I just accepted a job offer that looks like everything I ever wanted in a career.

Tomorrow, I'm going to resign from my position of nine years.

I am excited about life and the future for the first time in months.


Staff member
It is over.

Four days.

Twenty hours.

70+ actors.

112,000 visitors.

One blistered toe.

A metric butt-ton of fun.

Oh yes, the Medieval Market is over, and I managed to pull through it despite my current medical condition :) No sudden infections, no accidents with the drain, no joint pains. The worst I got was a slightly elevated temp today and a blister on my right big toe - my shoes are kinda old and worn out. But those are minor things compared to the fun that was had, including but not limited to
- telling bawdy stories in public
- savouring various Medieval treats from roasted almonds and pancakes with apple sauce to pork on a spit and spicy chicken.
- dancing the danse macabre
- enjoying the company of friends and like-minded people
- finding out people that were nuttier than me

The camaraderie... now that's definitely something to mention. When I was leaving the afterparty, I got well-wishes from everybody and was pretty much made to promise I would be alive and well this time next year so I can come back to the market. Hell, there's this one guy who's built like a brick shithouse and who is a self-described nutball, and he pretty much got teary-eyed, gave me a massive bear hug and told me to stay alive because he didn't want to lose anymore people close to him. That was more than a little touching. Guess I will have to live up to those expectations then ;)

Can't wait for next year! Expect pictures and maybe even video clips soon.
Glad to hear it worked out well and you got to enjoy yourself at the market. It's great that you have such a bond with the other participants that they would make you promise to be alive and well so you could return!
A few of you may recall I made a post awhile back mentioning that I had found $200 in cash on the ground and I that I turned it in. Well today I got a call saying that no one had claimed the money so I got to go and pick it up. So now I am $200 richer and I still get the satisfaction of doing the right thing.


I so rarely post in this thread that I almost forgot it was here when I got this great news. :awesome:

I won a free iPad 2 at work and I just picked it up today!
All my sister wanted for Christmas was a purple laptop. That's exactly what she got and she was happy.

Until she got promoted at work and realized that the soft ware she needed to use synced up with her iphone well but not her new lap top. She shrugged and thought nothing of it. She couldn't afford a macbook so she let it be.

Until a guy at her job decided that he didn't like that macbook he bought THIS February...he wanted one with the new retina display. He sold sister this practically brand new machine for 400.00.

April decides that she deosn't need two computers. On a lark I asked her how much she was selling her purple laptop for. The answer? $100.00. We just bought a lap top last year...but that was too good a deal to pass up. I paid her 50.00 this week and I'll pay her more next week.

That's an epic win by itself, right? It gets better.

My Dad is a firm believer in "When you get a computer, go big." So I discovered there 6 gigs of ram in this thing, a 500 gig hard drive, a top of the line graphics card and a whole punch of other goodies. Our other lap top is pretty bare bones.

So...I traded a bunch of games last night and bought Diablo 3. :p It runs very nicely. Also, a speccomparison has revealed that I can play Guild Wars 2 when it comes out.

I am very happy.


Staff member
Today is probably the last time I can convince my daughter that the fireworks are for her birthday. From here on out, it's probably just her getting pissed her friends can't come over on her birthday because they're out of town.
How about being born on February 29th? You get to celebrate your birthday only every four years...
We had a friend of the family who was born on February 29. He had a lot of fun with it. He was about the same age as my grandfather, but he would tell me, a little girl at the time, that he was just a teenager.[DOUBLEPOST=1341436954][/DOUBLEPOST]
Today is probably the last time I can convince my daughter that the fireworks are for her birthday. From here on out, it's probably just her getting pissed her friends can't come over on her birthday because they're out of town.
I can relate in a way. My birthday is September 1. It was always on or around the Labor Day holiday. Which also meant everyone was getting ready to go back to school and taking the last weekend of summer to go to the beach. My presents were usually clothes and school supplies.
Me and my best friend both have on the same day Birthday(June 28th),makes planning parties easy because we just combine two parties into one big motherf....
Exept for this year.We went to a 4-Day long Festival and got shitfaced drunk and high while listening to electro and making out with girls.
We used the "Lets pass this Poker Card back and forth using the suction from our lips.oops the card dropped while i was passing it to you" move.Worked like a charm.
Me and my best friend both have on the same day Birthday(June 28th),makes planning parties easy because we just combine two parties into one big motherf....
Exept for this year.We went to a 4-Day long Festival and got shitfaced drunk and high while listening to electro and making out with girls.
We used the "Lets pass this Poker Card back and forth using the suction from our lips.oops the card dropped while i was passing it to you" move.Worked like a charm.
Girls do seem to love two guys kissing.

My birthday is perfectly situated. June. Every six months I get gifts.
We have a racket going on in our household when it comes to getting gifts. Our wedding anniversary is in June. July is my daughter's birthday. My son's is in August. Mine is in September and my husband's is in October. We don't get presents on Thanksgiving, but we make it a celebration (last year we bucked tradition and had a Mexican fiesta). And then Christmas!