[PC Game] Halforums House 3: Halforums Academy Semester 1 Complete!

When I was a senior in high school, one of my classmates committed suicide. There was no assembly and homework and tests were only put off 1 day, but a grief counselor was made available. I wasn't more than a casual acquaintance of his (we only had one class together), but some of the others took it really hard, including one guy who had been friends with him since kindergarten.
When I was a junior in high school, a kid I sorta knew commit suicide. There was no announcement, nor any relief from schoolwork. However, people who knew him got the day off for his funeral. Naturally, many of the same jackasses who made his life miserable in school took the day off and went to his funeral and were insufferable jerks. I barely knew the kid, but I still wanted to go all stabbity stabbity on those pricks.
When I was a junior in high school, a kid I sorta knew commit suicide. There was no announcement, nor any relief from schoolwork. However, people who knew him got the day off for his funeral. Naturally, many of the same jackasses who made his life miserable in school took the day off and went to his funeral and were insufferable jerks. I barely knew the kid, but I still wanted to go all stabbity stabbity on those pricks.
Might as well add my own.
In grade 10, a fairly close friend of mine (we shared a locker), tried, and failed, to commit suicide. Her family shipped her off to England (where the rest of her family was) as soon as she as out of hospital. Nothing was said, nothing was done, nothing was admitted to.


Staff member

The world stops for no man, and the sun rises once more on a new day. But among the student body, the recent slaying of their classmate has made a noticeable change - previous slights and rivalries seem petty and trivial compared to the crushing intrusion of mortality into their microcosm, and the worst of held grudges are at least partially forgiven in an unconscious drive for mutual support in the wake of an astonishing act of violence that has removed 2 classmates - both the slayer and the slain. So this morning sees many hatchets buried, and if they're not friends, at least former enemies are civil again - though for how long before personalities grate against eachother again is anyone's guess.

There's not anybody in school who doesn't know who Little Kagsin is. Many call her friend, and some would like to call her more than that - she's like a big sister (or in some cases, your friend's hot sister) to many of the other students. She's stuck with Jay Sirius for a long time, to the wonderment of many - but she knows that in her heart she's strayed emotionally as much as Jay has physically. Of course, her recent hopes for where she might turn were dashed when Dei swooped in and took Frank with a charm offensive dizzying in scope. She knows Raven holds feelings for her bordering on obsession, but even if it were possible to think of RP that way, she woudn't because of how Raven has acted so far this semester - though her animus is softer today than it has been. Other than Frank, her best friends right now are Lana Karron and Lord Rendar.

1 - Rhapsody in Blue.JPG

In fact, she sees Lana right off the bat. Lana catches her on the way to school to see how she's doing. She might have barely known Terrik, but Bhamv was actually one of her best friends, and her act of murder was a bolt out of the blue to Kags.

At Kags' suggestion, she and Lana head to the library to study. The need is two-fold for Kags - both the distraction, and the grades - she's bottom of the class.

2 - Study Symphony.JPG

Of course, the discussion doesn't stay on the lesson very long. It turns to love and guys pretty quickly. Kags is, as always, wondering what to do about Jay, but the problem with discussing this sort of thing with Lana is she doesn't really talk about love much - and she's too twitterpated with Lord Rendar currently to treat the subject objectively. Lana does, however, confide that she doesn't hold the highest opinion of Jay.

3 - Blue Danube.JPG

Klew and Shakey also show up to do some studying. Kags decides she's had enough pre-class revision and heads out - Those two have been decidedly unfriendly with her, and though everybody's less antagonistic today, she'd rather avoid any potential confronations right now.

4 - The Cuckoo and the Nightengale.JPG

She sees Dirona and Cheesy headed toward the library on her way out.

5 - Intimate Letters.JPG

Then Jay comes in with Frank. The boyfriend and the other boy - and yet they are thick as thieves. She'd never have guessed this would happen anywhere. She must be such a doormat, if the two men in her heart don't even feel conflict over her!

