Funny (political, religious) pictures

For white people maybe. Nominating guys like Bloomberg or Buttygig are asking minority voters to get off one sinking ship right onto a liferaft with a hole in it.
For white people maybe. Nominating guys like Bloomberg or Buttygig are asking minority voters to get off one sinking ship right onto a liferaft with a hole in it.
So long as it's a smaller hole than the one in the boat, I say GET TO DA RAFT.

For white people maybe. Nominating guys like Bloomberg or Buttygig are asking minority voters to get off one sinking ship right onto a liferaft with a hole in it.
So who's their current better choice? No, seriously. The white guy from the 1940s? The other white guy from the 1940s? Sure, I believe Sanders means well. I'm not convinced he's going to end racism, though.
I'm confused how you think that a white dude from the 40's WHO MARCHED WITH MARTIN LUTHER KING is the same as a billionaire who implemented one of the most racist police procedures of all time as mayor or a mayor who managed to amp up racism in his city while firing every black person in charge.
I'm not convinced he's going to end racism, though.
Nobody's going to end racism. If "can he fully solve the problem forever?" is the bar for election, we might as well give up forever.

Instead, why not make a distinction between people who have a track record of being openly racist vs. people who have a decades-long history of taking action against racism?
TIL my husband doesn't know what edging is, and I'm debating if I should tell him or not because he'd hate it.


Staff member
Edging is for people who get it enough that they need to try more and more stuff to make it interesting. I've been married so long vanilla is my favorite flavor.
Which reminds me of one of my favorite jokes...

The other day someone asked me if I was getting any on the side. I told them I haven't gotten any in so long I didn't realize they had moved it.


Staff member
I cast aspersions upon any argument that touts the fact that it was made under the influence of MDMA as a good thing.
There's actually a good deal of scientific evidence that MDMA and LSD are highly useful for treating anxiety disorders and things like PTSD when used in conjunction with cognitive therapy, all from accredited and accomplished scholars. Unfortunately, the government does it's best to squash basic research into this essentially because they don't want to have to deal with ANOTHER semi-legalized drug in edition to marijuana.

It's kind of crazy what you have to do in order to research it to0. Armed DEA agents on site, massive safes to guard the miniscule amount of MDMA provided for the experiment, constant drug testing... it's all much more strignant than even marijuana testing.