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  1. IronBrig4

    [Brazelton] The Green Ranger It was suicide, too. This is one sad day.
  2. IronBrig4

    World War Z Interviews

    I've been working on World War Z interviews (from the book, not the movie) for a year. Nothing big, just writing while I'm bored. There's a lot more to this but I'm just going to post one segment at a time. Let me know what you all think. We are in Stan Vincovic’s study. It looks like a...
  3. IronBrig4

    Favorite foods/drinks they don't make anymore

    Are there any foods or drinks you really wish were still around? For me, it's Snapple Elements. Everything about those drinks screamed 1999 (one of my favorite years). In the age when everything had to have "X-TREME!" added to titles, they had flavor names like Velocity, Meteor, and Turbulence...
  4. IronBrig4

    Holiday movie quote game

    Here's the way this works. Somebody posts a quote from a holiday season movie. I'm including Thanksgiving as well. Somebody answers it, then posts a quote of their own. Let's see how long we can keep this up. Rules: 1. No obscure art house films that nobody outside the Bohemian community has...
  5. IronBrig4

    SDCC 2019

    I couldn't get passes for this year's Comic Con, but there was still a lot going on outside. One of the art galleries had a Picard exhibit and it was amazing. There were props or at least replicas from the show, including Data's painting of Spot and a collection of Dixon Hill novels...
  6. IronBrig4

    [Brazelton] Stan Lee dead at 95 Well crap.
  7. IronBrig4

    [Brazelton] Voice of HAL dead at 90 I really wanted to ask him to open the pod bay doors too.
  8. IronBrig4

    Red Dead Redemption 2 Multiplayer

    Hey, RDR2 is coming out shortly. I'm getting a PS4 soon as well. Would anyone like to form a multiplayer group?
  9. IronBrig4

    [Brazelton] John Heard (Dad from Home Alone) dead at 71 I can think of a lot of Home Alone-related jokes about this, but they just make me feel sad.
  10. IronBrig4

    [Brazelton] Powers Boothe dead at 68 This makes me sad. I always liked him in Tombstone. At least now he's with Morgan Earp, playing cards in that big saloon in the sky.
  11. IronBrig4

    Girl wants to go on dates but doesn't want to date

    I've been going on dates with this girl since New Year's Eve. She's cool and we've been going on dates fairly regularly. She lives about 90 minutes away so we have to plan out dates in advance. It's not like we can just call each other up and say, "I'm hungry. Wanna get sushi tonight?" Last...
  12. IronBrig4

    Thor 3: Ragnarok

    Looks good. I particularly like how the valkyries are portrayed. I just wish Marvel didn't spoil the whole plot in a single teaser trailer.
  13. IronBrig4

    [Brazelton] Chuck Berry dead at 90 Now this is a real bummer. But I can't really chalk this up to 2017 being a dick. The guy was 90 and that's a ripe old age.
  14. IronBrig4

    [Brazelton] Robert Osborne of TCM "I'm Robert Osborne. Thanks for watching." This is the guy who hosted all those...
  15. IronBrig4

    [Brazelton] Bill Paxton dead at 61 He died due to complications from surgery. This is a bummer.
  16. IronBrig4

    [Brazelton] Miguel Ferrer This guy didn't have any iconic roles, but he was in a lot of movies and TV shows. When you saw him on screen, you'd say "hey it's that guy!"
  17. IronBrig4

    [Brazelton] George Irving aka Heat Miser

    Lifelong actor and Tony winner George S. Irving passed away earlier today. He also costarred with Carrie Fisher. This has been a bad day. He was just too much.
  18. IronBrig4

    [Brazelton] Dr. Heimlich of Heimlich Maneuver fame The guy who told us what to do if someone chokes just kicked the bucket at 96. I...
  19. IronBrig4

    [Brazelton] Alan Thicke from Growing Pains And 2016 claims another 69-year-old celebrity.
  20. IronBrig4

    [Brazelton] Creator of General Tso's Chicken dead at 98 The Taiwanese chef who invented one of the most recognizable American Chinese foods has just passed away. Man, 2016 is a mean drunk.