6 - Concerto Pathetique.JPG

Jay sees her and, as Frank peels away, heads over to talk to her. He senses she's not happy, and.. well, he's trying to cheer her up, but Jay's not exactly the commiserative type. But she's got a soft spot for bad boys. And tough boys. And.. well, boys.

7 - Serioso in F Minor.JPG

She asks Jay how he's doing - Terrik was a friend of his, too, after all, a cornerstone of the clique-come-faction that grew up around the Kendo club. He says he's fine, but before Kags can probe deeper to see if it's just an act, Dirona interrupts them for some reason... Kags suspects she might have eyes for Jay.

8 - Cat's Fugue.JPG

Then Frank wants to talk to her, but Jay immediately cuts him off. Maybe there's a little competition for her after all.

9 - Symphonie des deux mondes.JPG

Then, Kags isn't sure what just happened, but Jay's talking to Dirona and Tin Whistler's talking to Frank, and she's standing there - as close to a literal definition of a fifth wheel as it is possible to be. So she leaves.

10 - Helicopter string quartet.JPG

Out front, she sees Dei Skates and Bones NoBeard with their arms around each other. She wishes Frank was here to see this!

11 -Thieving Magpie Overture.JPG

She goes to find him, along the way rebuffing Raven Poe's dirty flirtations politely.

12 - Hayden's Joke.JPG

She finds him in the hallway near the bathrooms. She tries to tell him what she saw, but she can't tell if the rising tension from Frank's body language is because of Dei, or herself.

13 - Mercury the winged messenger.JPG

Then Dei herself shows up. "Well aren't we getting all cozy!" She forces a confrontation! Frank must pick between Kags and Dei. There's a tense moment of silence, then Frank turns to Kags. "I choose you." Dei is absolutely horrified and flees the area.

14 - The Surprise Symphony.JPG

Kags is positively aglow. Turns out Frank had already witnessed Dei and Bones together before, and he couldn't stomach it any longer. It's little wonder, his emotions must be in absolute turmoil with the death of his friend.

She has him follow her up to the roof, and tries to put an arm around him but he shrugs her off. She confesses her affection for him in a rush - but for Frank, it's too soon. For a lot of things, probably.

15 - The Old Castle.JPG

Kags is crestfallen - she's pushed too hard, too fast, and now is worried she's ruined it. But Lana comes to rescue her from the awkward situation, and makes a public display of asking Kags to help her study - even though they've already studied this morning.

It isn't long after that the homeroom bell rings. The teacher makes the formal announcement of what they all already knew - there are flowers on the desk formerly occupied by Terrik. Bhamv's desk is an oppressive emptiness.

16 - Death and the Maiden.JPG

Despite the studying, Kags' emotional state makes the morning classes a complete waste. At lunch, Tin Whistler invites everyone to lunch. Kags joins the group - Frank's sure to be there, and she'd like to repair whatever damage she's done, along with generally trying to foster solidarity with the other students.

17 - Promenade.JPG

Tin, Frank, Jay, Kags, Dirona, Cheesy, and surprisingly Bones all join in for lunch on the roof.

Afterwards, Kags tries to put Frank at ease - while in the background, Dei seeks solace in Bones' arms. As he relaxes and speaks familiarly with her again, she doesn't push her luck this time. But then he asks her to wait for him at the classroom. What could it mean?!

18 - The Resurrection Symphony.JPG

She starts to smile again as she heads for the classroom (he did mean THEIR classroom, right? Not the empty one? Surely). But on the way she's intercepted by Jay. His accusing glare makes her wonder if he can read minds.

19 - Also Sprach Zarathustra.JPG

Suddenly Raven jumps in and yells for Jay to stop being such a butt to her - between the two of them, it turns into a confrontation. Now Kags is on the spot, and has to choose! As much as a little voice inside her tells her Jay needs to be taken down a peg, her insecurity won't let her jeopardize their already rocky relationship to the degree that choosing Raven over him would effect. At least not while Frank is still on the fence and could go either way.

