Gas Bandit's Political Thread V: The Vampire Likes Bats


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Time to start up the machinery again... here we go!

Did you know that Obama's deficit reduction panel is prohibited from recommending cuts in any discretionary spending?

You know things are bad when ... Democrats facing tough reelection campaigns are asking Congress and Barack Obama to extend the Bush tax cuts.

Despite Obama's failings, recent polls show that he is still the most trusted politician to solve the nation's problems.

Arlen Specter tells Michelle Bachmann to "act like a lady."

Did you hear what our Director of National Intelligence had to say about the failings of the intelligence community on Christmas Day?

As we get closer to elections in November, this article says that terrorism will become more important.

When it comes to these elections in November, which seats could be a tossup for a Republican gain?

The UN panel on global warming was just slightly off on its prediction of Himalayan glaciers melting. Yeah they were off by about three centuries.

It looks the UN has abandoned its timetable for global corporation on climate change.

A Muslim security guard working at the FBI headquarters in Manhattan is filing a lawsuit because he says he is discriminated against because of his beard.

Yesterday was apparently the self-imposed deadline for the Obama administration is close Guantanamo Bay. There were protests in Washington yesterday with one protestor saying "that the United States applies the laws to some, but is hypocritical when it comes to others."

John McCain's wife and daughter pose for a campaign supporting gay marriage in California.

TSA agent thought it would be funny to plant fake drugs on a traveler.
Arlen Specter tells Michelle Bachmann to \"act like a lady.\"
:facepalm: I'd be perfectly fine if they both just left public life entirely.

A Muslim security guard working at the FBI headquarters in Manhattan is filing a lawsuit because he says he is discriminated against because of his beard.
He needs a "beard-pass" from his imam on a regulary basis? WTH?!

John McCain's wife and daughter pose for a campaign supporting gay marriage in California.
Good for them. Even better that it will freak out the social conservatives.

TSA agent thought it would be funny to plant fake drugs on a traveler.
This guy should be fucking a 747.


Staff member
Over the weekend, Obama endorsed legislation to create an independent commission with the power to force Congress to vote on major deficit reduction steps this year ... but after the November elections. Of course.

White House senior adviser Valerie Jarrett says that "we turned the economy around." Heckuva job there Val.

Despite the economy and political setbacks, Obama has vowed to continue with his expansive domestic agenda including healthcare reform.

Osama bin Laden claims responsibility for the Underwear Bomber attack on Christmas Day.

Gallup polls show that the people agree with the Supreme Court decision ... people apparently believe campaign money is "free speech." See the other thread for an already ongoing discussion.

Another poll shows that a majority of Americans oppose the economic stimulus program.

After all these years, the ACLU may change its opinion on freedom of speech when it comes to political campaigns.

Watch Barney Frank do flip flops on how he feels about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac oversight.

If you want to understand why California is on the brink of collapse, look no further than government employee unions.

Hugo Chavez is making headway when it comes to his control of the media in Venezuela.

The UN global warming hoax continues to unravel.

A bookstore with an English-only policy has some boxers in a bunch over "immigrant rights."
The IPCC’s 2007 report, which won it the Nobel Peace Prize, said that the probability of Himalayan glaciers “disappearing by the year 2035 and perhaps sooner is very high”.

But it emerged last week that the forecast was based not on a consensus among climate change experts, but on a media interview with a single Indian glaciologist in 1999.

The IPCC admitted on Thursday that the prediction was “poorly substantiated” in the latest of a series of blows to the panel’s credibility.

But Syed Hasnain, the Indian glaciologist erroneously quoted as making the 2035 prediction, said that responsibility had to lie with them. “It is the lead authors — blame goes to them,” he told The Times. “There are many mistakes in it. It is a very poorly made report.”

He and other leading glaciologists pointed out at least five glaring errors in the relevant section.
Thats pretty damning, not in a "global warming isn't happening way" (I'm not interested in that discussion again), but rather in a, Hey the UN's panel on this, you know the one who won a Nobel prize? They lied and made up stuff. Thats not terribly cool.
my undying faith in science died the day that my lab managers projects were rejected for being bad science. Instead of revising his experiments, he founded his own "scientific" journal...
Isn't that what happens in religion too? If your beliefs don't match up with a certain major sect, you go and found your own sect and hope people join up!


