Gas Bandit's Political Thread V: The Vampire Likes Bats

Political correctness here in America manages to get a KFC commercial banned from the air in Australia? You be the judge .. is this racist?
This is an interesting case. That commercial is racist... if it were shown in America. Without the history behind the "Black people love fried chicken" stereotype, that commercial is harmless. Australia doesn't have that same racist history. As always, context is king.
Obama's director of the U.S. National Counterterrorism Center remained on his ski vacation after being alerted of the failed terrorist attack on Christmas Day. And Dubya got shredded for years for finishing reading \"the pet goat\" to children.
Are you honestly comparing the failure of the then Commander in Chief to respond to what was without a doubt the single most devastating attack on the US since Pearl Harbor to an Official enjoying his vacation when an attack is not only detected, but stopped before it could happen? You know what Gas? I envy you... I'd love to live in your world, where the grass is blue and the sky is purple and where lemonade springs forth from ever water fountain! Because only in Bizarro Land would you think someone wasn't doing their job when EVERYTHING GOES ACCORDING TO PLAN.

Political correctness here in America manages to get a KFC commercial banned from the air in Australia? You be the judge .. is this racist?
This is an interesting case. That commercial is racist... if it were shown in America. Without the history behind the "Black people love fried chicken" stereotype, that commercial is harmless. Australia doesn't have that same racist history. As always, context is king.[/QUOTE]

Basically this. Had it happened in the US, I'd imagine it'd be pretty damning, but I honestly don't know if Australia has the same stereotype.
Political correctness here in America manages to get a KFC commercial banned from the air in Australia? You be the judge .. is this racist?
This is an interesting case. That commercial is racist... if it were shown in America. Without the history behind the "Black people love fried chicken" stereotype, that commercial is harmless. Australia doesn't have that same racist history. As always, context is king.[/QUOTE]


I mean of all the retarded stereotypes... was this some sort of subversive thing, or was chicken eaten mostly by poor, or what?
Political correctness here in America manages to get a KFC commercial banned from the air in Australia? You be the judge .. is this racist?
This is an interesting case. That commercial is racist... if it were shown in America. Without the history behind the "Black people love fried chicken" stereotype, that commercial is harmless. Australia doesn't have that same racist history. As always, context is king.[/QUOTE]


I mean of all the retarded stereotypes... was this some sort of subversive thing, or was chicken eaten mostly by poor, or what?[/QUOTE]

I honestly couldn't explain the history. All I know is that usually fried chicken is seen as "simple-minded" for whatever reason, and therefore saying "black people like fried chicken" is roughly equal to saying "black people are too dumb to have any good taste." Which, as you pointed out, doesn't make sense since almost everyone likes fried chicken.
Well the thing about poor people came to me because i saw A Christmas Carol recently and they had the whole turkey vs chicken thing... i for one wouldn't complain either way... that's some good eating.
Obama's director of the U.S. National Counterterrorism Center remained on his ski vacation after being alerted of the failed terrorist attack on Christmas Day. And Dubya got shredded for years for finishing reading \"the pet goat\" to children.
Are you honestly comparing the failure of the then Commander in Chief to respond to what was without a doubt the single most devastating attack on the US since Pearl Harbor to an Official enjoying his vacation when an attack is not only detected, but stopped before it could happen? You know what Gas? I envy you... I'd love to live in your world, where the grass is blue and the sky is purple and where lemonade springs forth from ever water fountain! Because only in Bizarro Land would you think someone wasn't doing their job when EVERYTHING GOES ACCORDING TO PLAN.
Yea Gas how can you be so ignorant. These situations are completely different. If Bush had rushed out of the room to immediately to take action the buildings might never have collapsed. Or something.
Yea Gas how can you be so ignorant. These situations are completely different. If Bush had rushed out of the room to immediately to take action the buildings might never have collapsed. Or something.
Of course not, but I can't imagine anyone putting the 2 events on the same level with a straight face.

Kitty Sinatra

As I understand it, this is a rough explanation:

In the past "Blacks eat fried chicken and watermelon" would have simply been a stereotype along the lines of the more recent "asians are bad drivers" shit. But the stereotype was used in what were also consistently denigrating images or portrayals of blacks at the time. So now, "Blacks eat fried chicken and watermelon" symbolizes the brutal racism of the past; use it, and you're condoning that past racism.