20 - The War of the Romantics.JPG

She chooses Jay. The look of betrayal on Raven's face will haunt her. Raven's done nothing but stick up for Kags lately - even if Kags doesn't particularly care for her, she doesn't like crushing her. Jay, however, looks very pleased with himself.

21 - Requiem - Lacrimosa.JPG

And then Frank arrives. But Jay won't let her talk to him. Frank's lips tighten, and he leaves the classroom.

22 - Dies Irae.JPG

The bell rings. Afternoon classes go no better than the morning ones - even worse perhaps, if that's possible.

Raven and Kags are both on the Track team - she decides to try to be nicer to Raven to make up for what happened at lunch. She finds Raven in a deep funk, and to cheer her up suggests they warm up together.

23 - Symphony of Sorrowful Songs.JPG

They are passed by Gusto and Mind Detective who are on their way to the ballfield. That's not right, nobody should pass the TRACK team!

24 - Infernal Gallop.JPG

It seems to do the trick, Raven's in a better mood. Kags asks if they're cool - and gets an affirmative in the usual Raven style. "I'd totally be up for being F&%#buddies, if you want!" That. Girl.

25 - Hornsignal in D Major.JPG

Welp, time to be somewhere else for a little bit! At least till Raven's not in heat any more.

She cuts through the Gym, and is intercepted by Frank. In his halting, reserved way, he seems to be trying to talk about his feelings. But his meaning isn't clear.

26 - Neptune, the Mystic.JPG

Raven catches up with her, and reminds her that despite them having warmed up, practice isn't over yet and she should head back to the track. But Kags isn't feeling up to it today - she skips Track. Of course, most everybody else attends their own club, so it gives her time to herself.

After that, however, Mind Detective finds her and asks her her opinion of Eve Stienman. Kags is friendly with her, but they're not close friends. Which isn't surprising, really - Eve is actually rather cold to everybody, with the exception of Klew.

27 - The Copernian Symphony.JPG

Frank finds her again after he's done with Kendo - but the words can't seem to get past the blockage behind his tongue. Tin Whistler shows up, and Kags can barely credit what she sees next - Tin and Frank embracing. Could THIS be why Frank won't really open up to her?

28 - Appassionata.JPG

As she looks on in shock, Justine shows up and has absolutely no compunctions about breaking Tin and Frank apart.

29 - Dispute between Children at Play.JPG

Kags gets clear of the fracas, ducking behind the Gym. There, she is met by Shawn Acy, a recent addition to the class. He makes an attempt to flirt with her. She's nice to him in return, though she's hardly receptive to advances right now.

30 - Fanfare for the Common Man.JPG

Raven finds Kags in the Courtyard, and tries to help settle her nerves. Thankfully, not using perverted methods.

31 - Queen of the Night.JPG

Frank arrives after that, but once again can't bring himself to put voice to what he's trying to say. Kags is getting tired of that.

32 - Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy.JPG

She leaves, and runs into Jay. He looks mopey - mopey-er than usual even. She speaks comfortingly to him, and after lashing out a little bit, he seems to come back to himself.

33 - Funeral March.JPG

But Kags has had enough of the emotion rollercoaster for one day, she wants to go home, and asks Jay to walk her there. But she doesn't invite him in when she gets home.


anything.JPG popularity.JPG sports.JPG study.JPG

Epilogue: A fair amount actually happened today - Shawn Acy has developed a crush on Kags. Jay and Justine are split, I'm guessing that's why he was depressed after club meetings - data seems to indicate she did the dumping. Frank has quickly had enough of Dei's philandering ways, while she still rates him at 9 despite him "choosing" Kags in the confrontation, and their breakup is imminent (surprised it didn't happen today already). Kags and Raven have become close friends. Dirona's self-hate grew to 11. Most of the rest of the class is starting to suffer from the symptoms as well, though none as acutely as Dirona.
Flash forward twenty years: The Halforum High murder is nothing more than rumor and speculation now. A result of the town's best efforts to cover up the tragedy. Most agree the victim was a high school student, but age/sex always changes from story to story. The murderer is always someone different. In one variation it was an enraged lover. In another it was an alien with green hair and knives for hands. A popular theory being that the student died of sudden heart failure, despite no medical findings as to exactly why. Then... on the 20th anniversary... another student is found dead. Murdered. Slashed to death with a razor sharp weapon that is never found. No suspects. No leads. Adults are panicking. A few are whispering to each other, and the police are checking specific files. But no one is saying anything to the students. There are rumors circulating. Apparently, just after the student was found dead, someone saw a flash of green hair.

