Marinate My Meat

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Chaz, we're not trying to make you love tender and flavorful meat.

We're just making fun of you for liking well done.
I'm not offended. Why would I be offended for being mocked because I don't eat like a dog?

---------- Post added at 06:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:19 AM ----------

That is the saddest thing ever chaz. you make the steak gods cry.
That's fine, you go on and enjoy your tapeworms.[/QUOTE]

E. coli, and as I said earlier, it lives on the surface. Cook the surface, and you'll be just fine.

Of course, this assumes proper handling through the slaughter, cutting, holding, and preparation steps, but if someone else fucks up your meat, nothing short of incineration will help you out.

Chaz, have you ever HAD steak less than medium well?

---------- Post added at 02:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:21 AM ----------

salt? on steak? Bleh. Well, I shouldn't actually say that as I'm sure the cooks pour prodigious amounts of the crap on my steak when I eat out. But at home? Salt is for the driveway.
Salt=flavor. Unsalted steak tastes like cardboard. Now, if your food tastes like salt, then it's oversalted. If it tastes like FOOD, then it's properly seasoned (salt and pepper.)[/QUOTE]

I've had steak that's been cooked from rare to well done. My opinion is based off this. I just don't like the rubbery, flimsy texture associated with rare to medium rare steaks. I also like my food hot, not lukewarm or cold in the center. If I wanted to eat like a caveman, I'd stalk farms and kill cows with a spear while feasting right there on the spot. Like I said, I'm not offended in the least bit; I always enjoy watching people get snobby over their undercooked food.
I always enjoy watching people get snobby over

No no, you go ahead and enjoy:

You realize that is cooked well done right? :Leyla:

Anywho, my london broil adventure. So Friday night over half my friends canceled on me at the last minute, so I just waited until Saturday to cook. I only made one, marinated it in the morning with some balsamic vinegar, pomegranate juice, light brown sugar, olive oil, and rosemary. Broiled it for 8 minutes a side, and it came out good, right between medium and medium rare. While the meat was resting I took the marinade, poured it into a pan on medium high heat and began making sauce. It only made about a quarter cup but you didn't really need all that much so it worked out nicely. sweet, but with a bit of tang.

The second london broil is still marinating as we speak, I'm going to make it up tomorrow night, hopefully it comes as good.


Staff member
I always order Medium. Less issues that way. If the cooks are good then the steak is just as I like it - brown with a hint of pink on the inside (insert your own jokes here). If the cooks are not that good and over- or under-cook it then it's still okay as I like steak both medium rare and medium well.

But I don't get steak very often as I am not a wealthy individual. So when I eat steak it's like putting God in my mouth. Which is not as gay as it sounds. God isn't a mousy little mama's boy! God is BUTCH!


I always enjoy watching people get snobby over

No no, you go ahead and enjoy:

You realize that is cooked well done right? :Leyla:

Anywho, my london broil adventure. So Friday night over half my friends canceled on me at the last minute, so I just waited until Saturday to cook. I only made one, marinated it in the morning with some balsamic vinegar, pomegranate juice, light brown sugar, olive oil, and rosemary. Broiled it for 8 minutes a side, and it came out good, right between medium and medium rare. While the meat was resting I took the marinade, poured it into a pan on medium high heat and began making sauce. It only made about a quarter cup but you didn't really need all that much so it worked out nicely. sweet, but with a bit of tang.

The second london broil is still marinating as we speak, I'm going to make it up tomorrow night, hopefully it comes as good.[/QUOTE]

Heh, well I feed my dogs raw steak tips after making my cuts.


You said I've never had well prepared well done steak but I have. You however must not have had good rare steak if it was cold.

Go ahead and keep eating ruined steak, more awesome steak for the rest of us.

But I don't get steak very often as I am not a wealthy individual. So when I eat steak it's like putting God in my mouth. Which is not as gay as it sounds. God isn't a mousy little mama's boy! God is BUTCH!
That's one of the awesome thing about having cattle ranchers for friends and family. We have an abundance of steak. Last time I was home I had steak for supper every night and this weekend when I am home I shall have steak again.. Woohoo!


You said I've never had well prepared well done steak but I have. You however must not have had good rare steak if it was cold.

Go ahead and keep eating ruined steak, more awesome steak for the rest of us.

