I think that Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, and Rand Paul should be forced to carry on their campaigns through the third trimester instead of being able to abort them now.
I was expecting to find an exception, but all of them support abortion if the life of the mother is at risk, so to extend the analogy, they should be allowed to choose to terminate their campaign if it puts their political ambitions at risk.
None of them include provisions for abortion after rape or incest, though, so if they claim that someone attacked them and forced them to carry a presidential campaign, then ending it on those grounds alone would be hypocritical.
If they had trouble starting a campaign in the past, used in vitro campaignization, and then had too many campaigns, none of them have made it clear whether terminating campaigns until only one or two remain should be allowed.
Needless to say, any attempt to self-terminate one's campaign without a competent publicist and board certified speech writer should be discouraged due to the possible political fallout such an action might take. With democrats controlling a majority of publicists and writers, though, and restricting access to these services for those least able to afford them, this is sadly going to continue to happen.
But it's all just a localized symptom of the broader breakdown of traditional politics.