Coming this summer....

STABBY-TOWN HIGH!: You'll WISH it were a game.
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Flash forward twenty years: The Halforum High murder is nothing more than rumor and speculation now. A result of the town's best efforts to cover up the tragedy. Most agree the victim was a high school student, but age/sex always changes from story to story. The murderer is always someone different. In one variation it was an enraged lover. In another it was an alien with green hair and knives for hands. A popular theory being that the student died of sudden heart failure, despite no medical findings as to exactly why. Then... on the 20th anniversary... another student is found dead. Murdered. Slashed to death with a razor sharp weapon that is never found. No suspects. No leads. Adults are panicking. A few are whispering to each other, and the police are checking specific files. But no one is saying anything to the students. There are rumors circulating. Apparently, just after the student was found dead, someone saw a flash of green hair.

Coming this summer....

STABBY-TOWN HIGH!: You'll WISH it was a game.
I imagine several of the original class members are now teaching there as well... why do they always deny the murder and say the tales of the girl with green hair are just myths? And why are students forbidden from entering that old classroom...?
I imagine several of the original class members are now teaching there as well... why do they always deny the murder and say the tales of the girl with green hair are just myths? And why are students forbidden from entering that old classroom...?
Shawn Acy is the unassuming Janitor (with his grades I doubt he could do much else). He's never killed. He's never a suspect. Goes practically unnoticed except when chasing the stoners away from his shed. Just keeps mopping up the blood in the hallways to make sure no one slips and breaks their neck.
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Staff member
Also - I did a brief test to see how well the game would perform with Fraps, as I thought I might do one day in a video format, possibly with narration. Turns out Fraps doesn't play nice with Artificial Academy - there are frequent hangups, framerate stutters, the software-drawn cursor gets really laggy, and it really slows down loading - loading a new model or area often takes 10 seconds or more while capturing video content. Also, even at only 1 quarter resolution, 3 minutes is over a gig of raw video before processing. So, long story short, I probably won't be doing a video episode. But if you're curious to see the basics of how the game flows, here's the first 3 minutes of an alternate, non-canonical morning to Day 15:

[DOUBLEPOST=1381731029,1381730496][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, there's a typo in the title of Day 15's screenshot 27 - it's supposed to be the Copernican Symphony, not Copernian. But doesn't seem for me to be a way to rename it sooooooo....
Glad I managed to beat B3 before she got herself carted off. This school's only big enough for one B-number!

Also, hey, Kags' day, no mention of me. Yup, high school all over again, just don't show up on a girl's radar :p
Damn, I have a feeling I'm going to be at the bottom of popularity soon. What the hell made me go after poor Cheesy? I guess at least I'm good at fighting...
I feel like I'm going to string everyone along and evenutally it's going to blow up and everyone is going to hate me. Brace yourself AniKags.

I love how Raven is like in the background, hanging around, in a lot of the screen shots. You creeper.

Sorry Bubble. :(

View attachment 12456

Then, Kags isn't sure what just happened, but Jay's talking to Dirona and Tin Whistler's talking to Frank, and she's standing there - as close to a literal definition of a fifth wheel as it is possible to be. So she leaves.
Ha, this! This was me in high school.

