Gas Bandit's Political Thread V: The Vampire Likes Bats


Staff member
You know, this guy does have somewhat of a point...

Harry Reid is breaking ranks from Obama, stating that he thinks that the mosque should be built some place else.

Newt Gingrich on Monday compared the mosque planned to go up blocks away from ground zero to Nazis protesting next to the Holocaust museum.

The economist for the US Chamber of Commerce has some pretty harsh words for Obama and the Democrats plans to increase taxes on the evil, filthy, disgusting rich. Martin Regalia said that these tax increases would essentially kill any chances for an economic recovery. To put it more bluntly, "That's what you're suggesting, is a corporate bullet in the head," Regalia said.

Another threat to our economy .. The longer it takes for the economy to recover, the less money the baby boomers have to spend in retirement.

The case went all the way to the Supreme Court, which finally ruled that Taitz must pay the $20,000 fine. The lawsuit was labeled as "frivolous," and Taitz was accused of wasting the court's time. We need a loser-pays system in this country. This needs to happen more often.

The Los Angeles school system recently spent about $3.5 million dollars trying to fire seven incompetent government school teachers. In the end, after all of the challenges from the unions, they only managed to get rid of three of them.

A day in the life of the president reveals that Obama's job would be almost unrecognizable to most of his predecessors--thanks to the enormous bureaucracy, congressional paralysis, systemic corruption and disintegrating media.

Timothy Geitner says that the economy can "withstand" a tax increase on the evil, filthy, disgusting rich.

The latest Rasmussen polls show that with midterm elections less than three months away, nearly two-out-of-three US voters (65%) remain at least somewhat angry at the current policies of the federal government.

Reading stories like this makes you wonder, are we living in the same America as Barack Obama?

Here's how amnesty for illegal aliens will affect your wallet, and this is just a look at Medicaid costs.

Afghan President Hamid Karzai has decided to ban all private security companies from his country. This really hits our military efforts hard.

Read this story about an illegal criminal alien who had been deported from the US. Twice.

Newsbusters points out the hypocrisy of the media when it comes to reporting on presidential vacations.
A day in the life of the president reveals that Obama's job would be almost unrecognizable to most of his predecessors--thanks to the enormous bureaucracy, congressional paralysis, systemic corruption and disintegrating media.
HA! I love how Vanity Fair here bitches about the "the trivialization of the “news” by the media" while plastering the adds right next to this line with shiny screaming ads for LADY GAGA IN THE NEW ISSUE OF VANITY FAIR.:wtf:


Staff member
Thomas Sowell explains why these Washington elitists are so eager to dismantle America.

The Cato Institute did an in-depth study on whether or not large-scale, free-market reforms would improve educational outcomes for American children. I bet you can already guess the results.

More than half of Americans now disapprove of the Community Organizer's performance as President.

Jesse Jackson says that we need to back off Barack Obama.

Is this pre-mature? The Financial Times has declared Obama's Democrat domination to be over.

The Wall Street Journal gives us the truth behind this battery plant that Obama visited the other day in order to tout his green energy jobs platform. Two operative words: "Hemorrhaging money."

Some say that this decision "marks the start of death panels" in the United States.

Q: Will Barack Obama be a one-term president? A: Yes, he might last that long


Some say that this decision "marks the start of death panels" in the United States.
So one advisory panel to the FDA says "this drug might not be as effective as we previously thought" and this means death panels because of baseless speculation. Stop using the Telegraph as a source.


Staff member
So one advisory panel to the FDA says "this drug might not be as effective as we previously thought" and this means death panels because of baseless speculation.
Because a federal agency always completely and truthfully states their reasoning and is beyond questioning, especially when recent legislation passed established controversial "cost effectiveness" measures as part of the review process, concerns for which are now coming to the surface.

Stop using the Telegraph as a source.
Stop thinking you're the first kid to read Marx and think they've got everything figured out for everyone. Tada!

Uh, I know I've posted this before, but...

