My niece is supposed to get re-married next month. (the original big wedding was postponed last year) I hope she cancels. I will likely have to carry my 84 year old mother into an infection zone if we still go through with it.
It's worth considering that things like the "Spanish Flu" of 1918 actually got started in Kansas, before decimating large parts of the world.China now claims that their omicron infection came from Canada post.
Ok bud.
Also after a scare yesterday, we are covid free still.
And how many of those were N95 masks and not cloth as the cloth ones aren't as effective against Omicron?I spent half today at the local police department fixing a design flaw in their audio system.
Number of people I saw wearing masks (not including myself): 2
Number of those wearing it properly (over nose as well as chin): 1
Really really glad I got that booster.
Sorry to say but it's likely they already all have it. My neighbor's son got it, and was immediately kept in his room with the parents taking every precaution they could to keep the house clean. About 4 days later their daughter showed symptoms, and another four days after that the mother did. The father was the last one to show symptoms. Thankfully, they were all vaccinated, so after about two weeks total between the four of them, they were feeling somewhat back to normal. Omicron is a bitch and spreads extremely easy, so unless the person that has it is willing to always wear a mask, even at home, they are likely going to spread it to those close to them in the same house.My antivaxer brother has it. He is now in a very small and very closed house with his unvaccinated wife and his two unvaccinated daughters.
I hate saying it, but yeah. Neil Young is...well, Neil fucking Young and a legend.I would have to think theyll choose Rogan.
Both diarrhea and stomach issues are possible Covid symptoms, common in some varieties and more rare in others. While you're right both are fairly rare for Omikron, it certainly isn't impossible and there are still non-Omikron infections, too.I stayed home sick today and my manager is freaking out. Not because we're short handed (which we kind of are) but because I wasn't feeling well when I went in yesterday. Now she's talking about contact tracing and all that. Dude, there are more illnesses than Covid. The symptoms I have don't match up. I mean, of COURSE some of them do because Omicron is like a grab bag of cold/flu symptoms, but that doesn't mean that's what I have. Like Omicron checks boxes for my headaches, runny nose, & body aches, but doesn't take into account stomach issues or diarrhea.
And THIS, folks, is why people are just going to work sick and not telling anyone. Had I kept my mouth shut or just gone in today as well it would have been a pain but not NEARLY the pain it's causing right now. It would have been a pain to ME but now it's a pain for everyone that was working with me.
I understand the short-term money choice, but I do wonder...With the laws trying to put more and more onus on Facebook/Youtube/etc to police the content being put up and making them responsible for illegal use of their service etc - this may blow up in their face. "My father died because of bad information he got from Spotify" may sound ridiculous, but it isn't necessarily that far fetched.No surprise, Spotify chose Rogan.
Spotify says it will remove Neil Young’s music instead of dropping Joe Rogan
Spotify “regrets Neil’s decision”; Young objected to COVID