Also, why does every seem to hate themselves? Is it because of personality traits, or all the sleeping around everyone is doing?
Also, why does every seem to hate themselves? Is it because of personality traits, or all the sleeping around everyone is doing?
Perhaps the death of a student made us all do a bit of self-evaluation about our bickering and all of the sleeping around and we realized that we aren't exactly the great people we could be. Of course, give them time and victories and the self-evaluation may be forgotten.
Perhaps the death of a student made us all do a bit of self-evaluation about our bickering and all of the sleeping around and we realized that we aren't exactly the great people we could be. Of course, give them time and victories and the self-evaluation may be forgotten.
That's possible. It sounds like a lot of students had self-loathing before the death. Maybe the death is just sending everyone over the edge.


Staff member
Also, why does every seem to hate themselves? Is it because of personality traits, or all the sleeping around everyone is doing?
I wish I knew. Everything I try to do, both in game and out, to fix it doesn't work. I made backups of the save and tried editing the file, but it changes back the ratings at the end of the day which makes me think it's being generated by some other statistic for the character - and as all the fields aren't mapped there's no way to really figure it out without weeks of trial and error. I tried some of the obvious things (So, yeah, I did try locking Cheesy and Dirona in a room with nothing but red bull and prophylactics, but it didn't help her), I've been scouring the english language forums for the game but they aren't much help. It doesn't seem to correlate with sex (or lack thereof) - Cheesy has the same metadata as Dirona pretty much but his self-hate is zero. There doesn't seem to be consistency with personality traits either - You've got it (4), Lord Rendar's got it (4), hell, it'd take less time to catalog the ones that don't have some degree of self hate. I worry that it's just an inherent flaw with the game. The most noticeable thing about it is that self-hate seems to mimic the negative trait - the more you've got the more easily you get depressed, and that incurs a penalty to all dice rolls in social interactions, which makes them fail more, which makes the depression worse.[DOUBLEPOST=1381762254,1381762210][/DOUBLEPOST]
Perhaps the death of a student made us all do a bit of self-evaluation about our bickering and all of the sleeping around and we realized that we aren't exactly the great people we could be. Of course, give them time and victories and the self-evaluation may be forgotten.
This problem started before the murder. I'm having a lot of trouble figuring out why.


Staff member
Weird. I hope it doesn't break the game.
Me too. But as time goes on, it may become a factor.

Which, thanks for doing this GB! I find it hilarious and quite entertaining. :D
Like I said, I needed a project to help me keep busy during a particularly stressful time where I'm left to my own devices often for hours. Gusto's old HfH thread got bumped and I just had a wild idea. For the most part I'm pretty satisfied with how it's turning out, but I think the end of the semester is approaching - probably once everybody's had their "day."

Heh, Sims 4 comes out next spring, allegedly... I think it'll have to be pretty darn impressive, eh?
Me too. But as time goes on, it may become a factor.

Like I said, I needed a project to help me keep busy during a particularly stressful time where I'm left to my own devices often for hours. Gusto's old HfH thread got bumped and I just had a wild idea. For the most part I'm pretty satisfied with how it's turning out, but I think the end of the semester is approaching - probably once everybody's had their "day."

Heh, Sims 4 comes out next spring, allegedly... I think it'll have to be pretty darn impressive, eh?
There are some portions of this that ave inspired me as well! For example, next HFH time, I'm thinking of rolling two households of 6-8 people each and alternating between them every update or so. Kind of gives the forced perspective, makes it so I can't control people half the time, and allows more people in.

Of course I don't think I'll do it for a little while after release, just so I can get used to how the new systems work.
It doesn't seem to correlate with sex (or lack thereof) - Cheesy has the same metadata as Dirona pretty much but his self-hate is zero. . . The most noticeable thing about it is that self-hate seems to mimic the negative trait - the more you've got the more easily you get depressed, and that incurs a penalty to all dice rolls in social interactions, which makes them fail more, which makes the depression worse.
Which is strange, considering that Cheesy actually DOES have the Negative trait. I would figure his self-hate number would be one of the highest.
Raven and Shawn Acy should just hook up as a couple, and spend their time creepily staring at the other students.