Wikipedia said:
The Daily Telegraph has been politically conservative in modern times.[23] The personal links between the paper's editors and the leadership of the Conservative Party, along with the paper's influence over Conservative activists, has resulted in the paper commonly being referred to, especially in Private Eye, as the Torygraph.[23] However, in its early years it was associated with William Gladstone and the Liberal party, coining the nickname "the people's William"
Not exactly a history of neutrality, no matter which political leaning they have.


Staff member
Not exactly a history of neutrality, no matter which political leaning they have.
I asked what they got wrong. Bias doesn't always mean uniform factual inaccuracy, not even in the case of CNN and MSNBC. "They're Conservative" isn't exactly up to snuff.
You're right, I got nothing on this, except that particular article is mired in fail. Shame, too, since generally the paper isn't so... weak sauce.

(Hah, bet you didn't think I'd say you were right, didja?)


Staff member
You're right, I got nothing on this, except that particular article is mired in fail. Shame, too, since generally the paper isn't so... weak sauce.

(Hah, bet you didn't think I'd say you were right, didja?)


Staff member
A letter from a Pearl Harbor survivor to President Obama.

Looks like The Community Organizer flunked his Ground Zero test.

Obama says that Social Security "is not in crisis." Funny how quick he is to label other issues as a "crisis" and "never let them go to waste."

This is not good news for our economy .. U.S. bankruptcy filings have reached the highest level since 2005.

Thomas Sowell comments on how this administration has used many different ploys to circumvent the people's right to debate their nation's laws.

The Obama administration has begun bribing people with the promise of getting their medical care and other benefits paid for by other people, so long as those other people can be called "the rich."

Is the mosque issue straining the tea party? Politico seems to think so.

The Justice Department is turning up the heat in its ongoing investigation into alleged civil rights violations by Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Maybe they should use some of that energy on the illegals breaking the law or the sanctuary cities failing to enforce it.

Here's a depressing statistic. The federal government deported less than 3% of the illegal aliens in the United States in 2009.

Is the White House using the stimulus website as a propaganda tool? One Congressman thinks so.

Whistleblowers have long been revered on Capitol Hill, but when it comes to protecting congressional employees who tell on lawmakers, Congress is dragging its feet. Tell me you are not shocked by this.

And of course, Mission Accomplished II: Iraqi Boogaloo. How are we "out of Iraq" when we still have 50,000 troops there? Non-combat my ass. Last I heard, Docseverin was still there.
And of course, Mission Accomplished II: Iraqi Boogaloo. How are we "out of Iraq" when we still have 50,000 troops there? Non-combat my ass. Last I heard, Docseverin was still there.
This one just seems nonsensical. I understand that getting the majority of our forces out is good, but it seems rather early to celebrate the affair as "over". How long did it take us to get those military bases out of Germany, again?

Oh yeah....


The Justice Department is turning up the heat in its ongoing investigation into alleged civil rights violations by Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Maybe they should use some of that energy on the illegals breaking the law or the sanctuary cities failing to enforce it.

Joe Arpaio is a huge fucking scumbag who abuses his position for self-important grandstanding and intimidating political opponents. With his track record it's a miracle the guy hasn't been tossed in jail already.
The Justice Department is turning up the heat in its ongoing investigation into alleged civil rights violations by Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Maybe they should use some of that energy on the illegals breaking the law or the sanctuary cities failing to enforce it.

Joe Arpaio is a huge fucking scumbag who abuses his position for self-important grandstanding and intimidating political opponents. With his track record it's a miracle the guy hasn't been tossed in jail already.[/QUOTE]

I think the position that Gas usually takes on Arpaio is that he's wildly popular in his own community, lawfully elected and actually does the job he says he will do. For some reason, this makes it alright that Arpaio is horribly corrupt and uses Gestapo tactics to ensure his own political agenda is always fulfilled.
I think the position that Gas usually takes on Arpaio is that he's wildly popular in his own community, lawfully elected and actually does the job he says he will do. For some reason, this makes it alright that Arpaio is horribly corrupt and uses Gestapo tactics to ensure his own political agenda is always fulfilled.
Damn it. I'm about to do something I hate doing. Here it goes....

Like Hitler!


Staff member
The Justice Department is turning up the heat in its ongoing investigation into alleged civil rights violations by Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Maybe they should use some of that energy on the illegals breaking the law or the sanctuary cities failing to enforce it.