Staff member
my undying faith in science died the day that my lab managers projects were rejected for being bad science. Instead of revising his experiments, he founded his own "scientific" journal...
Isn't that what happens in religion too? If your beliefs don't match up with a certain major sect, you go and found your own sect and hope people join up![/QUOTE]




Staff member
The Tea Party Convention in Nashville next month is drawing criticism from some conservatives over media access, financing and its for profit status. What do you think? Is this much ado about nothing? Or does it sound "scammy" as this Red State blogger suggests.

Obama announced a plan yesterday to double the child care tax credit for families ... earning under $85,000. He also wants the government to create a system for automatic workplace IRAs.

In Obama's State of the Union address this week, he is going to try and re-connect with middle class voters. Experts are calling it his "feel your pain" moment.

Here's a great article from the Cato Institute on how ignoring overspending by our imperial federal government is costing us jobs.

The Economist on the backlash against big government.

Someone has managed to turn the issue of healthcare reform into a battle of the sexes.

Nancy Pelosi blames the Congress' inability to get anything done on the unemployment rate.

The Media Research Center has a list of all the stories that the lamestream media deliberately failed to cover on Barack Obama.

David Boaz of the Cato Institute asks: How many Libertarian voters are there?

Problems with temperature measuring stations are slowly coming to light.

Dictionaries have been removed from classrooms in southern California government schools after a parent complained about a child reading the definition for "oral sex."

Any time a leftist yells "astroturf!" about a Tea Party, just point him over here.
Um, no. More like signal to noise. Newsbusters is all noise. It would do me no good to send people to a site designed specifically to ignore anything that doesn't support their ideology, which borders on religion.

I wouldn't send people to FireDogLake, either.
Considering the topic of the Newsbusters article Gas linked to I find Krisken's reaction hilarious. You know, more than normal.


Staff member
Also, some of your links seem to be messed up.
Which ones? I just rechecked them, and the only one that didn't open was the guardian's story about the banned dictionary, but that's a problem on their end, not with the link. All the others seem to open.

One thing though, I've noticed that links inside quotes don't work, unfortunately.


Yeah I can't take anything someone who refers to the government as "imperial" says seriously.


Yeah I can't take anything someone who refers to the government as "imperial" says seriously.
When critics from both the left and right accuse a government of imperialism, maybe there's something to it.[/QUOTE]

Extremists tend to hold similar perspectives, no matter which direction they're coming from. Oh, and don't they just loathe that? :biggrin:
Considering the topic of the Newsbusters article Gas linked to I find Krisken's reaction hilarious. You know, more than normal.
Awwwww. I didn't know you cared so much! I feel a little bad for discounting what you repeat hearing from Gasbandit all the time. I'll make the effort to at least give a chuckle, just for you. :eek:hwell:
Considering the topic of the Newsbusters article Gas linked to I find Krisken's reaction hilarious. You know, more than normal.
Awwwww. I didn't know you cared so much! I feel a little bad for discounting what you repeat hearing from Gasbandit all the time. I'll make the effort to at least give a chuckle, just for you. :eek:hwell:[/QUOTE]

I appreciate your effort. However I must correct you on a matter. I copy and paste what I read from GasBandit and repeat what I hear from Rush Limbaugh :eyebrows:


Staff member
Just another one of those "Americans too stupid to be allowed to vote" videos.

World Social Forum activists cheer against capitalism and corporate greed. They want to create a system based on "social and environmental justice."

The card check bill is dead? I'll believe it when I see it.

Hey, remember James O'Keefe? He took part in the undercover sting that burned ACORN last year. Well, he was arrested trying to wiretap a Senator's phone. Whoops!

From other thread - What kind of effect will this proposed spending freeze have on our government spending? Reason Magazine says it would save at max a whopping $15 billion in fiscal year 2011.

Meanwhile, the CBO says that the US is on an unsustainable financial path and it cannot be dealt with with minor tinkering.

What's the latest on the Democrat effort to pass healthcare reform?

Barack Obama says that he wants to turn the tide on job creation by focusing on green jobs. Too bad that "green jobs" in the wind-energy industry were lost last year, despite receiving federal stimulus funds.

How's this for change you can believe in? The Obama administration awarded a $25 million federal contract to a company owned by a prominent Democrat campaign contributor .. without entertaining competitive bids.

I guess this is what they mean by the "Chicago way."

