Ask Cajungal Anything

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Perhaps I shall join you in your room while you're alone and you can get me up to date on what's been going on around here and I'll get you up to date on somethingelse?


Staff member
I was thinking of doing a bunch of people in one song, because there are a LOT of people I wanna write about. Don't know if I could rattle off that many new tunes.

You're in there, though, Dave. I have plans for you. :p


Staff member
It'll be a frantic, running-and-hiding song whilst she bounces behind me like Pepe le Pew, most likely.


If you could travel to the future (and back) would you rather:

A) Go forward a year and spend a whole week there
B) Go Forward 10 years and have one full day
C) Go Forward 20 years for 12 hours
D) Go Forward 100 years for an hour
E) Go Forward 1000 years for 15 minutes

And explain

Also: Do you think any less of me for posting the same question in two threads?


Staff member
If you could travel to the future (and back) would you rather:

A) Go forward a year and spend a whole week there
B) Go Forward 10 years and have one full day
C) Go Forward 20 years for 12 hours
D) Go Forward 100 years for an hour
E) Go Forward 1000 years for 15 minutes

And explain

Also: Do you think any less of me for posting the same question in two threads?
I'll answer your second question first: No. I do that all the time.

Hmm... well I wouldn't want to go into the future if I might be alive. I'd probably go forward 100 years for an hour. I'll have definitely been dead for a while, so there's no chance of running into myself or anyone I know and confusing people, and it's enough time to have a brief look around and then get back to my old life.
I'd go 100 years in the future, spend 15 minutes finding the nearest computer store, 15 minutes getting there, 29 minutes finding their top of the line model and 1 minute clinging to it in hopes that it comes back with me.

Or a hover car. Really whatever I run into first.
Are you planning on recording a 2nd halforum song? Maybe a birthday song? maaaybe, I don't know, for all of us lovely ones who were born in april?



Staff member
To be honest, I had hoped to write more, but it's not looking great. :( I have some lyrics written, but I haven't been able to connect them or come up with a melody. I'll tell you who I've written about so far, though:

Charliedontsurf, aka The Lovely Boner
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