Gas Bandit's Political Thread V: The Vampire Likes Bats

And somehow they didn't manage to call out the horror that was Mountain Dew's Puppy Monkey Baby.
I didn't even realize what that commercial was for, just wondering whose drug induced hallucinations that came from. Damn that was a weird commercial.

I did like the Hulk/Ant-Man commercial for Coca-Cola.
You know, have whatever side you want in the rights of a fetus debates, but I am still angry that this woman's only charge in regards to this baby is "Unlawful Termination of a Pregnancy." For fuck's sake, SHE CUT THE WOMAN OPEN TO STEAL THE BABY! I mean, I get why they did it in terms of legality, but I am still not happy about it. The point is moot anyways, once the attempted murder and felony assault charges stick, she'll be going to jail a long time. I can't imagine any jury will believe that Lane thought she killed the other woman in self defense then cut out the baby to save it.

Original Sentencing article: Dynel Lane, suspect in attack on Michelle Wilkins, bound over for trial

Judge: DA can elicit 'fetal abduction' testimony during Dynel Lane trial


Staff member
I'm getting more than a little sick of the oil market fucking me in the ass.

Silver lining: at least the lube is cheaper.[DOUBLEPOST=1455140323,1455139938][/DOUBLEPOST]
Just remember who actually wrote this. A single person who works at a pro-choice non-profit. While I'm sure many of them are very good people it would not surprise me at all for them to end up with some whackjob like Charlie as their social media rep.
The last four remaining lunatics at the Oregon wildlife refuge have surrendered. I listened to the live feed last night. There was a lot of praying and quite a bit of crying. I know I shouldn't mock the insane but it's just so hard not to make fun of these crazies...
I don't understand why he didn't name names. Just nebulous "Republicans."
He might only know the people he actually negotiates with. To be frank, representatives of foreign political parties aren't exactly ALL that important in the grand scheme of things and considering most people can't even name their own senators or representatives unless they are big party muckimucks, I wouldn't put it past an Iranian Admiral to not give two shits about getting names.

Also, he might be under the impression there would be reprisals for it. If his people found out he was undermining his sitting government, he'd be dead in the street by the next day or in the middle of a civil war.


Staff member
He might only know the people he actually negotiates with. To be frank, representatives of foreign political parties aren't exactly ALL that important in the grand scheme of things and considering most people can't even name their own senators or representatives unless they are big party muckimucks, I wouldn't put it past an Iranian Admiral to not give two shits about getting names.
I don't buy it. He remembered enough to say it happened (to the French for some reason), and you know Iran keeps meticulous details about all contact with foreigners.

Of course, it could also be that it's bogus.
I don't buy it. He remembered enough to say it happened (to the French for some reason), and you know Iran keeps meticulous details about all contact with foreigners.

Of course, it could also be that it's bogus.
Perhaps, but again, we know the Republicans have stalled such efforts before for political gain. You don't get your hostages released during an inauguration address by happy coincidence.


Staff member
Perhaps, but again, we know the Republicans have stalled such efforts before for political gain. You don't get your hostages released during an inauguration address by happy coincidence.
Actually we don't "know" anything of the sort, we only have unproven allegations made by Carter staffers. Now, it wouldn't surprise me if it was true, but that's different from knowing for a fact it happened.
Jim Gilmore's out.

...Who? Seriously, I thought I'd been following this thing with some attention, but...who?

Anyway, that leaves Bush, Carson, Cruz, Trump, Rubio, Kasich, Clinton and Sanders. Look at that list - your next president will more than likely be one of those names. I find that somewhat terrifying.
I think if Bush loses to Kasich again, he'll back out. Same with Rubio. Carson is basically just staying in for the publicity at this point... he's working on his brand so he can try for a Rep or Senator run in two years, if not just diving straight into doing event speaking for a living. Cruz is probably in unless he starts taking some serious losses. But we won't know for another two weeks.

I think we're also going to see just how much support Sanders really has in the next one. He basically needs to win a bit over 2/3rds of total delegates nationally (a little under 2600-2700) in order to get the nomination because of the number of Super delegates in the Democratic party. If he can't start getting some significant victories over Clinton, there really isn't any point in continuing except to keep making Hillary look bad.

Expect this all to be basically settled by March 15th. By that point we'll have half the Democratic delegates committed.


Staff member
I expect Rubio to stay in longer than otherwise might be considered normal, because he isn't running for re-election to his senate seat, so if he loses here (and doesn't get picked as VP)... he goes home. Home home.
I expect Rubio to stay in longer than otherwise might be considered normal, because he isn't running for re-election to his senate seat, so if he loses here (and doesn't get picked as VP)... he goes home. Home Board of Directors of fifteen wealthy organisations home.
Should he wait a year to let the next president choose a new supreme court judge?

Seems less like rushing and more like waiting an inordinate amount of time.