[Movies] Movies in Reverse

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We describe movies backwards and try to guess what they are. Example:

A shark throws up so many people that they have to open a beach.
Answer: Jaws

Might be really stupid... or could be incredibly fun. I'll go first.

We'll start off with an easy one:
The heartwarming tale of a ship that emerges from the water and saves a lot of drowning people.


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A psychopatic store clerk drives an army of skeletons out of a castle and goes to live in a cabin in the woods.
Answer: Titanic

Second Answer: Army of Darkness

A story about an extra-terrestrial that flies through space into a ship filled with many dead people. One by one, he brings them to life, all before finally sacrificing himself by jumping into the chest of the final crewman, who rejoice over a some food and then take another alien back to it's sleeping pod on a far off planet.
A story about an extra-terrestrial that flies through space into a ship filled with many dead people. One by one, he brings them to life, all before finally sacrificing himself by jumping into the chest of the final crewman, who rejoice over a some food and then take another alien back to it's sleeping pod on a far off planet.
Since Charlie isn't answering, I'll steal his spot and answer. Alien.

This movie is about a guy aging normally while everyone else grows younger.
Benjamin Button


A man, killed by a pill and miraculously brought back to life by a machine, works to sever the relationship of a princess and her prince in order to live in a hovel and serve her.
Benjamin Button.

A story about a toy with many friends who ends up being at the house of a sadistic child who tortures toys. The trauma from this experience causes him to lose touch of reality and live in a delusion that he is actually a space ranger, until he is boxed away forever.

Ok its easy, but I like that.
Princess Bride and Toy Story.

A robot is traveling with friends to the city where others of his kind are made, all the while encountering the military, he lives with one of the friends until the time comes when he sneaks into the factory to join his kin, only to get struck my lightening and lose his memory.


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Princess Bride and Toy Story.

A robot is traveling with friends to the city where others of his kind are made, all the while encountering the military, he lives with one of the friends until the time comes when he sneaks into the factory to join his kin, only to get struck my lightening and lose his memory.
Short Circuit? Maybe?

The trauma from a terrorist attack and a gunshot through the cheek causes a man to have split personalities. It ruins his relationship with his girlfriend and his large group of friends before he settles down to a life involving a normal career and Ikea.


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Short Circuit? Maybe?

The trauma from a terrorist attack and a gunshot through the cheek causes a man to have split personalities. It ruins his relationship with his girlfriend and his large group of friends before he settles down to a life involving a normal career and Ikea.
Fight club.

The police eject a large number of LARPers into a field, where they go their separate ways. Three of them with better costumes pull an old man out of a ravine, then go about gathering more knights who have just completed quests, and suddenly being told by god that they were supposed to be finding a cup all along, at which point they begin to go their separate ways one by one until only one is left with nothing but a servant, and he disappears into the mist after an argument with a castle guard.
You got it.

Also, Answer: Fight Club.

Second Answer: Monty Python and the Search for the Holy Grail

Going to think of a nice fun one to write my next one about, going to take some time.


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Holy grail.

A bunch of young cowboys chase down the law until their keeper comes back from the dead and they settle down to live together. Then the one kid goes off on his own.
Young Guns?

Assuming I got it right, then:

A man pulls off his alien mask, and after massacring a bunch of aliens, gets a recovers from a traumatic brain injury and retires to the countryside with his mates.
Haven't seen it yet, but I assume that's District 9.

N sylvat clenzvq fgnzcf n frpbaqnel snpr ba n thl'f gbathr, pnhfvat uvf vzcerffvir Xhat Sh fxvyyf gb qrtrarengr. Ur nfxf n cerggl (lrg qvfsvtherq) jbzna sbe uryc, ohg fur unf ab nqivpr (naq jr pna'g haqrefgnaq nalguvat fur fnlf naljnl). Ur riraghnyyl erterffrf gb puvyqubbq naq oevatf uvf cneragf onpx gb yvsr orsber jvaxvat bhg bs rkvfgrapr.

Shoot... it's kind of obscure, but given the forum's interests I figured people would know it. Or maybe I just gave a shitty description?

Here's a hint: it's not District 9, but there is a connection between the two films.
Bad Taste?

If so:

A man and a woman chase a robot that's forced to disguise itself as human to better hide from their pursuit before going after the man when he time travels to the future.


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A young man drives apart his friend and his teacher in order to be admitted to a prestigious school and soon becomes the head of nearly every club.

This dude works part time as a private investigator. He's a little out of his depth, so to relax he goes bowling with his friends. He uses the contacts from work to get a new rug. Then someone pees on it.


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I was going to be a bastard and describe the plot of Irreversible in chronological order, but even I have my limits.
After having a transcendent experience, an old man becomes an astronaut. He argues with a colleague about accessing his spaceship. Ultimately, the movie ends up on a world where apes evolved from men.
2001: A Space Odyssey

A man is well liked and has the girl of his dreams but gets stuck in the same day over and over and he turns into a sour grumpy man and loses the girl


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Groundhog day.

A private detective helps a rabbit create a law official from a viscous slime. They then proceed to hide from him until the official reanimates a dead businessman, who then is photographed performing lewd acts with the rabbit's wife, at which point the private detective becomes an alcoholic curmudgeon.

(man, the funny ones are all too easy)


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Who Framed Roger Rabbit.

An easy to understand story of a man who has tattoos removed while solving the murder of his wife. He has a bad memory.



A kid runs away from home seconds after his dad returns from work and his mom from the police station. He drowns his best friend, disperses a parade, and makes sure his girlfriend goes to school all before returning home and crawling into bed deathly ill.

(yes, Dave pegged the fun ones)
Ferris Bueller's Day Off

A rural teenager builds a large army barracks and weapon, and then imprisons a diplomat there before returning home to live with his kin.
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