This is not the exact reason, but it's close enough.
Yea Gas how can you be so ignorant. These situations are completely different. If Bush had rushed out of the room to immediately to take action the buildings might never have collapsed. Or something.
Of course not, but I can't imagine anyone putting the 2 events on the same level with a straight face.[/QUOTE]

One was an on-going crisis that needed leadership across all agencies to determine what the hell happened, the other was pretty much done and over with once they caught the idiot. They don't even compare.


Political correctness here in America manages to get a KFC commercial banned from the air in Australia? You be the judge .. is this racist?
This is an interesting case. That commercial is racist... if it were shown in America. Without the history behind the "Black people love fried chicken" stereotype, that commercial is harmless. Australia doesn't have that same racist history. As always, context is king.[/QUOTE]

Correct. They have a different racist history, though that's neither here nor there.


Yea Gas how can you be so ignorant. These situations are completely different. If Bush had rushed out of the room to immediately to take action the buildings might never have collapsed. Or something.
Of course not, but I can't imagine anyone putting the 2 events on the same level with a straight face.[/QUOTE]Not to mention Bush fired all of Clinton's anti-terrorism people.

The same ones that warned of an incoming attack.
Yea Gas how can you be so ignorant. These situations are completely different. If Bush had rushed out of the room to immediately to take action the buildings might never have collapsed. Or something.
Of course not, but I can't imagine anyone putting the 2 events on the same level with a straight face.[/QUOTE]Not to mention Bush fired all of Clinton's anti-terrorism people.

The same ones that warned of an incoming attack.[/QUOTE]
Well yeah! Crony-ism only works if you put the people in who will agree with you. Then they can do a heckuva job.


Staff member
I have a dentist appointment today, and got yet another dumb timewasting project dumped in my lap today that's going to hurt us more than help us as well... but when the company's owner says "As of 1/18/10, we begin hitting my dick with a hammer every morning" well, you just sigh and pick up the hammer.

So here's some links, but my ability to respond will be limited.

On Friday the lawyer for the Crotch Bomber entered a formal not guilty plea. Let me remind you that his indictment did not include the word "Al-Qaeda," along with "Yemen," "jihad," "terrorism, " "Muslim" or "Islam." But as Andrew McCarthy says in his latest column on NRO, "To protect the United States, though, we don't need Abdulmutallab's conviction. We need his information." By treating the Underwear Bomber as a criminal we have essentially lost any chance of getting any valuable information out of him. According to Slade Gorton, a member of the 9/11 Commission, "He was singing like a canary, then we charged him in civilian proceedings, he got a lawyer and shut up."

We take you now to the Berkeley (California, of course) government schools. The Berkeley High Schools has something called a Governance Council. This august council is composed of teachers, parents and students. Now it seems that at BHS there are a quite a lot of minority students - blacks and Hispanics - in Advanced Placement science classes. There's a problem though. BHS has before and after-school science labs. Attendance is voluntary; not required for the course. It seems that the minority students chose not to attend the before and after science labs. That would mean that most of the students in these labs are (gasp!) white! What to do? The Governance Council says "shut them down." That's right ... if only white students make the choice to attend these extra science labs they simply have to be eliminated. We can't have classes "for white students." You can't make this stuff up.

The radical imam who ministered to the Underwear Bomber, the Fort Hood shooter and three 9/11 hijackers was in our custody in 2002 but was released by authorities.

Conservative Libertarianism is making a comeback.

Here's the problem for the Republicans. People want the Democrats OUT! They just aren't sure the GOP could do any better.

How much are we going to pay per job for Obama's green jobs program?

We now have twenty-seven organizations, half of them representing Muslims, that are upset with the new airport screening measures because they are biased.

Tim Geithner is under fire for e-mails suggesting the Federal Reserve Bank of New York pressured the bailedout AIG to conceal information.

George Will explains what is killing California ... liberalism.

We could have mind-reading screening devises in airports soon.

Some of the most eminent climate scientists say that this is the start of a global trend towards cooler weather that is likely to last for 20 or 30 years.

A new study on ethanol studies shows that the federal government's aggressive goals for ethanol production could mean "throwing taxpayer money out the window." Like that is any different than normal?

After devaluing his currency, Hugo Chavez says that he will seize any businesses in his country that try to increase prices.

Government schools in Dayton, Ohio reject federal grant money because they don't want to be subject to accountability standards.

