HCGLNS 4th Ed Game: Rise of the Drow

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I'm house-sitting for my parents, so i am pretty much just hanging around here alone all day, so i'm good for whenever.


thanks. like i said, probably obvious. 7 for me, so i',l be able to make it on time.
Nice. I think that combo will fit better with the way we play. I think I'll also swap in Spinning Leopard Maneuver as my Daily, eventually, since we don't have good enough control of the enemies to cluster them right now. SLM will let me attack multiple targets that are spread out, which could be pretty useful.
Heh, it was somewhat amusing ;) While the undead kobold controller was in play, the big guys had a unique ability to explode upon dying. Solaria discovered this by shooting a big brute and killing him, prompting an explosion that dropped Solaria below 0 HP. I was impressed by your ability to keep making death saves and Locian magically turning into Rusty to bring you back to life.


all locian did was that thing you see in the movies where someone lightly taps on a persons face to wake them up, not beating on someone and yelling at them till they woke up. :p
I was going to write to the storyline thread before tonights game. Are we still on the island or is it safe to say that we are en route or have set up camp on the mainland...?


Having trouble connectiong to Vent. dont know if its an issue on my end, halforums, or vent itself.
Currently searching for free back up servers

Worst case scenario, I send everyone the information and we just type in the chat area
Added at: 23:55

A free vent server

IP: Address: Port: 1234

I am currently in Room "PublicVentrilloServer.com 6"

Also use the Join Game section instead of direct, I built the game HCGLNS in MapTools
One of the head honchos came into work today and basically tore everyone a new one. I stayed 4 hours late.

Sorry guys.
I left the RP a little short of where we ended the session, feel free to continue it.

A search of the skeletons and zombies reveals nothing.

A search of the dead archer, reveals a set of excellent clothing/armour and a large black longbow, masterfully crafted and heavily inscribed with symbols associated with the goddess of the night Lilith.

Gusto PM me please.
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