underwear Bomber his Miranda rights. Here's what he had to say in his own words:
I made the decision to charge Mr. Abdulmutallab with federal crimes, and to seek his detention in connection with those charges, with the knowledge of, and with no objection from, all other relevant departments of the government.
Hmm that's a bit odd. Eric Holder says that "all other relevant departments" agreed to this decision "with no objection." But on January 20th, the Senate Judiciary Committee held a little hearing on this. Senator Jeff Sessions asked during the hearing who in the "upper echelons" were involved in the decision to Mirandize. FBI Director Robert Mueller testified that he was not consulted. Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair testified that he was not consulted. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano testified that she was not consulted (fat lot of good it would have done, though, granted). National Counterterrorism Center Director Michael Leiter testified that he was not consulted. So if none of these directors and their departments were considered "relevant" enough to consult ... who exactly DID Eric Holder consult before making this decision? I can think of only one other person .. and that would be the individual responsible for putting this mistake at the head of the Justice Department ... none other than The Community Organizer himself. Would you like a taste of the intelligence just oozing out of Holder's persona? Well, take this and ponder for a while:
There is no court-approved system currently in place in which suspected terrorists captured inside the United States can be detained and held without access to an attorney; nor is there any known mechanism to persuade an uncooperative individual to talk to the government that has been proven more effective than the criminal justice system.
I read more brilliant material this morning on the back of my Cap'n Crunch box.

Here's a prime example of why Americans don't support the Democrat healthcare efforts. A Wall Street Journal article points out that the Senate version of the Democrat healthcare bill would raise the effective marginal tax rates for lower and middle-income Americans up to 41% on each additional dollar.

Turns out that Scott Brown is going to be sworn in today. There were some very important votes that he didn't want to miss.

The US is going to release a revision to employment data and it is expected that we may lose 824,000 more jobs.

Liberals often cite one of Obama's biggest accomplishments as ridding his administration of lobbyists. But is that true? I'll give you a hint: no.

Where does the Constitution authorize Congress to force individuals to buy health insurance? The answer is that it doesn't. But members of Congress have a different idea.

John Coleman, founder of the Weather Channel, has produced a documentary on the other side of global warming.

Which states do you think are the most liberal? How about the most conservative?

This is the way that Russia handles politicians who are critical Vladimir Putin.
Liberals often cite one of Obama's biggest accomplishments as ridding his administration of lobbyists. But is that true? I'll give you a hint: no.

Who cites that? Rachel Maddow has been calling that false since the first lobbyist got hired on.

Edit: Removed Espy from the quote since I wasn't really replying to him.[/QUOTE]

Don't you dare remove me! :p[/QUOTE]
heh, I just wanted to keep the post relevant and not cause confusion. You know, basic communication etiquette. :)