Muslim clerics issue fatwa denouncing what now?


Staff member
Yea Gas how can you be so ignorant. These situations are completely different. If Bush had rushed out of the room to immediately to take action the buildings might never have collapsed. Or something.
Of course not, but I can't imagine anyone putting the 2 events on the same level with a straight face.[/QUOTE]Not to mention Bush fired all of Clinton's anti-terrorism people.

The same ones that warned of an incoming attack.[/QUOTE]
Well yeah! Crony-ism only works if you put the people in who will agree with you. Then they can do a heckuva job.[/QUOTE]

Because Bill Clinton didn't fire nearly every U.S. Attorney. You know, the same guys Bush got raked over the coals for firing 7 of them?

It's normal in the executive office for the new CIC to bring in his own people.

It always astounds me how, when there's so much to criticize him for, people always go for the most brainless attacks they can find on Dubya.
Yea Gas how can you be so ignorant. These situations are completely different. If Bush had rushed out of the room to immediately to take action the buildings might never have collapsed. Or something.
Of course not, but I can't imagine anyone putting the 2 events on the same level with a straight face.[/QUOTE]Not to mention Bush fired all of Clinton's anti-terrorism people.

The same ones that warned of an incoming attack.[/QUOTE]
Well yeah! Crony-ism only works if you put the people in who will agree with you. Then they can do a heckuva job.[/QUOTE]

Because Bill Clinton didn't fire nearly every U.S. Attorney. You know, the same guys Bush got raked over the coals for firing 7 of them?

It's normal in the executive office for the new CIC to bring in his own people.

It always astounds me how, when there's so much to criticize him for, people always go for the most brainless attacks they can find on Dubya.[/QUOTE]
The difference is Bush didn't bring in people who had experience in the areas in which he was hiring them.

You can make all the ad hominem attacks you want, but in the end you're still wrong.


I'm going to keep saying this:

A MIXED SYSTEM OF SOCIALISM AND CAPITALISM WOULD BE BETTER THAN A PURE FORM OF EITHER. Capitalism for all it's good parts has some violently bad dark parts that encourage the rich to more or less exploit the working class like good little wage-slaves if they can get away with it. Those people need a safety net wherein they will not loose their house or food. Hell if we implement something like that, where you didn't need to cling desperately to a job that treated you like a barely sentient robot, why companies may compete more to keep their employees by offering better incentives!
\" By treating the Underwear Bomber as a criminal we have essentially lost any chance of getting any valuable information out of him. According to Slade Gorton, a member of the 9/11 Commission, \"He was singing like a canary, then we charged him in civilian proceedings, he got a lawyer and shut up.\"
Isn't that the whole point of our justice system, to have everyone treated equally under our law? I can get how that can be frustrating in some cases, but that's really no excuse to just circumvent it.
But I think the point a lot of people make is why is a suicide bomber from Yemen given the same rights as an american citizen and then tried on american taxpayer dollars
But I think the point a lot of people make is why is a suicide bomber from Yemen given the same rights as an american citizen and then tried on american taxpayer dollars
Because they are inalienable rights and therefore apply to everyone, whether they were born in the US or not? I do agree it was a boneheaded move to charge him before we got everything we could out of him though.
I'm going to keep saying this:

A MIXED SYSTEM OF SOCIALISM AND CAPITALISM WOULD BE BETTER THAN A PURE FORM OF EITHER. Capitalism for all it's good parts has some violently bad dark parts that encourage the rich to more or less exploit the working class like good little wage-slaves if they can get away with it. Those people need a safety net wherein they will not loose their house or food. Hell if we implement something like that, where you didn't need to cling desperately to a job that treated you like a barely sentient robot, why companies may compete more to keep their employees by offering better incentives!
Exploiting the worker is only a short term gain. Eventually your workers will leave you, and if they have no where else to go the results will become ugly. For long term success it is best to have happy workers who believe in and support the job and the company. The ultimate goal of a company is not to gain a complete monopoly over an industry, but rather to have continuous growth and profits. A monopoly will lead to long term death. As it artificially manipulates the supply and demand. Any artificial change in supply or demand is not good for the economy in the long term.
I'm going to keep saying this:

