[PC Game] Halforums House 3: Halforums Academy Semester 1 Complete!


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Ok folks, check back in an hour for Day 17: The Ascendancy of Bones the Triumphant

Edit - well, that didn't take as long as usual. Posting now. I guess it was because so much of today's events was... unsuitable for screenshots.
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Bones isn't exactly popular. In fact, before the Terrik tragedy, a lot of people outright hated him. As it is now, his only friend is his good longtime friend Tin Whistler, and of course, his new (but unofficial) girlfriend Dei Skates. He does hold a great deal of admiration for Frank the Tank, though Frank is ambivalent toward him, and he has no idea that Dirona harbors very warm feelings for him.

On his way into school, he says Hi to Tin Whistler, whose head is in the clouds lately, largely due to his new relationship with Frank.

1 - It's a morning like any other.JPG

Upon arriving at school, he's greeted by Dei.

2 - A brand new day, the same old Dei.JPG

They barely begin talking when suddenly Bones is shoved out of the way harshly, and he can scarcely believe what he sees as Frank gets into a fight with Dei, trouncing her soundly and quickly.

3 - Frank WTF.JPG 4 - Everything changed when the Frank nation attacked.JPG

First thing he does is rush to Dei, lifting and comforting the small girl. Bones is still in shock, but he's getting madder by the second. Frank! How could you!

5 - Is Dei Ok.JPG

Once Dei is seen to his satisfaction and left in the care of her friend Justine, Bones goes chasing after Frank, all by himself.

6 - On the warpath.JPG

He finds him coming out of the Boy's lockers in the kendo hall. He demands Frank apologize to Dei for what he's done! There's a tense moment of consideration, before Frank relaxes and says, simply, "Very well." Bones is still mad, but somewhat placated. In fact, maybe a little relieved - he was prepared to attack Frank if he refused, and sober reflection indicates there's only one way that could have ended up.

7 - what are you keeping in that room, Frank, another small girl you've beaten up maybe.JPG

He goes to find Dei again, but she apparently has followed him, perhaps concerned over what exactly he intended to do when he caught him. Bones explains to Dei what has happened, and asks her to try to reciprocate in return. She is moved by his courage in standing up to Frank, and agrees.

8 - Dei is impressed.JPG

In fact, he gets a little reward.

9 - My Hero.JPG

Tin Whistler comes in to check on them as well, and Bones suggests they all go try to get some studying done. The three head off to the library.

10 - Off to study.JPG 11 - that's very distracting, Dei, I am trying to study here.JPG

When they finish, Tin heads off on his own, and Dei and Bones walk together back into the Breezeway. Justine sees them there, and has a word with Bones. He tries to be extra nice to her - She's Dei's friend, it'd be nice if they all got along.

12 - Justine.JPG

The rest of the trip to class is a cavalcade of warm, soft weight hanging off his shoulders.

13 - All aboard the hugtown express.JPG

When they get to class, and Lord Rendar leaves the classroom, Bones finds them alone. This is his moment, he feels it. He sets Dei down, and confesses his love, asking her to officially become his Girlfriend. There's an agonizing pause, but then Dei agrees. TRIUMPH!

14 - Official.JPG

He hugs her, and she's a little flabbergasted - she's used to being the hugger, not the hugged.

15 - The hugger is hugged.JPG

Morning classes fly by so fast Bones can barely remember them. All he knows is, it's lunchtime now, and he's eager to spend more time with Dei.

He invites her to eat lunch with him, and she of course agrees - but oddly enough, Bubble also seems to consider the invitation extended to him as well, and comes along too.

However, Bubble decides his digestion might be better if he gave them some distance, when Dei decides to go digging for sausage bare-handed. Happy conversation and... distractions, continue for many minutes.

16 - Lunchtime is playtime.JPG

Eventually, Bones can barely contain himself any more. He asks Dei to follow him...

17 - Quick, Robin, to the fapcave.JPG

to the absolutely, positively closest place of privacy...

18 - This should do.JPG

the boy's bathroom on the upper floor.

19 - what could be more private than the only mens room in the entire school.JPG

There, he puts his hands on her shoulders, pulls her close, and whispers a proposition in her ear.

She suddenly jerks back away from him and shrieks "Help! I'm.. being molested!*" Bones is stricken horrifyingly dumb.

20 - What no no no no no what are you what no.JPG

After a moment, Dei drops the facade and berates him "Oh come on, you could at least play along a little bit!*"

21 - That's not funny Dei, you have some hella messed up fantasies.JPG

Then she pulls him down onto the tile.