Staff member

Ashburner X - she's kind of the sleeper sensation of Halforums Academy. She's best friends with Shakey and Dirona, friends with Jay, and on friendly footing with Justine, Frank, Bubble, and Kags. Amazingly enough she also has no enemies - none at all, possibly the only student who nobody hates. She always looks a little sleepy, and if you get into deep conversation with her you find she's almost as loopy as Shakey herself is.

So it's morning, and Ashburner finds herself on the path to school again. She stops to stare into space for 10 minutes while contemplating on whether they named oranges oranges because they're orange or named orange after the oranges.

1 - Space Cadet X.JPG

She finds her friend Dirona moping along for some reason, and cheers her up.

2 - Big Girls Don't Cry.JPG

After that, she leaves Dirona to wait for Cheesy, and ambles up the road herself. She doesn't meet anyone else along the way, which is unusual. But then she's bumped into by Klew, who wants to talk clubs. After that, people practically come out of the walls.

3 - Klubbing with Klew.JPG

In the Breezeway, she's approached by Jay who asks her to wait for him on the rooftop. "Ohkay buuuhhdee!"

4 - Jay Jay bo bay banana fanna fo fay.JPG

Nobody's on the roof when she gets there. As she begins to wait, she's distracted by a cloud which reminds her that trains are like elevators that are lying down.

5 - Is that a pocket in your pants or are you sandwich.JPG

Jay shows up, and puts his arms around her. Well well.

6 - Mee my mo may - Jaa-aay.JPG

They start talking about this and that, with Jay surprisingly making no further advances. Maybe he's just naturally affectionate. After a while, Dirona shows up to ask him something, but she's quickly interrupted by Tin Whistler.

7 - Hey there you guys.JPG

ABX takes the opportunity to ask after Dirona, making sure she's still not as down as she was earlier. She seems much improved.

8 - If you're bipolar and you know it clap your hands - clap clap.JPG

As she's heading downstairs, Shawn Acy asks her to study with him. Okey dokey!

9 - Hey Shawwwn did you know that toothpaste is like shampoo for teeth.JPG

Studying goes well, but Shawn scrams as soon as he sees Jay coming. Jay talks to Ashburner about naughty things. Then he smirks and leaves quickly.

10 - Jay's as naughty as a boy scout's rope collection.JPG

As ABX tries to mosey out of the library, Frank stops her to chat, but Kags immediately pounces on them to interrupt.

11 - A study in unresolved sexual tension.JPG

Ash continues into the hallway, where Jay meets her again. Boy oh boy everybody wants to talk to her, especially Jay, today.

12 - I want veggies on my subway footlong.JPG

As Frank and Kags come by, Jay tries to address Frank, but Kags forces a confrontation! Who shall be chosen??

13 - Chill out homeboys.JPG

Seems Jay took his usual route - the air turns cooler when he doesn't pick a side.

Ash heads off to the bathroom. Shakey's there, and they gab pleasantly for a minute.

14 - Shakey's the only one who really gets Ashburner.JPG

Even with all the morning's hubbub, she's the first one to class. But it isn't long before others start to show up, beginning with Lord Rendar and Dirona.

15 - Hey Lord Rendar is that a title or is your first name really Lord.JPG

The others trickle in and class begins. Morning classes go very well for Ash. She's on task.

As the lunch bell rings, she calls out that anyone who wants to go have lunch together is welcome. Frank and Kags are too busy in an intense discussion to hear her, but Jay and Cheesy decide to join her. She continues socializing with them until Dirona arrives to collect Cheesy.

Jay also leaves a short time later, and Ashburner spends a few minutes wondering what the scientific name for broccoli is. When she comes back to earth, she's alone on the roof with Eve Stienman, who looks disconsolate.

16 - She may be a lesbian but her eyes are hetero - heterochromatic.JPG

So Ash cheers her up.

17 - See I told you it was funny.JPG

When she goes back down to the 2nd floor hall, she's in the vicinity when Dirona asks everybody to be nice to Frank. Okey dokey.

Shakey also approaches her and asks if it's normal to have "wierd dreams about underwear." Ash assures her it is.