Republicans are starting to call out Obama and Democrats for fighting a "phony war on Wall Street."

A record number of young Americans are unemployed. Could it have anything to do with the increase in the minimum wage? Just a question.

New polling shows that Fox is the most trusted television news network in the country. I can just hear heads exploding.. heads that smell like patchouli :twisted:

Do you feel safer with Janet "the system worked" Napolitano in charge?

You'll need this tonight if you choose to watch: State of the Union Drinking Game.

Alabama politics seems to play out like a bad movie. Or maybe bad movies are just based on Alabama politics.
A record number of young Americans are unemployed. Could it have anything to do with the increase in the minimum wage? Just a question.
It's entirely more likely that the uncertainty of the Job Market has resulted in less turn over in the service industry, as well as fewer people being able to move onto better paying jobs (ones where minimum wage isn't an issue) who are filling positions that said young people would normally apply for. I'm sure that the influx of people who lost their former jobs due to the recession aren't helping things ether.

GasBandit said:
New polling shows that Fox is the most trusted television news network in the country. I can just hear heads exploding.. heads that smell like patchouli :twisted:
No, what you smell is the scent of professional journalism decaying in the corner. Or the stench of Pundit Based Programing.... I can never tell the difference.
I said solely.

Honestly the media organizations are doing nothing to help themselves. Sitting on stories and the elitist attitude that only they are capable of giving information to people does little to get people tuned in.
A record number of young Americans are unemployed. Could it have anything to do with the increase in the minimum wage? Just a question.
It's entirely more likely that the uncertainty of the Job Market has resulted in less turn over in the service industry, as well as fewer people being able to move onto better paying jobs (ones where minimum wage isn't an issue) who are filling positions that said young people would normally apply for. I'm sure that the influx of people who lost their former jobs due to the recession aren't helping things ether.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I read an article on this which basically said that adults are filling a lot of the jobs normally taken by teenagers.


Staff member
Jonah Goldberg has pinpointed Obama's answer for America: More of Obama.

I'm not sure this is correct, but if it is, this is not a good thing (except if you are in love with big government) ... supposedly there have been zero new jobs created in the private sector in the last 11 years.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy says that we need to fundamentally rethink capitalism.

Here are $1.5 trillion ways to cut the budget deficit.

The price tag of the economic stimulus bill has risen to $862 billion because the government is paying more than expected on unemployment benefits.

The Securities and Exchange Commission has voted to encourage companies to disclose the effects of climate change on their business.

Rep. Paul Ryan has reintroduced the GOP version of healthcare reform. Here are more details from the Wall Street Journal on the Republican plan.

This UK columnist says that Barack Obama is in denial.

It is not an economic stimulus bill, it is a jobs bill. Got it?

Progressives are upset with Rahm Emanuel because he has failed to deliver on any of their agenda.

This is your final tab for Congress' little trip to Copenhagen for the global warming conference.

Things are good right now ... if you work for the government.

Here's a guide to deciphering Obama-speak.


Staff member
"Progressives"... heh.
I suppose any label could be put there with a chuckle.[/QUOTE]

(obligatory)Funny though, how Liberals take it as an insult when they are labeled such and try to hide behind alternate nomenclature with exactly the same definition, while conservatives wear their label like a badge of honor, and even those who aren't particularly conservative still try to claim it to bolster themselves.(/obligatory)

Personally, I think "progressive" is a silly label, but that's what the article titles itself, so I went with it.
"Progressives"... heh.
I suppose any label could be put there with a chuckle.[/QUOTE]

(obligatory)Funny though, how Liberals take it as an insult when they are labeled such and try to hide behind alternate nomenclature with exactly the same definition, while conservatives wear their label like a badge of honor, and even those who aren't particularly conservative still try to claim it to bolster themselves.(/obligatory)

Personally, I think "progressive" is a silly label, but that's what the article titles itself, so I went with it.[/QUOTE]
I wasn't quoting it for the word itself. Mostly for the chuckle. I have no problem with what "Progressive", "Conservative", and "Liberal" are meant to imply.
Actually I only find one of those three funny. Progressive is the silliest (not to mention inanely passive aggressive) political ideology nomenclature next to "Tea Partyer". I suppose it's merely the evolution of our passive aggressive, dumbed down bumper sticker politics so whatareyagonnadobutlaugh?