Fat kid stands up for himself and gets a suspension... and ETERNAL GLORY!

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I'm so glad I didn't watch this. Just hearing about it makes me hurt.


As painful as that looked for the 'Rat'.... well, I have to admit that I do think that he got what he was asking for.
Bodyslam? Piledriver? Dudes, that was an effing POWERBOMB.

Speaking as someone who was relentlessly bullied in Middle School and partly in High School, I applaud the kid. 4 day suspension is just fine, y'ask me. He can just sit back and play some video games while he gets famous. The Rat, on the other hand, is gonna be the laughing stalk for a good long time.
If I was Casey's Dad, I would give him a lecture on controlling his violence because that body slam could have caused immense damage. With that out of the way, I would then treat him and all his friends to ale and whores. Or, since they're probably too young for that, I'd just take them all out for pizza.
I'm pretty sure he's old enough for whores, by Aussie standards. Not ale, though.

The Rat is very lucky he didn't land on his head - being thrown down on concrete like that could have got him a busted skull or a broken neck.


You know, The rat is just stupid picking on people period. The Rat thinks he got an easy mark, everyone has a breaking point. From the article, looks like the rat pick on kids for sometime. This guy just had it.
I would have to agree if it was my kid, I would lecture about using body slam (could hurt or even kill the kid if the rat was slammed on that little ledge next to it) but then congrat him on defending himself :)
my kid was The rat, I would give him a lecture and extend the punishment for bullying other kids. I don't like bully.


Staff member
If I was Casey's Dad, I would give him a lecture on controlling his violence because that body slam could have caused immense damage. With that out of the way, I would then treat him and all his friends to ale and whores. Or, since they're probably too young for that, I'd just take them all out for pizza.
Okay, pretty much this. ;)


Staff member
... Why does he look like a midget John Cena? Seriously, is there actually a person on this planet who thinks that's a good look?


That kid is creepy looking but John Cena is hot. Like supah hot.

Just to be clear....
... Why does he look like a midget John Cena? Seriously, is there actually a person on this planet who thinks that's a good look?

Dude, John Cena is friggin ripped and has a jaw you can cut diamonds with. He's got a body that pretty much every guy wants.

That kid is a pip-squeak piece of shit.


Yeah guidos... not Cena.

He is a delicious slice of man and the sole reason I watch wrestling.. EVER.
The Rat's mother says he deserved it in an interview with Australian TV. That admission is the cherry on top of the sundae of awesomeness. Since the video keeps getting shoved back down in the news show's playlist, I figured a screenshot would be better.

That little shit got everything he deserved... maybe he'll learn not to antagonize people in the future...

And even though that powerbomb could have ended very very badly... it was awesome!
Hmmm... I'm glad for the kid, he stood up for himself, even suspension must have tasted great for him.
However, I also feel sad about the bully... I mean, he must not have very good parents :/ there's always a reason for kids to turn like that.
Maybe. But most of the time, I bet if you dig a little deeper you'll find it's not just that the kid's "a dick". We can't know about this one, I guess I just want to give him the benefit of the doubt.
Because he thought it was good sport. Because some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.
Maybe. But most of the time, I bet if you dig a little deeper you'll find it's not just that the kid's "a dick". We can't know about this one, I guess I just want to give him the benefit of the doubt.
His own mother said "he had it coming". Now, that could really support either conclusion -ie that he's a little jerkass and his own mum knows it, or that he has shitty parents and that's why he's a dick.
Really, can we stop quoting The Dark Knight? It's a little creepy how much people are projecting onto the bully. He's a 16 year old kid who was being an asshole. He's not a sadistic murderer.
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