22 - You and me baby ain't nothin but mammals.jpg

They finish up and get dressed again just in time. No sooner are they back on their feet than Frank the Tank and Shawn Acy walk in and do a double take. "You know this is the Men's room, right?"

23 - Whose idea was this anyway.JPG

"Yeah we know!" Bones retorts and quickly hustles Dei away.

... and they have one more kiss before class resumes. Dei giggles, "Don't lick that, it tickles!"

24 - Dei is ticklish.JPG

Afternoon classes are a blur.

As the class prepares to leave for clubs, Bones notes that he's not the only one with lovin' on his mind. Nobody else seems to have noticed that Lord Rendar has snuck his hands inside Lana Karron's shirt. Eve Stienman comes up to him to ask him how things are going with Dei. She's absolutely the best ever, he tells her.

25 - Why do you and Dei smell like cheap powdered soap, she asks.JPG

I think Dei overheard.

26 - O RLY.JPG

"Hey everybody! IT'S KENDO TIME!" bellows Bones. Everybody laughs. He wonders if they think it's a euphemism. It probably does nothing to correct them when he and Dei leave together for the Kendo Hall.

27 - are you trying to say kendo is foreplay.JPG

The warmup in the hall goes well. Maybe a little too well. Next thing you know, they're ducking back out, and going into the empty classroom just across from the library next door.

28 - I guess that is a yes.JPG

They barely get the door closed before she tackles him to the floor, yanking off his clothing.

29 - So let's do it like they do on the discovery channel.jpg

Dozens of minutes later, they don't even notice the flash of blue hair that enters the room, gasps, turns 180 and dashes back out. Eventually they're both exhausted - Kendo practice is long past, and it's time to go home. As they collect themselves, Dei gushes about how masterful Bones is. I shit you not.

30 - That she walks at all is a miracle.JPG

Bones walks her home. From there, he heads home himself, considering attempting to impersonate Gene Kelly on every lamppost he passes.


anything.JPG popularity.JPG sports.JPG study.JPG

Epilogue: That's the kind of day everybody wishes they had, innit? Makes for a lot faster update prep when half the day's content is unphotographable. Other notable relationship news is Bubble and Shawnacy are now an official couple as well, and it looks like Jay was able to talk Ashburner off her high perch and once again has a love triangle going - now with Ash and Kags, though so far Ash has yet to succumb to his charms completely. I'm not even sure Kags knows about it yet - data shows she still is close as sisters with Ashburner X.
That's an interesting coincidence that Bubble and Shawn Acy got together. Is it because they both came in late to the game, or just their standards just really matched?
Also, learning that Tin and Bones are best bros, I have devised a head cannon in which they worked together to break up fledgling Dei and Frank before it got anywhere so that Tin could make his move.


Staff member
That's an interesting coincidence that Bubble and Shawn Acy got together. Is it because they both came in late to the game, or just their standards just really matched?
A little from column A, a little from column B. They're also in the same club, which REALLY ramps up the level of socializing characters do. If they weren't lovers, I'd say they were certain to be best friends.[DOUBLEPOST=1381901825,1381901729][/DOUBLEPOST]
Well at this point, anime me should know. ;)
Frankly, I nearly fell out of my chair when control-freak anime Dei tried to roleplay innocent victim and then got testy when Bones didn't immediately play along with her fantasy.


Staff member
Man, after the break-up, AnimeFilm seems to have dropped off the map, hasn't he?
It's tough for the withdrawn+introvert kids, they tend not to socialize and the socializations are what get screenshots. However, he's not a bump on a log - he's got a big crush on Klew now and slowly but surely is raising her opinion of him.

But hey, for such a shy, introverted fella, sex 12 times in 17 days is still a pretty impressive average. Maybe the reason we don't see much of him is between classes and after school he has to go ice down his crotch.
Well, at a glance, I'd say it's because when you rolled your character's preferences, you left out all the male personalities. Shakey is a heterosexual girl with normal, healthy needs and desires who doesn't particularly like men.
Yeah, I probably shouldn't have tried to do it after having a few too many beers...


Staff member
Day 18: Shawn Acy

Shawn's one of the new kids who transferred in kinda late in the semester. As a result, he hasn't had as much time as most to start forming friendships, but he's in the same shoes as Bubble181 - a fact which no doubt helped contribute to their becoming an official couple. Additionally, Shawn and Little Kagsin are great friends, and Shawn has even managed to get Frank the Tank in his corner as well - though Shawn can't stand Frank's boyfriend, Tin Whistler.

