Fat kid stands up for himself and gets a suspension... and ETERNAL GLORY!

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Apparently, Casey had been picked on for years by little runts like this kid, who shall forever more be known as The Rat. Casey finally had enough when The Rat and his stooges tried to record their bullying sessions.

If the Dramatica article is to be believed, Casey was suspended for four days. The Rat received a twenty-two day suspension, a dislocated knee, and a lifetime's supply of humiliation. The Rat's parents also seem to be suing every sentient creature that was within a five-mile radius of the smackdown.
I don't know if I'd actually call Casey a fat kid... Corn Fed maybe... He's a big ole boy.

The Rat is a complete idiot for picking on a kid that could snap you in half.

I was pretty similar to Casey's size as a kid, but I suffered no bullies. On the first swing at me, and the kid would end up in the nurse's office.
Added at: 21:56
And the video is gone.
The video got yanked while I watched it. Weird.

Still, I got to see the epic throwdown. Good for him. Kids should always try to talk it out and get adults' help with bullies, but if that doesn't work they need to lay down the law.


LOL The Bully's parents can suck it. LOL Good ol school yard smack down.
How dumb do you have to be to bully a kid who is bigger than you? Of course, he probably figured his buddies would back him up...
How dumb do you have to be to bully a kid who is bigger than you? Of course, he probably figured his buddies would back him up...
Judging by how the big guy just took that first punch, I'm guess he was an easy target because he never fought back. My, how quickly things change...
Well, let's be realistic. He body slammed a kid onto some pavement. It was dangerous. He was provoked, of course, but it's still something worthy of a minor suspension. The other kid got a much longer suspension.
Eh, he got 4 days of suspension, and the bully got 22 days, and humiliated on the Internet. If they were punished "equally" then it would be complete BS, but in this case the school got to mug for the zero-tolerance section of the PTA and still put the bully in his place.

EDIT: Besides, "defending yourself physically can still have real world consequences" isn't the worst message out there, as it happens to be true. Do schools send suspension info to colleges?
I remember back when I was growing up there was a kid who was always picking on my brother (smacking him, pulling the chair out, etc) and the teacher wouldn't do anything about it. So one day when the kid starts to pick on my brother again my brother just tackles the kid to the ground and of course my brother gets detention for it. My dad showed up to the school and sat through detention with my brother cause he said in his eyes my brother hadn't done anything.
I remember back when I was growing up there was a kid who was always picking on my brother (smacking him, pulling the chair out, etc) and the teacher wouldn't do anything about it. So one day when the kid starts to pick on my brother again my brother just tackles the kid to the ground and of course my brother gets detention for it. My dad showed up to the school and sat through detention with my brother cause he said in his eyes my brother hadn't done anything.
Your dad is pretty cool.


Staff member
0 tolerance = dumb as fuck.
Damn straight. I understand what a zero tolerance policy is attempting to do, and the problems that give rise to it, but ultimately it's an inherently flawed policy that doesn't fix anything. I saw an article not too long ago (wish I'd saved it) about the problems that zero tolerance policies cause. Basically, fighting back against bullies is a healthy reaction and not indicative of a violent nature. Children who can't fight back against bullies become increasingly desperate, and that in turn leads to psychological problems.

EDIT: How much sooner would this kid have been able to stand up for himself, if he weren't afraid of getting in trouble for doing so? At some schools raising your fists at all, even to block a punch, is enough to get you in trouble for fighting. (Either you take the punch, or you're suspended.) If he hadn't been pushed to the point of snapping, would he have had to dislocate someone's knee just to make his point?


Staff member
It's always the fucking little guys that always have got something to prove...
With all his crony friends backing his cowardly ass up, filming it and egging him on. He didn't have anything to prove, he was just a little prick who needed to be beaten down.


Staff member
I think Pez is dead on about these rules making kids snap. Hell, Jake "snapped" in 8th grade. He's always been a big guy who could do serious damage if he wanted to, but he never did. One day, after months and months of being harassed and pushed around by this kid, Jake threw him down and just started wailing on him. The coach totally turned his head and denied seeing anything. The other kid had gotten into trouble several times before, so it was Jake's word against the other kid's. I think he was required to be suspended for a day, but his parents didn't punish him any more than that. The coach even told him later that he shouldn't have waited so long and taken so much abuse.

Just some common sense, man. That's what we need.


How much sooner would this kid have been able to stand up for himself, if he weren't afraid of getting in trouble for doing so? At some schools raising your fists at all, even to block a punch, is enough to get you in trouble for fighting. (Either you take the punch, or you're suspended.) If he hadn't been pushed to the point of snapping, would he have had to dislocate someone's knee just to make his point?
I agree this is can add to schoolyard problems instead of helping. No such policy existed in my wee days of school.
Also kid is facing charges? good god, the little bitch is the one to face charges, verbal assault, physical assault to start with. I'm sure there is a 'video-taping with intent to distribute and humiliate' charge we can make up.
In 8th grade I was having problems with a bully, and one day I finally got into a fist fight with him. We both got suspended, but his was a few days longer for provoking me and basically being such a shit. I think it was fair. You need to have consequences for fighting, even if you were provoked.
At the end, it looks like another bully is going to start some stuff, and the big kid looks at the bully limping around like a wounded gazelle, turns around and walks away.

4 days is pretty light for effing that kid up that bad. I bloodied a few lips and dotted a few eyes, but I never really hurt anybody. And I knew what it would take and kept short of that.
Added at: 23:22
And the schools uniforms did not stop any of that violence.
Were I to be shown that and told they wanted a report, I would laugh in their faces, and tell them that their son instigated the whole thing. Then I'd charge the son with disorderly conduct (fighting words, instigating a fight) and simple battery (for the jab to the face). Sucks to be you, rat-boy!
Dramatica article.

That school is getting a lot of email from people congratulating Casey, dissing The Rat, and chiding the school for suspending a kid who just stood up for himself. Now that the video has gone viral, The Rat has lost any street cred (or whatever they call it in Australia) whatsoever.



Wow, he didn't just pick him up and let him drop, he THREW him down. Nice job kid.

And too much hopping rat. He should be thrown down just for that.
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