Gas Bandit's Political Thread V: The Vampire Likes Bats

But if the republicans keep blocking him until January 20th (which I'm sure they'd love to do).
They can try, but they only need to get a handful of Republican senators to be fed up with their party's shit to force a vote (like 5-6)... and if they can force the vote, it's likely they have enough guys on board to confirm. This is actually a good time to be a Republican senator: the Democrats would be willing to do ANYTHING to get a liberal justice on the court NOW so now is the time to do a backroom deal for support for whatever they want, pretty much.


Staff member
Longest time from nomination to resolution was 125 days. That's in the HISTORY of the US. Watch Cruz try and throw a fit because that's what he does. He's a fucking child.

And the SCOTUS needed to come back towards center after the fucking terrible rulings they've made in the past few years.
Longest time from nomination to resolution was 125 days. That's in the HISTORY of the US. Watch Cruz try and throw a fit because that's what he does. He's a fucking child.

And the SCOTUS needed to come back towards center after the fucking terrible rulings they've made in the past few years.
Which would be more shameful - talking about blocking a replacement before the man is buried, or nominating a replacement before the man is buried?


Staff member
Longest time from nomination to resolution was 125 days. That's in the HISTORY of the US. Watch Cruz try and throw a fit because that's what he does. He's a fucking child.
There you go trying to tempt me to vote for him again :p

And the SCOTUS needed to come back towards center after the fucking terrible rulings they've made in the past few years.
Are you kidding? There were 5 liberals and 4 conservatives on the court. One of the conservatives just died. If Obama puts up another Sotomayor or Kagan, it actually wouldn't surprise me if the republicans close ranks and pull a Bork the candidate.
Bork wasn't "Borked". His own whackjob views did that jackass in. Not to mention playing the sycophant during the Saturday Night Massacre.
The President nominates someone. If the president is liberal, you get a liberal nominee. That's the way the system works. If you (rhetorical "you", not actually you) don't like it, then you don't support the idea of democracy.

If the roles were reversed, Republicans would be howling about the importance of nominating quickly and condemning Democrats for any talk about blocking nominees. Goddamn hypocrites, all of them.
Are you kidding? There were 5 liberals and 4 conservatives on the court. One of the conservatives just died. If Obama puts up another Sotomayor or Kagan, it actually wouldn't surprise me if the republicans close ranks and pull a Bork the candidate.
I'd hardly call Kennedy a liberal after Citizens United. He's been a swing Judge since O'Connor retired. Regardless, Obama has almost an entire year to get someone in the chair. Does this make Kennedy Senior Justice?

Also, I love when you say something that actually has me looking shit up. "Who the fuck was Bork? Oh, this happened when I was 3, that's why I don't remember. Still interesting."


Staff member
There you go trying to tempt me to vote for him again :p

Are you kidding? There were 5 liberals and 4 conservatives on the court. One of the conservatives just died. If Obama puts up another Sotomayor or Kagan, it actually wouldn't surprise me if the republicans close ranks and pull a Bork the candidate.
Or maybe 5 conservatives and 4 liberals. Which is the reality. Or are you calling Kennedy a liberal because he's centrist? The recent decisions including Citizen's United and the Home Depot bullshit are certainly NOT liberal agendas. The court has been firmly conservative and big-business/republican friendly.
Also, I love when you say something that actually has me looking shit up. "Who the fuck was Bork? Oh, this happened when I was 3, that's why I don't remember. Still interesting."
The Saturday Night Massacre happened when you were negative eleven. [emoji3]

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Gosh, it's almost as if these people being paid for their decisions and rulings don't necessarily march lock-step, and one person might be, say, economically more conservative and ethically more liberal, or the other way around. I know it's not what we're used to these days, with everyone choosing one trive and sticking with it no matter what, but really.

Bush: Screw Trump.
Trump: Screw Jeb.
Cruz: Screw Rubio.
Rubio: Screw Cruz.
Kasich: Can't we all just get along?
Carson: Go to my website.

So much for "need to watch".
As pointed out above, a year would be beyond ridiculous.
I'd hardly call Kennedy a liberal after Citizens United.
From a definite outsider perspective, everything I've seen about that decision screams that it was correct for one simple reason: your constitution has a fucking moronic amendment that made corporations FULL persons. The decision was right, even if the implications are horrific. Thus those upholding what your constitution actually says rather than what they'd like to happen did the right thing. IIRC it was even in their commentary that this is horrific, but it's up to the legislative branch to amend the constitution, not for the court to bypass it.