Joe Arpaio is a huge fucking scumbag who abuses his position for self-important grandstanding and intimidating political opponents. With his track record it's a miracle the guy hasn't been tossed in jail already.[/QUOTE]

Goodness, if he's even half as bad as you allege, then the federal government must be completely impotent if he's still running around free. Free to eat babies and stab kittens, and even worse... make jail unpleasant!

Choose your own ending to this goading:
If Gas Bandit says "And we turned our health care over to these same incompetent boobs?" turn to page 20.
If Gas Bandit says "No wonder the feds can't make a case against all those sanctuary cities which are actively violating federal law, they're completely helpless!" turn to page 45.

---------- Post added at 10:53 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:46 AM ----------

Now we are coming to find that White House dogwashers are "dramatically shifting" their attempts to defend ObamaCare. The promises that ObamaCare would reduce costs and our deficit turned out to be nothing but rhetoric. Now the claim is that ObamaCare will "improve" costs and the deficit. The White House is being instructed not to claim that "the law will reduce costs and deficit." Instead, they are being told to focus on "personal narratives" and promises to change the legislation.

Oh and one other thing .... employees may have to pay more for their healthcare expenses as large businesses make changes to their employee healthcare plans in order to comply with ObamaCare. Didn't see that one coming.

$150,000 in stimulus money used to preserve 'bridge to nowhere'

You think the previous bailouts have been bad .. You ain't seen nothing yet! A $3 trillion bailout of pension plans is on the way.

Uh oh .. Obama was incorrect Wednesday when, speaking in Columbus, Ohio, he credited the economic stimulus with helping to save a local architecture firm's jobs.

Almost half of the states in this country are considering laws very similar to the Arizona immigration law. What will Obama do then?

Not sure what's up with Barney Frank, but he now says that Fannie and Freddie should be abolished. That's quite the 180.


Staff member
Almost half of the states in this country are considering laws very similar to the Arizona immigration law. What will Obama do then?
Repeal them when they are found unconstitutional at Trial, which they very likely will. The popularity of a sentiment has no bearing on the legality of them, Gas. If it did, Jim Crowe would still be in effect.[/QUOTE]

The popularity of a sentiment, however, does determine who gets elected, which then can determine what is legal.
Almost half of the states in this country are considering laws very similar to the Arizona immigration law. What will Obama do then?
Repeal them when they are found unconstitutional at Trial, which they very likely will. The popularity of a sentiment has no bearing on the legality of them, Gas. If it did, Jim Crowe would still be in effect.[/QUOTE]

The popularity of a sentiment, however, does determine who gets elected, which then can determine what is legal.[/QUOTE]

Except we already have a full house of Supreme Court Judges, which are slightly left leaning on Rights issues. They might have a little something to say about is and isn't legal.


Staff member
Is anybody out there just a wee bit concerned about the fact that Iran is now, officially, a nuclear-capable state? Make no mistake - nuclear weapons are on the way. In fact, on the same day that Iran started up its nuclear reactor, it also launched the country's first domestically built long-range unmanned bomber aircraft, calling it an "ambassador of death" to Iran's enemies. Sounds like a country that is out for peace, doesn't it?

The blog Atlas Shrugs has uncovered 13 hours of audio, which they say makes Imam Rauf (of the "Ground Zero Mosque/Community Center") look like a "radical extremist cleric who cloaks himself in sheep's clothing."

Half of the homeowners who enrolled in Obama's mortgage aid program have dropped out because it is nothing but a bureaucratic nightmare.

Hardship withdrawals from 401(k) retirement saving plans rose to the highest level in 10 years.

We should recognize that if the residential mortgage market of the future consists of good quality mortgages, we don't need Fannie and Freddie.

CNN Money has a list of five 'new normals' that really will stick, as we recover from this financial crisis.

Texas taxpayers spent at least $250 million in the past year for medical care and imprisonment of illegal immigrants.

You will not be shocked to hear that the UN is at the helm of a $2.7 billion carbon market scam.

Final thought .. is America becoming the Soviet Union?