Marinate My Meat

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Look, if you want your steak done well, so be it. I used to only eat it that way.

Until I had my dad's medium rare goodness.

AND WTF? I've never owned a meat thermometer. Why do I need one now? I just see it as a HUGE hole that is left in the meat (unless it's a roast or turkey.... you know, somefin GIRTHY) in which the juices exit anyway.
Oh yea. Me think that me can cook steak without use of fancy strange hot teller. Me apologize.

*drags knuckles to Bed Bath & Beyond*


But... what if we don't want to marinate your meat?

What's in it for us?


I used to eat medium rare, until I contracted some disease or virus that left me vomiting non-stop for a week.

Never again.
It's entirely possible, even probable, that your illness had nothing to do with the doneness of the meat. E. coli lives on the surface of muscle cuts, so as long as the surface is cooked, you could theoretically eat it blue rare and never get sick. Most likely, there was some cross-contamination in preparation or mishandling somewhere in the chain that even cooking it to well done wouldn't have solved. (Food Science and Microbiology FTW!)

---------- Post added at 08:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:52 PM ----------

Look, if you want your steak done well, so be it. I used to only eat it that way.

Until I had my dad's medium rare goodness.

AND WTF? I've never owned a meat thermometer. Why do I need one now? I just see it as a HUGE hole that is left in the meat (unless it's a roast or turkey.... you know, somefin GIRTHY) in which the juices exit anyway.
Oh yea. Me think that me can cook steak without use of fancy strange hot teller. Me apologize.

*drags knuckles to Bed Bath & Beyond*[/QUOTE]

True meat connoisseurs can tell the doneness by merely poking the steak with their fingers. Now roasts, I can see using a thermometer for.

Wasabi Poptart

London broil really needs to be medium-done because it's generally a tough cut of meat. Like Tin said, if it's rare you'll be chewing forever. But if you make it well-done, it's going to be shoe leather.

Personally, I love a medium-rare steak. Mmmm bloody steak. Depending on the cut of meat, salt & pepper with maybe a dash of garlic (cause I like it) is all you need for seasoning. Flank steak and other cuts that get the "london broil" label need a bit more TLC.
People who eat well done steak do not deserve to eat steak. I want to go and take the steak away from them and trade it with shoe leather because they would not be able to tell the difference.

My mother is a masterful steak preparer she worked in one of those awesome old school steak houses so she can prepare a steak any way someone orders it. I have had well done steak and I think my tongue cried.
You, my friend, have not had proper well done steak. Like I said, there's more to charring the shit out of it and leaving it to dry. Good well done is grey throughout and still juicy as hell. The way I make it is such that it practically melts in your mouth. The key is to slice it thin to about a little over 1/4 inch.

Anyone can make a rare steak. Hell you might as well jump on the cow and take a chop out of it's ass.[/QUOTE]

like I said I have had properly well done steak and it is flavorless dreck. Rare steak is not that easy really because you want the outside done and the inside rare. I like mine slightly closer to medium rare but my stepfather's steak, sometimes I think you can hear it moo.[/QUOTE]

Medium rare steak. Cook one side, ten minutes. Flip over. Cook other side 10 minutes. Stick meat thermo in, check temp, or cut in the mid to check. I like to call this "caveman steak".[/QUOTE]

Alright Thurmond, while you and the rest of the chaps at the gentlemen's lodge enjoy your brandy and cigars and overcooked meat, I'm just going to enjoy myself some rare as fuck rib eye.


People who eat well done steak do not deserve to eat steak. I want to go and take the steak away from them and trade it with shoe leather because they would not be able to tell the difference.

My mother is a masterful steak preparer she worked in one of those awesome old school steak houses so she can prepare a steak any way someone orders it. I have had well done steak and I think my tongue cried.
You, my friend, have not had proper well done steak. Like I said, there's more to charring the shit out of it and leaving it to dry. Good well done is grey throughout and still juicy as hell. The way I make it is such that it practically melts in your mouth. The key is to slice it thin to about a little over 1/4 inch.

Anyone can make a rare steak. Hell you might as well jump on the cow and take a chop out of it's ass.[/QUOTE]

like I said I have had properly well done steak and it is flavorless dreck. Rare steak is not that easy really because you want the outside done and the inside rare. I like mine slightly closer to medium rare but my stepfather's steak, sometimes I think you can hear it moo.[/QUOTE]

Medium rare steak. Cook one side, ten minutes. Flip over. Cook other side 10 minutes. Stick meat thermo in, check temp, or cut in the mid to check. I like to call this "caveman steak".[/QUOTE]

Alright Thurmond, while you and the rest of the chaps at the gentlemen's lodge enjoy your brandy and cigars and overcooked meat, I'm just going to enjoy myself some rare as fuck rib eye.[/QUOTE]

And a nice warm blood and kidney pie.


