Former President and Convicted Felon Trump Thread

...I assume you mean the 4th amendment (probable cause)? The 2nd is the one about keeping/bearing arms, unless you were suggesting the mounting of an armed uprising...

I very certainly meant the second one. You know, "we need this tank to protect us if the government is coming for us! We need this bazooka to keep the government in check! We need this grenade launcher so the government will not take away our basic liberties!". People claiming they want guns to protect from an overbearing government, and have now proven that, well, apparently American citizens being detained without evidence, or even an allegation of a crime, without any recourse, apparently isn't what they consider an issue.
I very certainly meant the second one. You know, "we need this tank to protect us if the government is coming for us! We need this bazooka to keep the government in check! We need this grenade launcher so the government will not take away our basic liberties!". People claiming they want guns to protect from an overbearing government, and have now proven that, well, apparently American citizens being detained without evidence, or even an allegation of a crime, without any recourse, apparently isn't what they consider an issue.
Of course not, because they aren't white. See also: It's ok if our guy does it.

Trump is already on vacation AND golfing. Do Republicans care? Nope.
I very certainly meant the second one. You know, "we need this tank to protect us if the government is coming for us! We need this bazooka to keep the government in check! We need this grenade launcher so the government will not take away our basic liberties!". People claiming they want guns to protect from an overbearing government, and have now proven that, well, apparently American citizens being detained without evidence, or even an allegation of a crime, without any recourse, apparently isn't what they consider an issue.
No, no, no. The 2nd amendment was crafted to protect us from external threats, not internal ones. History has shown that the mistreatment of one's own brown people is not a threat, it's just good for business.

Of course not, because they aren't white. See also: It's ok if our guy does it.

There's a reason that Martin Niemöller's famous quote ("First they came for the Socialists...) is so popular. It encapsulates the human tendency to allow evil or injustice, so long as it doesn't directly affect them. If any president had put members of the Klan, or groups/locations affiliated with the Klan (everyone from Mississippi it banned from traveling to other states until they can be cleared), there would be an armed uprising. But since it's happening to brown people, since it's happening to Muslims, then most people in this country don't care.
I very certainly meant the second one. You know, "we need this tank to protect us if the government is coming for us! We need this bazooka to keep the government in check! We need this grenade launcher so the government will not take away our basic liberties!". People claiming they want guns to protect from an overbearing government, and have now proven that, well, apparently American citizens being detained without evidence, or even an allegation of a crime, without any recourse, apparently isn't what they consider an issue.
Since the Executive Branch is still, albeit very begrudgingly and while complaining about it, obeying the Judicial Branch's ruling, it doesn't meet the criteria generally given for armed uprising, as the checks and balances in the system are still working.
That's kind of what was happening. CBP agents were denying detainees access to lawyers, even when Congresspeople and Senators tried to personally intervene.
It certainly got close to an actual constitutional crisis, but Trump still blinked and submitted. It's very concerning and showed how close we are though, much like the Cuban Missile Crisis was for the threat of nuclear war.
That's kind of what was happening. CBP agents were denying detainees access to lawyers, even when Congresspeople and Senators tried to personally intervene.
But Congresspeople and Senators aren't the check as, individually, they aren't the Congress or Senate. You'd have a seriously more fucked up problem if a Senator had authority to order law enforcement officers around.

Besides, the check that's working as intended in this situation is the Judicial System.
You don't see a problem with the CBP agent telling a Senator or Congressperson to their face that they are going to ignore the 4th Amendment guarantee to legal representation?

To quote an unnamed CBP agent at Dulles when a Senator demanded that a detainee be allowed to see his lawyer, "not gonna happen."
I see a problem with a Senator ordering a law enforcement officer to do anything.

I also see a problem with my law enforcement officers denying people due process.

But I see no problem with a law enforcement officer telling a Senator "My instructions don't come through you, so fuck off."
Betsy DeVos confirmed.
I made my first political post on Facebook today, letting everyone who helped make this happen know that I will hold them personally responsible for every minute I spend fighting for my children's education as a result of this. I do my best to stay out of this stuff, but this is fucking with my kids. Fuck them. Fuck them and everyone who looks like them. Fuck them and the horses they rode in on.
Gardner actually posted a Facebook video trying to justify his vote. The comments on it are glorious.


You don't see a problem with the CBP agent telling a Senator or Congressperson to their face that they are going to ignore the 4th Amendment guarantee to legal representation?

To quote an unnamed CBP agent at Dulles when a Senator demanded that a detainee be allowed to see his lawyer, "not gonna happen."
Right, but then things changed and Trunp threw a shitfit but submitted just the same. Don't be the Bush administration about this.

And everyone with the "no one cares" shtick. Yeah, Trump supporters don't, but in case none of you noticed, there were protests at airports across the country, lawyers working round the clock to help people in detention, moving this up through courts and public awareness so that the judicial branch could be put into action to intervene. People care, and some of them sit and cry doom; others punch the alt-reich leader in the face.
And everyone with the "no one cares" shtick.
I'm not saying no-one cares, I'm saying the people who continuously claim they care about Big Government locking up innocent Americans, putting down regular American citizens, and so on, are a bunch of hypocrites who only care when it's them.
So, soon people in (parts of) the South will be able to choose freely between Bible School, no school, or stay at home and teach yourself? Lovely.
Republicans have been wanting to get rid of the DOE for a long time.
That's because most of them are too stupid to appreciate everything that it does. That goes double for the Dept. of Energy.

Yes, I just called almost half the country stupid, because they are.
Yeah didn't every single Democrat vote against her?[DOUBLEPOST=1486508286,1486508144][/DOUBLEPOST]Also oh my God the responses to her tweet are fucking priceless.