Joint Inflammation
Sodas also are one of the culprits associated with inflammation of arthritic joints. Marcelle Pick, co-founder of the Women to Women Clinic, lists both diet and regular soft drinks, fruit juices and all forms of natural and refined sugar as inflammation-fueling foods, particularly when consumed at night. Pick states, “It’s interesting how some women who eat (or drink) refined carbohydrates at night are also more likely to have fluid retention and morning pain, and how changing just this one habit can turn joint pain around — almost overnight.”
Soda to Relieve Arthritis
According to, some people drink a six-pack of soft drinks to diminish the pain of arthritis. This does provide temporary relief since the phosphate in the soda dissolves calcium deposits in the joints; however, the site warns against this practice and cautions that regularly consuming a six-pack of soft drinks will lead to osteoporosis since the soda’s phosphate also dissolves calcium in the bones.