But I don't get steak very often as I am not a wealthy individual. So when I eat steak it's like putting God in my mouth. Which is not as gay as it sounds. God isn't a mousy little mama's boy! God is BUTCH!
That's one of the awesome thing about having cattle ranchers for friends and family. We have an abundance of steak. Last time I was home I had steak for supper every night and this weekend when I am home I shall have steak again.. Woohoo!
So is it fun to group hunt and scream a victory yell while feasting on a fallen cow like Savannah lions?

---------- Post added at 10:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:54 AM ----------

Heh, well I feed my dogs raw steak tips after making my cuts.
Your dogs are literally eating better than you, like not that haw haw figure of speech. Heh.[/QUOTE]

While we're at it, let's consume raw eggs and chicken and be smug about it.


Staff member
You said I've never had well prepared well done steak but I have. You however must not have had good rare steak if it was cold.

Go ahead and keep eating ruined steak, more awesome steak for the rest of us.

But I don't get steak very often as I am not a wealthy individual. So when I eat steak it's like putting God in my mouth. Which is not as gay as it sounds. God isn't a mousy little mama's boy! God is BUTCH!
That's one of the awesome thing about having cattle ranchers for friends and family. We have an abundance of steak. Last time I was home I had steak for supper every night and this weekend when I am home I shall have steak again.. Woohoo!
So is it fun to group hunt and scream a victory yell while feasting on a fallen cow like Savannah lions?[/QUOTE]

Ever tried it?


You said I've never had well prepared well done steak but I have. You however must not have had good rare steak if it was cold.

Go ahead and keep eating ruined steak, more awesome steak for the rest of us.

But I don't get steak very often as I am not a wealthy individual. So when I eat steak it's like putting God in my mouth. Which is not as gay as it sounds. God isn't a mousy little mama's boy! God is BUTCH!
That's one of the awesome thing about having cattle ranchers for friends and family. We have an abundance of steak. Last time I was home I had steak for supper every night and this weekend when I am home I shall have steak again.. Woohoo!
So is it fun to group hunt and scream a victory yell while feasting on a fallen cow like Savannah lions?[/QUOTE]

Ever tried it?[/QUOTE]

No, but now I actually want to. :-/

Regardless of what your tastes are. I stick to my guns. It takes more skill to grill up a good well done steak. So if you consider cooked food to be 'ruined', more power to you.

This steak should NOT be burnt on the outside. While there is not even the faintest hint of pink in the middle it should be browned through, not burnt through. This steak should feel solid all the way through.

A Well Done steak is the hardest to cook. The secret is to do it low and slow. It's the only way to prevent burning while getting it cooked through the middle. Grill this steak over a medium heat for between 10 and 12 minutes per side.

Most people will tell you that this is the steak for people who don't like steak. While there is some truth to that, it is a popular way to get a steak so any good griller needs to know how to do it.
I like steak, but I don't like eating rawish meat. Sorry.
A couple points:
1) If your red- or pink-centered steak is 'rubbery' textured, you have a really shitty cut of meat there. Cooking it well done might help hide the poor quality of the meat, but don't blame the cooking method for what is clearly an inferior cut of meat.

2) Raw eggs have featured in many foods, such as egg nog and mayonnaise. However, due to salmonella fears, raw chicken and eggs are much less safe to eat these days than rare beef. The USDA considers 145 a proper safe temperature for Beef, veal, and lamb steaks, roasts, and chops. Chicken, on the other hand, should be cooked to 165 to kill salmonella.

If your steak is at room temperature when you cook it (as it should be) the internal temperature will not be cold, and you can cook a medium or medium rare steak that is cooked through to the proper minimum temperature, and that is not cold or unpleasant in the center. A truly well-cooked medium-rare steak should melt in your mouth.

youtube vid of Gordon Ramsey making a steak (sorry, embedding is disabled)


A truly well-cooked medium-rare steak should melt in your mouth.

Same goes for a well done Delmonico cut steak. I've never grilled up a well done steak that doesn't fall apart in your mouth, and I let the edges slightly char for a good BBQ off the grill flavor.

I whole hearty agree, rubber steak tastes like shit. Which is why I question the quality of preparedness other people have had. I'll order medium-well or medium-rare if I trust that the cook doesn't know how to cook steak properly because anyone can throw a slab of meat on the grill and sear the thing for 8 minutes on each side.