Staff member
ROBERTS?!? Roberts is your liberal? Now I KNOW you're trolling.
He was the deciding vote that upheld Obamacare through transparently unsound logic. Years had been spent with the democrats arguing "The mandate penalty's not a tax, it's not a tax, it's not a tax" and that's how it got passed through congress, and then suddenly this supposedly conservative justice says "It's allowed because it's a tax." It was absolutely bewildering - the only sane explanation would be a midget hiding under Roberts' robes pointing a gun up at him throughout the entire proceedings whispering "fucking uphold it or I shoot your nads! Do it!" Even Kennedy, the so-called "Centrist" fell on the right side of the argument. But not the supposedly conservative Roberts. So he's lost his conservative credentials in my eyes. He's like a pro-abortion catholic.
He's like a pro-abortion catholic.
The former Arch Bishop of Belgium (he was also a cardinal and a close personal friend of John Paul II, who you'll remember as "not exactly progressive") was pro abortion, what's your point? That, no matter the prejudices and stereotypes, there are exceptions and variations in every population?

Really, one can be conservative and liberal, or progressive and capitalist, and all kinds of other combos. If all judges should base all their decisions on one axis and that alone, you don't need 9 of them. Logically, you need one from every type, from "lawful good" to "chaotic evil". :troll:
How the hell did the youngest Judge become Chief Justice?[DOUBLEPOST=1455463442,1455463331][/DOUBLEPOST]
Really, one can be conservative and liberal, or progressive and capitalist, and all kinds of other combos. If all judges should base all their decisions on one axis and that alone, you don't need 9 of them. Logically, you need one from every type, from "lawful good" to "chaotic evil". :troll:
Well we need a new Chaotic Evil one now...
How the hell did the youngest Judge become Chief Justice?
Chief Justice is a specific position to be filled on the court, not a title for the oldest/longest serving/whatever. Whenever Roberts steps down/dies, his replacement will immediately become Chief Justice.
Would the president be allowed to nominate a current justice for Chief and then find a new person to replace the other position?


Staff member
Man that debate was an absolute bloodbath. It was amazing. I actually really came out of it admiring Kasich. A good old-fashioned no nonsense republican. Presented his numbers on economic growth really well, and was one of the only people up there that had anything substantive to say about what he accomplished and what he would accomplish. He has zero chance. At this point I'm not really sure what to think. Trump took an absolute beating on stage but the first post election poll showed him in a remarkable lead that grew after the debate. Rubio did quite well but I don't know if it's enough for him to overcome his Mr Robot impression. Bush did well as well, but after this long a period of failing can we really expect him to pull back up? Carson...well, check his website for more info on that. Then there's Cruz. I think it takes a lot of work to come out looking like the greasiest man on that stage but I think he managed it well. Rubios shot at him was pretty well executed, although maybe not the bit about him not being able to speak spanish (but I mean really guys, this is the primaries. Spanish speakers are not voting in these primaries and many of the people who are have shown with their votes they line up closer with Trump's views on hispanics). That said though I think he still performed fairly well. Trump set him up for some pretty easy counters.

Truth is almost all of them did well considering, with the exception of Trump, whose supporters don't watch TV unless Beef Supreme is on, so who cares, and Carson, who would have lost some supporters if he had had any to begin with.[DOUBLEPOST=1455574459,1455574134][/DOUBLEPOST]
Gosh, it's almost as if these people being paid for their decisions and rulings don't necessarily march lock-step, and one person might be, say, economically more conservative and ethically more liberal, or the other way around. I know it's not what we're used to these days, with everyone choosing one trive and sticking with it no matter what, but really.
Don't tell that to Clarence Thomas.
Man that debate was an absolute bloodbath. It was amazing. I actually really came out of it admiring Kasich. A good old-fashioned no nonsense republican. Presented his numbers on economic growth really well, and was one of the only people up there that had anything substantive to say about what he accomplished and what he would accomplish. He has zero chance.
Kasich believes Global Climate Change is the will of God and that we shouldn't do anything to stop it. Do you still respect him?