Congresswoman Shot

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New rule America:

When WBC does something, we don't talk about it. We don't make it the number one news story, we don't start a FB thing to raise awareness of their dickery, and we don't make legislation that they'll be happy to sue and probably win.

We. Don't. Do. Shit.

I already don't give a fuck about what they do or ever talk about it or post some stupid impotent "If I was there, I'd (insert something that isn't clever or a new idea)" so um go me
New rule America:

When WBC does something, we don't talk about it. We don't make it the number one news story, we don't start a FB thing to raise awareness of their dickery, and we don't make legislation that they'll be happy to sue and probably win.

We. Don't. Do. Shit.

I wonder why /b/ or anon don't just troll the ever-lovin' fuck out of the WBC. Are there not enough lulz to be had?


Oh yeah, nothing will come of anything anybody is saying. But still, normal people can read it.


Staff member
Republicans are better at taking something bad and turning it on their enemies than Muslims are. Muslims should be asking Republicans on how to do it.
The whole thing makes me sick. You're going to have blowhard assholes on both sides of the aisle, but I have to give the Republicans credit, they never back down from a poison apple. They embrace it and turn it into an immunity.


Staff member
Blaming this on republicans is about as ridiculous as blaming democrats for the unabomber. Blaming heated political rancor is no better than blaming video games. After all, all his classmates said he was a really avid video gamer...
You must have missed everyone NOT SAYING THAT.

I swear, maybe people should put things into the largest font so Gas can see it.


Staff member
You must have missed everyone NOT SAYING THAT.

I swear, maybe people should put things into the largest font so Gas can see it.
Except for this on the very same page:

"You know, i was actually wondering when some crazy person would actually take it upon themselves to shoot someone and make the republicans regret using such idiotic slogans and rhetoric..." - @Li3n

Who needs large font now, me bucko?
It is just a word, and words have no meaning...

She probably just didn't know what it meant and never gave it a thought after getting it from her writer. I didn't know it was a thing until I looked it up.

Fuck i just kinda defended palin. I don't recognize the man in the mirror anymore.
Tell ya what, lets ask @Li3n.

Were you directly blaming Republicans for this attack? (I bet just about anything it's a "no")

Saying "I bet they regret vitriolic rhetoric" is not the same as "They are the cause of the violence".


Staff member
Tell ya what, lets ask @Li3n.

Were you directly blaming Republicans for this attack? (I bet just about anything it's a "no")

Saying "I bet they regret vitriolic rhetoric" is not the same as "They are the cause of the violence".
What he said was a direct accusation against their "rhetoric." That was why my statement was twofold - addressing blaming republicans, and addressing blaming rhetoric.
She probably just didn't know what it meant and never gave it a thought after getting it from her writer. I didn't know it was a thing until I looked it up.

Fuck i just kinda defended palin. I don't recognize the man in the mirror anymore.
Yeah, how was she to know that she just pinned sacrificing children to the Jewish God upon herself...
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