A MIXED SYSTEM OF SOCIALISM AND CAPITALISM WOULD BE BETTER THAN A PURE FORM OF EITHER. Capitalism for all it's good parts has some violently bad dark parts that encourage the rich to more or less exploit the working class like good little wage-slaves if they can get away with it. Those people need a safety net wherein they will not loose their house or food. Hell if we implement something like that, where you didn't need to cling desperately to a job that treated you like a barely sentient robot, why companies may compete more to keep their employees by offering better incentives!
Exploiting the worker is only a short term gain. Eventually your workers will leave you, and if they have no where else to go the results will become ugly. For long term success it is best to have happy workers who believe in and support the job and the company. The ultimate goal of a company is not to gain a complete monopoly over an industry, but rather to have continuous growth and profits. A monopoly will lead to long term death. As it artificially manipulates the supply and demand. Any artificial change in supply or demand is not good for the economy in the long term.[/QUOTE]
While long term success is the goal of a company, the long term success of a company is not important to the people who are in charge of running those companies. Short term profits (before leaving the job or getting voted out, etc) are what drive stocks, which is what the company really cares about.

The short term gains are always put in a more important position than the long term gains. That is why we have bubbles and cooked books.
I'm going to keep saying this:

A MIXED SYSTEM OF SOCIALISM AND CAPITALISM WOULD BE BETTER THAN A PURE FORM OF EITHER. Capitalism for all it's good parts has some violently bad dark parts that encourage the rich to more or less exploit the working class like good little wage-slaves if they can get away with it. Those people need a safety net wherein they will not loose their house or food. Hell if we implement something like that, where you didn't need to cling desperately to a job that treated you like a barely sentient robot, why companies may compete more to keep their employees by offering better incentives!
Exploiting the worker is only a short term gain. Eventually your workers will leave you, and if they have no where else to go the results will become ugly. For long term success it is best to have happy workers who believe in and support the job and the company. The ultimate goal of a company is not to gain a complete monopoly over an industry, but rather to have continuous growth and profits. A monopoly will lead to long term death. As it artificially manipulates the supply and demand. Any artificial change in supply or demand is not good for the economy in the long term.[/QUOTE]

Covar, there's a time period I'd like you to meet. It's called the Industrial Revolution.

Kitty Sinatra

Covar, you made a weird transition from what's good for a company to what's good for the economy. I really don't think companies - those people who run them - give a shit about the economy, so I'm lost on how you're trying to connect the two.
Actually he made the mistake of thinking the people in charge of a company will pick long term prosperity over short term larger profits. If that was true we wouldn't be in this mess in the first place.


Staff member
The difference is Bush didn't bring in people who had experience in the areas in which he was hiring them.

You can make all the ad hominem attacks you want, but in the end you're still wrong.
Because, as our latest presidential election shows, you have to be experienced to hold important government positions.



Staff member
Probably another day with very little GB, I'm sorry to say. Savor it while it lasts, leftists!

Firstly - Ha ha!

Studies show that the card check bill is a jobs killer - likely increasing the US unemployment rate and decreasing job creation.

There's a study out there which says that stimulus spending on infrastructure has had no effect on local unemployment. It has also had little effect on the construction industry, which has already seen a $75 billion stimulus. You can read details of the study here, but this is the bottom line: Since the stimulus bill was passed almost a year ago, there has been no connection between stimulus money spent and the number of construction workers hired or fired. If you compare counties that received the most stimulus money per capita for road construction, and those that didn't receive any money ... there is no, I repeat, no difference in unemployment trends between the counties.

When it comes to all of this government spending and stimulus and supposed jobs "created or saved" ... the Obama administration has done a really lousy job of keeping track. You will remember months ago when the administration was hit hard for its "interesting" technique of counting stimulus jobs. Well it seems that they have taken that message to heart, and so they changed the way that they are counting jobs as "created or saved." Only, now it may be even worse. ABC's Jake Tapper reports:
In a little-noticed December 18, 2009 memo from Office of Management and Budget director Peter Orszag the Obama administration is changing the way stimulus jobs are counted. The memo, first noted by ProPublica, says that those receiving stimulus funds no longer have to say whether a job has been saved or created ... In other words, if the project is being funded with stimulus dollars - even if the person worked at that company or organization before and will work the same place afterwards - that's a stimulus job.
So .. there you have it. If a company receives any stimulus funds whatsoever - if a worker in that company receives a paycheck contains so much as one dollar of stimulus funds - then that is a job considered to be "created or saved" by the Democrat's stimulus bill. Oh, and there's this going on again too: First we had federal stimulus money being sent to non-existent zip codes in New Mexico. Now it seems that the same thing is happening in North Carolina.

