Rant VII: Now With 25% Less Drama

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I understand. It's not exactly good dinner conversation. And like I said, it's for if she chooses to ask what the problem is. Then all you need to do is tell her that you have a tumor. You don't need to say where. You don't need to give any symptoms. If she doesn't ask, that's that.
You COULD tell her there's a growth on your groin...

*ducks* sorry, couldn't resist one...

In all seriousness, it sounds as though once she understands that you're not a hypochondriac playing for attention, a lot can be worked out with her.


Staff member
The rub is more that I would like to tell her plainly what's wrong. The thing is that she really doesn't want to know specifics.
I'll never understand that mindset when it comes to friends. I know that some people are squeamish or just don't want to hear about certain things, but I want the people in my life to be 100% confident that they can say anything to me. Even if it's a little hard to hear, it feels wrong to put my own comfort before someone's desire to vent or be honest.

Anyway, sorry you're going through that, NR. :\ Hopefully she'll calm down and understand.
They had 3 more last night... as for my precinct, we had a car dealership get broken into, and keys for 40 cars taken, with 14 actual cars removed. *shakes head*
.... This town has lost it's mind.... One of the hospitals just brought in a 2 year-old, shot during a domestic between the parents.

Fuck it... where's my bottle?
went to sleep at 5:30. got up at 8:30 because the roofers are working on the house. leaving for breakfast and to go to hobby shop.... get back and get tb test read at 1:30. meet with friends at 7:00. i think I can sneak some sleep in there, but chances are the house will collapse just to deny me sleep at this point.


Staff member
.... This town has lost it's mind.... One of the hospitals just brought in a 2 year-old, shot during a domestic between the parents.

Fuck it... where's my bottle?

No bottle for you, mister.

What you need to do is go home and hug your wife and your baby girl. Tell them how much they mean to you. Play with Rhiannon and hear her laugh. Tell your wife what's in your heart.

Trust me, that will do you more good than all the bourbon in the world.

Stay strong, my friend.


Staff member
*sighs deeply*

Sometimes I wonder why I even fucking bother...

Remember the gamer friend I mentioned a while back? The one who chewed me out when I had to cancel our games? Well, today I sent her an e-mail, candidly apologizing for having unintentionally been a bit of a dick, you know with last minute cancelations and such, but also explaining my situation, why I've been so little available and why I've felt like not playing much in the past weeks. Hell, I even wrote the message so that she could jump over the medical stuff 'cause I didn't want to force her to read it.

Welp, got me an answer. She and I sometimes exchange stories about our game, pushing the plot along, giving sneak peeks and just putting in things we haven't had the chance to play. She's done that way more than I have, but that's another kettle of fish.

She sent me another story, a continuation from where we left off the last time. With a note.

"Since we can't get the story to move along otherwise".





She's an awesome gamer, and a long-time buddy, but sometimes she just drives me f***ing crazy.
Yeh. N_R, I had a group of friend that I did a story/character based chat RP with. That RP is the basis for the comic I'm doing now, actually.

There used to be four of use..now there is only two. Why? Well, the other two were delusional douche nozzles that had no other life outside of this game. When I got pregnant the first words out of their mouths were 'That's going to cut into game time.' Then when I told them I may have to stop playing they flew off the handle, sending threatening messages, telling me I sohuld have an abortion, all sorts of horrible shit.

I cut ties with the other two and kept the one that was supportive and sweet about everything.

I guess my point is...well...she sounds like a douchenozzle that will do nothing but drag you down. NO matter what happens in you real life it won't be as important as this fantasy she created.


Yeah Im a little scared of people who think gaming is more important than actual real life event. I enjoy gaming too but come on.
NR, Good luck with the surgery. Don't let her reaction get to you - she's unable to come to grips with your news, and that's just how she is and how she will always be.

It was nice of you to explain things to her so she could choose to be an idiot, or show compassion. It's too bad she chose idiocy over compassion, but who knows. Maybe she's autistic. I know a few people who have to form human relationships through a shared fantasy world because they simply can't interact with people according to social norms. Empathy and sympathy are something they cannot really comprehend. They understand it logically, it just doesn't make sense.

At any rate, it's pointless to get worked up over her reaction (or non-reaction). She's not going to change. All you can do now is move on with your life and choose whether to continue your involvement with her or not.

The most important thing for you to focus on is your own health...

...and avoid death, if only because you know that we would make certain you are buried with sauna pants.


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I type this while I gag and cough. We have a soundboard operator who comes in part time to fill in. But oh. my. gawd. The body odor problems. He stinks. He stinks so bad. And he's always sweating. Always. Even in an air conditioned studio, he's constantly glistening. Everything he touches, brushes against, even stands in proximity to for a period of time... gets inundated with his stink.

I just had to spend an excruciating 5 minutes in his presence troubleshooting a technical problem.

I understand it's probably a glandular thing he can't help but OH MY GOD I CAN EVEN SMELL IT IN MY CLOTHES GET EM OFF GET EM OFF SCRUB ME WITH BLEACH AND STEEL WOOL.


Staff member
Reminds me of this one ride I had on the Green Line in Boston once. Some French tourist with prolific body hair. You know, you try hard to avoid stereotyping, but then some guy like this comes along and just reinforces them to the point that he should've been wearing a beret and a striped shirt while carrying a baguette. Anyway, he decides to stand with his arm on one of the overhead rails. Oh, and he's wearing a tank top. Guess where my face is? Hint: I'm sitting down.
So... yeah.... guess who's getting sued by the bank who once owned his car? Here's a hint, he's heavily armed and riding in a tuned-up vehicle.

There are not enough words for FUCK in my vocabulary.


Staff member
So... yeah.... guess who's getting sued by the bank who once owned his car? Here's a hint, he's heavily armed and riding in a tuned-up vehicle.

There are not enough words for FUCK in my vocabulary.
Vittu, perkele, saatana, jumalauta, helvetti, kulli, lempo, peijakas, perkele, jumalavita, kyrpä, paska, perhana, pillu, perse, saakeli, saamari, samperi, sappermentti, helvetin kuustoista, voi vittujen kevät.

Not all of those are 'fuck' per se, just random curse words and expressions to be used in general. Hope these help.

Nonetheless, I refer to my previous post, involving your wife an baby girl.

Stay strong, my friend.
Anyone who saw last night's debacle that was the WVU-Marshall game knows what happened here last night. Inches of rain. Completely drowned the phone lines outside of work.

And now, I hear from reliable sources that work on such things in the area that those lines are upwards of NINETY years old in some places. No wonder Verizon was so desperate to get out of the land line business.

It's going to be three days or more to restore service. With another football weekend coming up on Friday. I'm going to have to rely on my personal cell phone to get any business done.
Hotel. We had the same storms that drowned the games in the Midwest on Saturday.

These old phone lines are insulated with a "pulp" that is essentially paper. And when lines that old get water inside, service goes bye-bye.
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