I preferred the xkcd take.In case anybody is at a loss for how to read their test...
It was also the one anybody who didn’t want the vaccine but was effectively forced to got.J&J's only requiring one shot made it by far the easiest to forge.
I have friends that work in two different hospitals, one is a respiratory tech. She's said she's never seen someone on a respirator die that was vaccinated, making everyone who knew him question if he actually was or if he lied.J&J's only requiring one shot made it by far the easiest to forge.
That said, all these people saying "young people don't get as sick" and "it's just a flu" seem to forget that even the flu still kills, even the occasional young person.
While it's rare, I know of at least one fully vaccinated young guy who died from Covid. And I mean including a third booster shot.I have friends that work in two different hospitals, one is a respiratory tech. She's said she's never seen someone on a respirator die that was vaccinated, making everyone who knew him question if he actually was or if he lied.
That's not the chance of death even for the unvaccinated.A 95% efficiency rate is still 1 out of 20 people. And that was the highest one.
And if your immune system doesn't create the antibodies once, it likely won't if you repeat it, so it doesn't matter how many times you get boosted.
That's why it's so important that everyone that can be vaccinated gets vaccinated.
Moderates fucking nailing this responsible government thing.
Rules changes at the behest of CEOs.
"Yes, now, thanks to you and those like you. We could have had this thing gone forever in 2 weeks if people just listened to doctors."My mom literally just said, "Everyone's going to get it anyways, it's just like a cold now."
I hate this.
The "Liberty or Death" screamers are getting to experience both, I guess.I'm not sure if it's tragic irony or poetic justice that the ones most against mandates and vaccines are the ones that are dying off.
Hopefully a lot more.How many times does this need to happen
For both my first and second shots, side effects were terrible. I was surprised at how mild the booster was. But I'm also in the trifecta of AZ/Moderna/Pfizer so it's possible Pfizer was always mild.Got boosted today. Probably gonna take tomorrow off in anticipation of side effects.
I'm rocking Moderna for all three, so this is going to be interesting.For both my first and second shots, side effects were terrible. I was surprised at how mild the booster was. But I'm also in the trifecta of AZ/Moderna/Pfizer so it's possible Pfizer was always mild.