I'm finally mostly / fully recovered from that whole surgery thing now finally. I was in intense pain over the weekend since I was kind of stubbornly waiting to get my stitches taken out / thought that was just normal. Whoops, it wasn't! I should have moved my appointment up a week probably. Oh well. I'm better now, and got another refill of vicodin for in case I get any flareups / have trouble sleeping or anything.
My cousin works for the Oakland A's, and I asked him to help me with a gift for my dad. Since the Giants were in Oakland this weekend, and my dad is a huge Giants fan, I asked him to get a ball signed. My dad has never had an autographed baseball in his life. Now he has two signed baseballs, with seven signatures spread out over the two of them. My cousin really came through for me. :D
Yeah, epic weekend of epic awesomeness continues.

Not only did I see Iron Maiden on Thursday, but my girlfriend came over on friday and I just took her home a little bit ago.

Isn't that already on the way? Or am I out of date on my info once again? :p

Note: not meant as a subtle way of claiming your wife's fat Stienman!