I never use a thermometer on steaks. No real need I say. On something tricky that's so big you can't feel that's it's done sure- but steak? 6-ish minutes on one side, 6-ish minutes on the other side, let rest and viola- wonderful medium rare steak.

Medium rare I said!
I just had my steak for this three months (cry) I love delmonicos which are pretty fatty, so I only eat one every 3 months. I'd really really really hate to have another gall-bladder attack. That was a little piece of special alllll its own.
People who eat well done steak do not deserve to eat steak. I want to go and take the steak away from them and trade it with shoe leather because they would not be able to tell the difference.

My mother is a masterful steak preparer she worked in one of those awesome old school steak houses so she can prepare a steak any way someone orders it. I have had well done steak and I think my tongue cried.
You, my friend, have not had proper well done steak. Like I said, there's more to charring the shit out of it and leaving it to dry. Good well done is grey throughout and still juicy as hell. The way I make it is such that it practically melts in your mouth. The key is to slice it thin to about a little over 1/4 inch.

Anyone can make a rare steak. Hell you might as well jump on the cow and take a chop out of it's ass.[/QUOTE]

like I said I have had properly well done steak and it is flavorless dreck. Rare steak is not that easy really because you want the outside done and the inside rare. I like mine slightly closer to medium rare but my stepfather's steak, sometimes I think you can hear it moo.[/QUOTE]

Medium rare steak. Cook one side, ten minutes. Flip over. Cook other side 10 minutes. Stick meat thermo in, check temp, or cut in the mid to check. I like to call this "caveman steak".[/QUOTE]

Alright Thurmond, while you and the rest of the chaps at the gentlemen's lodge enjoy your brandy and cigars and overcooked meat, I'm just going to enjoy myself some rare as fuck rib eye.[/QUOTE]

And a nice warm blood and kidney pie.[/QUOTE]

If it's any consolation, I don't like sauces on my meats either.

Salt and pepper (garlic salt if it's pork).


^Bingo. London Broil is a tough, tough cut o' meat.

And Chaz, there is no way to cook steak well-done without turning it into dust. If God wanted us to eat well-done beef, he wouldn't have given the cows blood.
Yes there is. Ugh... Charcoal grill. Tinfoil. Let it cook thoughout in it's own juices in direct flame. Remove Tinfoil. Cook directly on flame for 5 minutes to sear the outside and give a nice smoke finish. Tada! Juicy, well done steak.[/QUOTE]

So... you pretty much braise the steak? Why bother with steak then? Seem like a waste of money, if i was going to do something like that i wouldn't bother with an expensive cut of steak i'de get something shitty that would bennifit from that kind of cooking. But hey, im sure it tastes great.
So... you pretty much braise the steak? Why bother with steak then? Seem like a waste of money, if i was going to do something like that i wouldn't bother with an expensive cut of steak i'de get something shitty that would bennifit from that kind of cooking. But hey, im sure it tastes great.
I know, right?


So... you pretty much braise the steak? Why bother with steak then? Seem like a waste of money, if i was going to do something like that i wouldn't bother with an expensive cut of steak i'de get something shitty that would bennifit from that kind of cooking. But hey, im sure it tastes great.
I know, right?[/QUOTE]

I've been eating my steaks done Medium Well for years. I think it's time to try shifting that Rare-ward, and see how I like it.

Put hair on my balls and all that.


Point of order, there is no "blood" in steaks.
There most certainly is, just not a lot. The bleeding out process doesn't remove ALL blood from the animal; there's going to be some in the capillaries that don't drain fully. For the non-food science folks out there going, "it's red! That's blood!": the red color in meat is from a protein called myoglobin, which is present in muscle tissue. I could go into all the pigment changes that occur in storage and cooking, but who the hell wants to read that shit?
I like my steak anywhere from seignant to cuit; bien cuit or bleu are for people who just like going overboard.
Of course, I've never - literally - eaten a good steak in France; they just do'nt know what to do with a piece of meat. Belgian cuisine away!

Cuyval Dar

I gotta say, I'm totally with Chefwozel and Shannow on this.
Anyone who eats a steak that is anywhere south of medium-well is an uncivilised savage.


I gotta say, I'm totally with Chefwozel and Shannow on this.
Anyone who eats a steak that is anywhere south of medium-well is an uncivilised savage.

I had a piece of filet mignon this weekend. I had it medium-well. This is the only cut that I eat like this since it's usually too thick to pull off a well done without it being tough as shoe leather.


That is the saddest thing ever chaz. you make the steak gods cry.
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, WAIT.

There are people here who actually cook delicious steaks beyond Medium?



