Dave's House of Pain

I'm assuming you get to face Dave, and I get... is that his wife's team?
Added at: 19:13
Actually I think it has more to do with the fact that the offense would be on the field for long periods of time and the defense wouldn't get so damned tired. Also, being pounded into the dirt has a demoralizing effect that causes you to play worse while being in a close, exciting game pumps the adrenaline and keeps your energy up.
So he does have an effect on the defense...
Looking back, I just realized something, Dave.
I think you just explained Tim Tebow.
Unless there's a complete catastrophe Monday night, there will NOT be an all-Nihsen final in the DHOPFL.

Llama Boy is up by 26 with two guys left to play, with Dave out of actives.

Meanwhile, I'm beating his Missus (not literally, of course) by 38 - and she only has Michael Crabtree left.


Staff member
Yeah, stuff happens. I got the #4 seed which meant going up against the undefeated team for the second week in a row. Bad luck that.

Looks like I get to play the wife next week for bragging rights...
It was a weird day. I was bedridden all day so I could only imagine how I was doing. It looks like I got lucky with some guys. GG, Dave.
Uh, what happened to all the points I got?

EDIT: Yahoo must be having issues trying to make sure the various point totals in private leagues are correct.


Staff member
It was a weird day. I was bedridden all day so I could only imagine how I was doing. It looks like I got lucky with some guys. GG, Dave.
Yeah, Brady threw to Hernandez all day and ignored Gronk. We all saw THAT coming! While on my team Hillis was supposed to be splitting time with two other guys and has a bad attitude so I benched him. Meanwhile, I put in Marion Barber who was the sole and starting RB. Not exactly my finest hour.
Good game. If you don't win next week it'll be a damned travesty.
Added at: 08:18
And my wife is bitching because I told her to keep in Gates. She wanted Celek and I talked her out of it.
The couch is SO comfy...
Hey, WAIT a minute... "don't win next week" my FANNY!

Tress, you WILL go DOW-UHN, and you WILL go DOW-UHN HOD!
Well. I suddenly have a huge hole to dig myself out of.

An aside: Dave, even though it's pretty much the reason why I'm in the title game to begin with, can we consider doing away with the bonus point stuff next year and just go with scores and points-per-yardage? Arian Foster had a good game, but it shouldn't mean I need Aaron Rodgers to throw for 400 yards or something.
Well. I suddenly have a huge hole to dig myself out of.

An aside: Dave, even though it's pretty much the reason why I'm in the title game to begin with, can we consider doing away with the bonus point stuff next year and just go with scores and points-per-yardage? Arian Foster had a good game, but it shouldn't mean I need Aaron Rodgers to throw for 400 yards or something.
I disagree, and not just because it's to my benefit at the moment. The bonuses are what make the scoring actually interesting to me. Restricting points to yardage and touchdowns only makes this similar to staring at a spreadsheet. The bonuses work for everyone, so they're completely fair and balanced.
Well, what I have an issue with is progressive bonuses. I can understand, 1 extra point for every 50 yards, but 1 for 50, 2 for 100, 3 for 150 and so on?
Of course, as soon as I say that, I'm suddenly hoping Aaron Rodgers has another 60-point night tomorrow over da Bears.

EDIT: Looked at it from pretty much every angle: my only true hope is for Aaron to have a monster game against Chicago.
Should I end up winning the league championship, I will DEFINITELY go out and get myself an Aaron Rodgers jersey.
Definition of Pyrrhic Victory: I'm up by two points at the moment, with 16 minutes left tonight - and all of Monday night to go. :(
C'mon, Falcons.
Added at: 20:22
...and there it goes. Touchdown, Colston.

(shakes Tress's hand)

Good job, getcha next year.
Congrats Tress.

I've had the same result with my other league, the Brees/Colston combo just put the championship away for me, $120!!!
Thank you thank you. I was fortunate enough to get some of the best running backs who stayed healthy most of the year, and they carried me to victory.
In the end, Aaron Rodgers couldn't win the title for me. I hope that doesn't happen IRL with the Pack.

Congrats again.


Staff member
Well that's it! The Cranky Llamas win it all in spectacular fashion! They didn't lose a game all year! Closest they came was when they were tied by Holy Knickers in week #2, but that's no surprise as the Knickers tied with everyone, I think.

#2 was obviously jwhouk - aka the Merrill Bluejays.

One thing you guys might want to do for fun is to look at the Records on the Yahoo page. (League -> Record Book). It's got some interesting tidbits like:

Which team had the most passing yards?

Passing Yards.png

Me, huh? How's about the best draft?

Drafted Players.png

Me again! Well, why the fuck didn't I win?!?


Soooooo... are we doing this for 2012? Even though we're months away from the season, it might be a good idea to start now if we have to round up HF'ers to fill the league. Any interest in starting up the league again?


Staff member
But of course we're doing it! We just can't set the league up yet. Yahoo won't allow it.