18 - Especially if the underwear is talking.JPG

Passing the entrance hall, she in fact sees Frank, and stops to have a friendly chat, and they seem to get along.

19 - Dude cucumbers are like fresh, unprepared pickles.JPG

Jay finds her again when she's in the Courtyard, reminding her not to neglect her studies.

20 - If I study and get a license to massage, does that make me a misogynist.JPG

Bubble 181 approaches her to philosophise on the nature of love. She chats amiably, then moves on.

21 - When I'm trying to read street names I turn down the radio so I can see better.JPG

Behind the gym, Bubble catches up to her and wants to continue the conversation. So you're interested, are you Bubble..?

22 - Since Will Smith has kids now does that make him the fresh king.JPG

When their conversation wraps up, she continues on. In the breezeway Jay catches up to her one more time... and confesses he's in love with her. Ash is no fool, and certainly no slut. Her keen sense of morality won't let her accept his confession while he's with another girl.

23 - Jay's love is like paint thrown in a fan - it gets everywhere but where it needs to be.JPG

He takes it hard. But she's able to cheer him up. Afterwards, he asks her to make friends with Tinwhistler.

24 - How do we see both elbows here that must be an uncomfortable pose.JPG

There's suddenly a huge commotion in the gym - she looks in to see Frank and Justine going at it. It's a hell of a fight - they're the two toughest people in school.

25 - Frank and Justine are harshing the mellow.JPG

The two are evenly matched, but neither backs down. The fight goes back and forth, and it's Frank who makes the first mistake that gives Justine the upper hand. He's surprised to be defeated. It's a major upset! Ash tries to go to comfort him, but she's one of the slowest people around, and Kags sees her and intercepts her before she can. By the time Ash manages to push past Kags, Frank is gone.

26 - Well, would it have really been better if you had won, Frank.JPG

Ash finds him outside, and naturally he's in a foul mood. She tries to comfort him, but in mid sentence, Tin Whistler comes barging in and practically bowls her out of the way to get to Frank.

27 - That's it right there, the look that moistens yaoi fangirl panties.JPG

Feeling thoroughly stepped on, Ash trudges back to the classroom.

Despite her hurt and frustrations, she is able to perform well in afternoon classes. Or perhaps they are a welcome respite from dealing with crazy people.

As class ends, her bestie Shakey senses she's in a funk and makes sure to come cheer her up.

28 - The turnip is my favorite fruit.JPG

Bubble, too, comes to talk to her, and asks her to go practice with him. She's not on the swim team, but whatever, the warmups can't be all the different, right? While they stretch, they talk about a variety of subjects, and it's clear they're becoming great friends.

29 - Bubble should be the king of pop.JPG 30 - It's not the size of the ship but on calm days it's fun to sail the dinghy.JPG

As she heads back to the Kendo room, she sees Kags moping away into the gym, and goes to cheer her up.

31 - Ash was sure right about having to cheer everybody up today.JPG

When she's feeling better, Kags asks Ash to accompany her to practice.

32 - Kags did you ever stop to think that walking is like massaging the floor.JPG

They arrive at the track and Ash warms up again. Feels pretty good!

But despite all the warming up, Ash's natural clumsiness and lack of speed means she doesn't perform well during kendo practice. Doh! Maybe warming up for the right club IS important?

Afterwards, Ash stops to talk with Dirona in the girl's changing room. Dirona's depressed again for some reason, and today Ash seems to be the designated booster, so GANBATTE DIRONASAMA!

33 - Dirona needs more support - in a couple different ways.JPG

As she heads out into the training room proper, she sees Dei - with her hands down Bones' pants. That's not proper at all! She goes over and interrupts the little horndogs.

34 - Dei hunts the elusive trouser snake.JPG 35 - How about you guys at least try to find somewhere with 4 walls around it.JPG

They aren't happy with her, but she did them a favor - soon lots of people are there in the room, all chatting it up and enjoying the late afternoon's comraderie.

