I'm not terribly optimistic about Bioware's future, but the Extended Cut went a long way toward repairing a lot of the hard feelings I had after DA2/ME3. Yeah, the ending is still bullshit, and their handling of the initial outcry was just fucking awful, but they were willing to spend what was probably a fairly substantial amount of money to try to make it better. That tells me they still care about their fans on some level, so I'm at least willing to consider giving DA3/ME4 a chance. Not on release, and not until I hear that they're not complete shit, but I'm not writing them off entirely either.
RE: Citadel DLC, one of the biggest complaints about ME3 was that you really never got a chance to say a proper goodbye to your squadmates. I think the review here sums up my feelings on it pretty well (although I haven't played it yet):
http://www.forbes.com/sites/insertc...t-3s-citadel-dlc-at-last-the-perfect-goodbye/ (Also, how weird is it that I now trust Forbes for gaming reviews more than IGN et al?) I realized the other day that I have a bunch of Bioware points on my account still from when I bought them in bulk a few years ago; I may end up picking "Citadel" up, since it's not technically costing me anything and I sort of want to throw a bender and get my squad drunk. (Cue "emergency induction port" joke.) I'll let y'all know what I think in a few weeks when I have the chance to get to it.