---------- Post added at 11:10 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:08 AM ----------

2) Raw eggs have featured in many foods, such as egg nog and mayonnaise. However, due to salmonella fears, raw chicken and eggs are much less safe to eat these days than rare beef. The USDA considers 145 a proper safe temperature for Beef, veal, and lamb steaks, roasts, and chops. Chicken, on the other hand, should be cooked to 165 to kill salmonella.
I used to drink a glass of raw eggs back when I played football in highschool, never got sick, but man that was disgusting. Egg nog is the grossest thing in the world and mayonnaise is a close second. The only thing mayo is good for is potato salad and salad dressing. Not all raw food is bad though, I appreciate the effort and skill it takes to prepare good sushi.

---------- Post added at 11:13 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:10 AM ----------

youtube vid of Gordon Ramsey making a steak (sorry, embedding is disabled)
Yeah, I've been to one of Ramsey's restaurants in New York. His menu is good, but it's not as outstanding as he makes it out to be.
we're old Chaz. A lot more chickens have salmonella than did back when we were kids.

That said, your argument basically boils down to "I don't like medium steak, egg nog, or mayonnaise."

Yah, personal preferences FTW. do know that the charred bits you like so much are carcinogenic, right?


we're old Chaz. A lot more chickens have salmonella than did back when we were kids.
I'm not sure about that. I think it's more that we didn't give a crap. Typhoid fever has always been around. If I was playing sports as intensely as I used to I'd still rather drink raw egg than use that protein whey chemical shit.

Anything has the potential to be a carcinogen. Wood dust is a carcinogen. Sunlight is too. I'm very strongly of the science camp that favors genetics over environment as being the bigger factor for cancer development. That is though, I wouldn't expect someone exposed to strong x-rays everyday to not come down with some kind of crippling cancer later in life. It's not like I eat charred ends exclusively as my diet.
we're old Chaz. A lot more chickens have salmonella than did back when we were kids.
I'm not sure about that. I think it's more that we didn't give a crap. Typhoid fever has always been around. If I was playing sports as intensely as I used to I'd still rather drink raw egg than use that protein whey chemical shit.

Anything has the potential to be a carcinogen. Wood dust is a carcinogen. Sunlight is too. I'm very strongly of the science camp that favors genetics over environment as being the bigger factor for cancer development. That is though, I wouldn't expect someone exposed to strong x-rays everyday to not come down with some kind of crippling cancer later in life. It's not like I eat charred ends exclusively as my diet.[/QUOTE]

wait..did you just equate eating charred steak to be equivalent to ingesting wood dust? :D


we're old Chaz. A lot more chickens have salmonella than did back when we were kids.
I'm not sure about that. I think it's more that we didn't give a crap. Typhoid fever has always been around. If I was playing sports as intensely as I used to I'd still rather drink raw egg than use that protein whey chemical shit.

Anything has the potential to be a carcinogen. Wood dust is a carcinogen. Sunlight is too. I'm very strongly of the science camp that favors genetics over environment as being the bigger factor for cancer development. That is though, I wouldn't expect someone exposed to strong x-rays everyday to not come down with some kind of crippling cancer later in life. It's not like I eat charred ends exclusively as my diet.[/QUOTE]

wait..did you just equate eating charred steak to be equivalent to ingesting wood dust? :D[/QUOTE]

Or getting a tan. Smartass ;-)
Alton Brown taught me how to do more than just follow a recipe, and showed me why. Gordon Ramsay motivated me. YOU STUPID COW!


I like my pork cooked medium too.

"See you for dinner, friend"

And here's one of Chaz's famous charts of fun filled science facts. This is the life cycle of T. solium.

Thar be reasons why cooking meat thoroughly be good for you.
I like my pork cooked medium too.

"See you for dinner, friend"

And here's one of Chaz's famous charts of fun filled science facts. This is the life cycle of T. solium.

Thar be reasons why cooking meat thoroughly be good for you.[/QUOTE]

It's also been 20 years since there has been a case in Alberta.


Did you miss my post about the eradication of Tricky Noses on the last page? SHEESH!!!

---------- Post added at 07:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:21 PM ----------

It's not like I eat charred ends exclusively as my diet.
Yes you do. You eat well-done steak. :D


Did you miss my post about the eradication of Tricky Noses on the last page? SHEESH!!!

---------- Post added at 07:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:21 PM ----------

It's not like I eat charred ends exclusively as my diet.
Yes you do. You eat well-done steak. :D
I have steak maybe five or six times a year. It's not exactly my most favorite food in the whole wide world.


I'm not sure I could eat this even 5 or 6 times a year.

har har laugh it up old man; you and your weekly steak eating.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and bet that your rare-steak eaters also put beans in your chili. <shutter>
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