36 - The post-kendo social club.JPG

Even Shakey's there, and she feels funny where she pees. What? Ash follows where she points and sees Dei and Bones, starting to squirm against each other. She breaks them up AGAIN.

37 - I think we need to go buy something for Shakey from the store with no windows.JPG

Jay arrives, seething. He tells her "Raven Poe is trash among trash!"

38 - Hey Jay could you wake me up when I get hungry.JPG

When she tries to ask him what's happened, Kags shows up and interrupts the both of them. Ash knows when she's in the way, so she heads out.

39 - Kags did you ever stop to think that mowing the lawn is basically shaving the earth.JPG

She finds Shakey behind the gym, still barely able to stop squirming. Ash figures she better take Shakey home before she does something she'll regret with the next boy she sees. They walk home together.

40 - I hope that hand gesture isn't representative to scale of anything.JPG


anything.JPG popularity.JPG sports.JPG study.JPG

Epilogue: Everybody takes advantage of Ashburner - she's got high morality and isn't self centered. Jay's all over her, despite still being together with Kags, but now also Bubble is starting to show some possibility - but it turns out she's not the only one to catch his eye - Bubble and Shawn Acy were seen getting slightly more than friendly in a secluded spot. The big news today however, is Frank the Tank and Tin Whistler are now an official couple. So there you have it, our first official Halforums Yaoi shipping is a two-fer-one. It's becoming apparent that the self-hate growing in Dirona has the effect of making her depressed all the time. It's now grown to 13, and all hell has apparently broken loose - she's apparently dumped Cheesy, breaking his heart, pissed off Raven, Jay, Kags, Frank, Rendar, and Tin. Her popularity just took a straight nosedive to last place - her only friends are Shakey and Ashburner now, and barely anybody else will talk to her. Some of the others are starting become more of a cause for concern in that area too, in particular Kags and Lord Rendar. So far the only foolproof way I've found to fix it is to transfer them out and back in again, but that resets all their relationships too - a complete mind wipe, as it were, and I'd like to avoid that. I'm not sure what can be done about poor horny Shakey - she's a straight girl and everybody she's friendly with is female. Gusto is still with MD officially, but the lure of Justine is ever tempting. Dei and Bones aren't official, but she's having her way with him as she likes. I have no idea what turned her into such a sex fiend - she has normal morality and doesn't have the dirty minded trait. And it looks like Lord Rendar finally talked Lana Karron around - they're now official too, and frequently seen necking in the halls. So much for the "Hall monitor!"
Fucking. Called it. I knew the high morality of Anime Ash was going to make her the designated supportive friend for everyone once the murder took place and I was right. Unsurprisingly, this has made her the most popular girl in school. Apparently if I was a teenage girl my high school years would have gone WAY smoother.


Staff member
Maybe the control freak trait is really subtext for Dom?! :p
Well, I suppose it could always have been badly translated, but all it is supposed to mean is that she responds more positively when she's the one initiating conversations than when someone else is initiating toward her.

Regardless, it was pretty funny to see the look on Bones' face as she literally rummaged around behind his zipper.[DOUBLEPOST=1381814502,1381814462][/DOUBLEPOST]
Apparently if I was a teenage girl my high school years would have gone WAY smoother.
Shit, that thought occurred to me weekly while I was still IN high school.[DOUBLEPOST=1381814575][/DOUBLEPOST]
The hell is wrong with me...
Well, at a glance, I'd say it's because when you rolled your character's preferences, you left out all the male personalities. Shakey is a heterosexual girl with normal, healthy needs and desires who doesn't particularly like men.


Staff member
Ouch, real high school all over again. :(
Yeah, I kinda feel bad for Cheesy. Too much more of this and I might HAVE to mindwipe Dirona - it's getting painful to watch her slow-motion self destruction. But take heart, you've got a support structure in your friends Jay and Tin Whistler, and for some bizarre reason, Justine might be starting to take an interest in you. You're ranked as high as Gusto in her eyes right now, and she's banged him like a screen door in a windstorm. Thing is, you've barely noticed her, so it will take some effort on her part to bring you around.