Gas Bandit's Political Thread V: The Vampire Likes Bats

I find it amusing that the republican governors are still going forward into New Hampshire. Jeb Bush looks like he's just too embarrassed to call it quits but at least Kasich has made it clear that he'll drop out if he doesn't do signifigantly better in NH.
That makes sense for Kasich. His only hope is moderate Republican voters, and if he doesn't do well in NH (and is still determined to fight for some breath of fresh air), then he's not going to do well in most other places. Ditto Christie.

Bush, well, I suppose it might be accurate to say that poor showings in NH won't mean that his campaign is any worse off, if he wasn't going to quit after Iowa.


Staff member
There's a bit of a flap going on with Carson accusing Cruz of "stealing" Iowa by his staffers apparently going around telling people that Carson was ending his campaign. Cruz apologized, saying it was a misunderstanding based on a misleading report CNN did where they said (paraphrased) "Now that Iowa's campaigning is over, all the candidates are heading to New Hampshire, except for Ben Carson, who is going home to Florida. Guess he wasn't really serious about his presidential bid after all!" The truth of the matter was Carson was going home to, in his words "pick up a fresh set of clothes" and then he'd be heading to Washington DC to continue campaigning - apparently skipping both NH and SC, but not pulling out nonetheless. Trump, as usual, is being Trump and demanding that Cruz fire his staffers and that he (Trump) is considering suing Cruz over it, and saying Iowa needs a do-over caucus.

I can almost admire how brazenly underhanded a play that is. And also, of all the states in the Union, the Iowa caucuses are where it would make the most difference, because they don't use ballots.
And now they're turning the whole story around. Seriously, today's news outlets with their desperate grab to be the first to report anything, and to construct narratives, means it's ever harder and harder to sift through the junk and find truth or reality. I don't know which is true, and the internet will forever offer stories saying both. Sigh. Dear Big Media: get your heads out of your asses and realize that a lot of people would welcome a source of news that's perhaps a few hours behind the Latest Breaking New Thing, but at least does proper fact checking and can be trusted not to spout nonsense. You're destroying your own credibility, one story at a time.


Staff member
And now they're turning the whole story around. Seriously, today's news outlets with their desperate grab to be the first to report anything, and to construct narratives, means it's ever harder and harder to sift through the junk and find truth or reality. I don't know which is true, and the internet will forever offer stories saying both. Sigh. Dear Big Media: get your heads out of your asses and realize that a lot of people would welcome a source of news that's perhaps a few hours behind the Latest Breaking New Thing, but at least does proper fact checking and can be trusted not to spout nonsense. You're destroying your own credibility, one story at a time.
I miss when the news only came on at 5 and 10.
I love how that site tries to shift the blame to Sanders supporters.
You're not wrong, but every site I saw talking about the coin toss thing, even the ones that just mention the story without taking a major angle, was full of comments of people freaking out about "RIGGED!" and "SHE'S SO CORRUPT!!" and "SHE'S JUST LIKE THE REPUBLICANS, THIS PROVES IT!!!"

I'm not saying it is indicative of Sanders supporters overall, but if I were a news site operating in a dying medium and checking out my competitors as indicative of the worldview of the masses, that's what I might have concluded.
I want to move to the West Coast so I can watch football at 10 am Sunday mornings, and actually see the end of the Monday night games before going to bed. But I don't think I could do the Central time zone; being an hour behind the centre of the universe would be weird.


Staff member
I really don't think a coin toss is a good way to resolve a tie, myself. Used to be, back in the day, I had my toss so practiced I could usually determine what the outcome would be with about an 80% success rate.
I'm also unsure of what the point of doing it at all was. Since they switched to proportional allocation, why not simply declare the "coin toss" districts ties and allocate accordingly? The same number of country delegates would still go to the county conventions and then district and then so on.


Staff member
I'm also unsure of what the point of doing it at all was. Since they switched to proportional allocation, why not simply declare the "coin toss" districts ties and allocate accordingly? The same number of country delegates would still go to the county conventions and then district and then so on.
As long as we're doing things that make sense, let's just get rid of primaries altogether and switch to instant runoff/ranked choice voting.
I'm also unsure of what the point of doing it at all was. Since they switched to proportional allocation, why not simply declare the "coin toss" districts ties and allocate accordingly? The same number of country delegates would still go to the county conventions and then district and then so on.
My understanding is this only happened in country districts with an odd number of delegates. You can't send half a Clinton delegate and half a Sanders delegate to a convention.


Staff member
I think Rand stopping is hysterical. Last Saturday we had a graduation for our university. At the same time and the same location, there was a Rand Paul rally. And the people there for Paul were dicks. They bitched a storm when they found out they were sharing the area and especially the parking lot. It was a clusterfuck.
My understanding is this only happened in country districts with an odd number of delegates. You can't send half a Clinton delegate and half a Sanders delegate to a convention.
Hmm, that is a quandary, but I would simply have someone go officially as a neutral, and abstain at the country convention level. Then you maintain the number of delegates going to "properly" represent the population, but neither side gets an artificial advantage when they re-do the caucus at each level.


Staff member
I also think it's hilarious how the media and republican establishments have now suddenly started clinging to Marco Rubio like he's the last life preserver on the Titanic. 6 months ago neither would give him the time of day, because he's basically Ted Cruz except for being soft on immigration (favors amnesty).
I think that Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, and Rand Paul should be forced to carry on their campaigns through the third trimester instead of being able to abort them now.
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I also think it's hilarious how the media and republican establishments have now suddenly started clinging to Marco Rubio like he's the last life preserver on the Titanic. 6 months ago neither would give him the time of day, because he's basically Ted Cruz except for being soft on immigration (favors amnesty).
I was under the impression that Rubio is pretty well-liked by the Republican Party while they all can't stand Cruz. That seems more relevant than their politics.


Staff member
I was under the impression that Rubio is pretty well-liked by the Republican Party while they all can't stand Cruz. That seems more relevant than their politics.
That's the impression they've been trying to cultivate recently, but Cruz and Rubio were both Tea Party darlings. They were both complete pariahs until Rubio joined the "gang of 8" to pass an immigration amnesty bill, and that made him a little less reviled, but it's only been recently (in particular, since Jeb Bush has been revealed to not have a snowball's chance in hell) that the GOP bigwigs have started to embrace Rubio.
Let's be honest: NONE of the Republican front runners are liked by the Party. All of the guys they actually wanted to win are in the single percentages right now and they don't understand WHY, despite it being apparent to everyone else in the country.
I think that Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, and Rand Paul should be forced to carry on their campaigns through the third trimester instead of being able to abort them now.
I was expecting to find an exception, but all of them support abortion if the life of the mother is at risk, so to extend the analogy, they should be allowed to choose to terminate their campaign if it puts their political ambitions at risk.

None of them include provisions for abortion after rape or incest, though, so if they claim that someone attacked them and forced them to carry a presidential campaign, then ending it on those grounds alone would be hypocritical.

If they had trouble starting a campaign in the past, used in vitro campaignization, and then had too many campaigns, none of them have made it clear whether terminating campaigns until only one or two remain should be allowed.

Needless to say, any attempt to self-terminate one's campaign without a competent publicist and board certified speech writer should be discouraged due to the possible political fallout such an action might take. With democrats controlling a majority of publicists and writers, though, and restricting access to these services for those least able to afford them, this is sadly going to continue to happen.

But it's all just a localized symptom of the broader breakdown of traditional politics.