That is the saddest thing ever chaz. you make the steak gods cry.
That's fine, you go on and enjoy your tapeworms.[/QUOTE]

Tapeworms? hahahahaha hah

riiiight. :rolleyes:

In the US it would be so slim (edit: just found the info, about 1000 cases a year, for pork, beef, and other). I'll enjoy eating my food like it should be, rather then overpaying for some hunk of boiled beef.

Kitty Sinatra

salt? on steak? Bleh. Well, I shouldn't actually say that as I'm sure the cooks pour prodigious amounts of the crap on my steak when I eat out. But at home? Salt is for the driveway.

Also, I can't imagine ordering a decent steak with any form of "done." It's such a waste of potential . . . and apparently restaurants shovel off the dregs of their meat to those who order it well done so you're getting even less than than you paid for.


That is the saddest thing ever chaz. you make the steak gods cry.
That's fine, you go on and enjoy your tapeworms.[/QUOTE]

Tapeworms? hahahahaha hah

riiiight. :rolleyes:

In the US it would be so slim (edit: just found the info, about 1000 cases a year, for pork, beef, and other). I'll enjoy eating my food like it should be, rather then overpaying for some hunk of boiled beef.[/QUOTE]

Your food should be raw? What ever floats your boat, man. My dogs eat raw meat too. They also like to eat their own shit...

I don't boil my steak, fyi. <scratches head>


Rare is not raw. If any type of cooked meat is akin to digested matter it is well-done steak.

Kitty Sinatra

I whistled for the waitress and when she came near
Her name tag said "Steff" and she had quite a nice rear
If anything I could say that this chick was fair
But I thought man forget it, "gimme a steak, medium rare"

(bah, that totally sucked)
I'll be honest, I do not care for Rare, however, Medium Rare, piping hot all the way through is... well, it's just about the dang tastiest thing ever. Assuming it's a good piece of meat that is. I'm actually really picky about my steak.


That is the saddest thing ever chaz. you make the steak gods cry.
That's fine, you go on and enjoy your tapeworms.[/QUOTE]

E. coli, and as I said earlier, it lives on the surface. Cook the surface, and you'll be just fine.

Of course, this assumes proper handling through the slaughter, cutting, holding, and preparation steps, but if someone else fucks up your meat, nothing short of incineration will help you out.

Chaz, have you ever HAD steak less than medium well?

---------- Post added at 02:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:21 AM ----------

salt? on steak? Bleh. Well, I shouldn't actually say that as I'm sure the cooks pour prodigious amounts of the crap on my steak when I eat out. But at home? Salt is for the driveway.
Salt=flavor. Unsalted steak tastes like cardboard. Now, if your food tastes like salt, then it's oversalted. If it tastes like FOOD, then it's properly seasoned (salt and pepper.)
E. coli, and as I said earlier, it lives on the surface. Cook the surface, and you'll be just fine.
This is the truth. People get into trouble with ground beef more often than steak or roast. Even the pork in the US is relatively safe to have medium-well. I just don't care for the taste of medium-rare or medium steak.

On a similar note, these are my favorite steaks: sirloin<NY Strip<Ribeye.

I love a good ribeye, but I've had equally good, cheap $5 sirloin that was cooked with salt and pepper on a grill.
Chaz, we're not trying to make you love tender and flavorful meat.

We're just making fun of you for liking well done.


E. coli, and as I said earlier, it lives on the surface. Cook the surface, and you'll be just fine.
This is the truth. People get into trouble with ground beef more often than steak or roast. Even the pork in the US is relatively safe to have medium-well. I just don't care for the taste of medium-rare or medium steak.

On a similar note, these are my favorite steaks: sirloin<NY Strip<Ribeye.

I love a good ribeye, but I've had equally good, cheap $5 sirloin that was cooked with salt and pepper on a grill.[/QUOTE]

You can actually eat pork medium-rare if it's been properly sourced and handled. Trichinosis has been, for all intents and purposes, eradicated in the US owing to better feeding habits for pigs. Besides, even if you did get a dodgy slice o' swine, Trichinella spiralis dies at 135 degrees, and medium pork is 160 degrees. The only meats that MUST MUST MUST be cooked to well done are chicken and turkey. Even duck and squab can be eaten rare.


Staff member
I'm actually really picky about my steak.
What about ribs? Do you have any recommendations on picking out some good ones? I don't know much about them, but I've heard people say that baby-backed ribs are good, so I figured you're the one to ask.
I miss good ole Alberta Beef. The cow just doens't taste the same here.

Chicken, pork, lamb, frog, deer and all the other meats, taste better here for some reason.
Anyone who says that by and large, their regions beef is better than Alberta beef is full of shit.
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