Have you been watching the polls in this Massachusetts Senate race? The election is January 19 vote (just one week from today). Who knew that the Democrats would actually have to worry, so soon, about losing their 60 vote supermajority in the Senate ... and losing it in Massachusetts of all places! But I don't think the bluest-of-blue bastions, Massachusetts, home of the Kennedys, will actually elect someone from any other party. Plus, there's always this story (NSFW) waiting in the wings about the republican nominee...

The Democrats say that they are planning to throw the race card back at Republicans in order to save Harry Reid's career. What does his state's largest newspaper have to say about Harry Reid?

How does Barack Obama plan to close the ever-widening budget deficit? He plans implementing a new tax on financial services companies at the price tag of $1 trillion.

A Saudi preacher wants Arabs to stop flying to the United States in order to protest the new enhanced screening methods.

The labor unions call Obama's current plant to tax Cadillac insurance plans "a toxic issue."

Intelligence estimates show that there are 100 al Qaeda fighters in Afghanistan. There are 300 al Qaeda fighters in Yemen.

Just in case any other man-made global warming skeptics are keeping track... 2009 was colder and wetter.

For those of you who like fun with numbers ... here are the numbers behind Americans' everyday lives. Here's an example: In 2007, nearly two-fifths of all U.S. births were to unmarried women, double the share in 1980.

A former FEMA employee has been charged with stealing $721,000 in Hurricane Katrina relief money (aka. your tax dollars).

The Cato Institute explains why the federal government has a bias toward homeownership and why this isn't necessarily a good thing.

Help Citizens Against Government Waste decide who should be 2009's porker of the year.

Sarah Palin has a new gig as commentator for Fox News Channel.

A libertarian paradise!

If you're going to Photoshop something, you're going to have to do a better job than this.
Don't you just love, that whoever is in power, there's always the comfort of knowing that there is still massive corruption. deceit and plain stealing your tax money that'll never change?
Just in case any other man-made global warming skeptics are keeping track... 2009 was colder and wetter.
Wouldn't that be proof against global warming overall, not the man-made version per se? (ignoring the comparing of one year against an average)

So the people got together and pulled their resources to better themselves... doesn't really sound very rightist (anarchists are libertarian too remember).
Just in case any other man-made global warming skeptics are keeping track... 2009 was colder and wetter.
Wouldn't that be proof against global warming overall, not the man-made version per se? (ignoring the comparing of one year against an average)

It wouldn't be proof anyway, as Global Warming causes weather extremes at both ends of the spectrum. Really, "global warming" is a bit of misnomer, which is why it's called Climate Shift now.
That's what the comment in () is about... and it's not a misnomer as the average temperature over time is the one increasing, the reason why they might want to call it Climate Shift is because people seems to have skipped any classes that dealt with averages while they where in school.
The difference is Bush didn't bring in people who had experience in the areas in which he was hiring them.

You can make all the ad hominem attacks you want, but in the end you're still wrong.
Because, as our latest presidential election shows, you have to be experienced to hold important government positions.

No, poised, confident, intelligent, and at least somewhat knowledgable on the world we live in.

That's ok though, we should vote for the guy who doesn't like to use a computer.


On the idea of a Libertarian majority: That will never happen, much like my dream of a socialist majority. Why? My party has become the refuge for the far-left wackos that are dissatisfied with the Democratic party. Likewise, the Libertarian party has become the refuge of the scary far-right nut-jobs that hole up in mountain compounds and wait for the government to collapse, so they no longer have to play taxes and can play Kingdom. It's as far fetched as hoping a Dominionist party comes to power.

And if you bring Ayn Rand into this again, I will reiterate that she loathed Libertarians with a seething, virulent passion.


Staff member
the Libertarian party has become the refuge of the scary far-right nut-jobs that hole up in mountain compounds and wait for the government to collapse
Because, as we all know, the one sure fire way to avoid governmental collapse is to run up 14 trillion dollars in debt while devaluating your currency and legislating jobs into nonexistance. The stability of our future is assured.

You can laugh if you want, just remember in the years to come, that Gas Bandit predicted the Balkanization of the United States within our lifetime.