Well, he's barely out the door and already all kinds of people are talking to him - Bubble of course, but also Frank and Kags, with Lord Rendar and Bones hanging around in the general area.

1 - Shawn Acy is in demand.JPG 2 - Can't have a day without Kags.JPG

Although, as he talks to Shakey, it becomes pretty obvious what Lord Rendar is waiting around for.

3 - Lord Rendar is gonna need platforms if he's to keep dating tall girls.JPG

Arriving at school, he passes through the courtyard, and sees Dirona there. As is so often the case lately, she seems very depressed. He tries to cheer her up.

4 - Dirona needs professional help.JPG

Heading up to class, Kags is asking him to study with her, when Bubble stomps over and tells her to stay the hell away from his man. The two angrily turn on Shawn and force a confrontation!

5 - Kags doesn't care for Bubble's glare.JPG

Shawn has the highest morality rating in the school, pretty much. He has to choose his official beau. Kags does not take it well.

6 - Kags is thrown for a loop.JPG

Shawn tries to assuage her hurt, and she seems to understand why he had to make the choice the way he did.

7 - Don't be sad, Kags, bubble's just on his period.JPG

Then a fight breaks out at the other end of the hall - Tin Whistler is going round and round with Justine Me. Is this revenge for her beating of Frank two days ago?

If so, then it works out. Justine scraps well, but can't keep pace with Tin and his secret Karate lessons.

8 - That's for Frank you witch.JPG

Observing the end of the fight, Bubble then asks Shawn if he wants to go study now. Shawn agrees, and they head for the library.

They've got the library to themselves this morning. Furtive looks are exchanged over textbooks.

9 - File them under M for Manly.JPG

Afterwards they both head back to the corridor outside class to wait for the bell. They see some of the popular kids at the other end, doing their soap opera schtick, whatever the plastics do, you know?

10 - The Outsiders.JPG

In homeroom, a new transfer student is introduced, a softspoken heavy guy named Joe Whouk. Well, at least Bubble and Shawn aren't the FNGs any more.

11 - Joe is introduced to the class.JPG

At lunch, Shawn decides to try to boost his networking by inviting as many people to lunch as possible, and declares the invitation to the room at large. A good number of people actually respond: Bubble and Kags, of course, but also Frank, Shakey, Lana, Dirona, Gusto and Joe the new kid as well.

As the lunch group breaks up, Shawn puts a bug in Joe's ear that maybe he ought to try spending some time with Dirona - he seems to be her type. Joe thanks him for the tip.

12 - Tipping off Joe.JPG

Shawn also manages to catch Dirona off on her own and tell her Joe's been asking about her.

13 - Dirona's ready to boil Joe's rabbit.JPG

Shawn heads back downstairs, intending to hit the restroom then maybe go hang out in the courtyard or something for the rest of lunch, when something bizarre happens. Frank comes up to talk to him, and they're immediately set upon by Tinwhistler who also forces a confrontation... and Frank must be in a bad mood with Tin, because he chooses Shawn!

14 - Frank snubs Tin for Shawn.JPG

He tries to tell Tin afterwards that he's got no designs on taking Frank for himself, but Tin's too angry to listen to him. Well, fine then. Shawn didn't like Tin anyway, let him think what he wants.

He makes his trip to the restroom. Shawn's grumpy enough to consider pissing in the sink.

15 - Pissed off.JPG

He goes to see what Bubble's doing, but it takes him a while to track him down. When he finds him, he's in the Boy's volleyball lockers, talking to Lord Rendar. That's odd, but they don't seem to have been feeling guilty or agitated when he insinuates himself in their conversation.

16 - Bubble with Lord Rendar.JPG

But it's clear something has gotten Bubble angry. Shawn, naturally, listens to him gripe, and it seems to help.

17 - Bubble's in a bad mood.JPG

Speaking of people needing a shoulder, Kags is moping in the breezeway. Shawn cheers her up. He's mindful that Bubble probably will get back into a bad mood again if he spends too long talking with her in his presence.

18 - I wish I had a dollar for every picture I've taken of Kags crying.JPG

Continuing on their way, they bump into Dirona again, and when Shawn says hello to her, Bubble blows up and forces another confrontation! This guy is jealous as all hell.

19 - Dirona vs Bubble.JPG

Shawn is a loyal guy, but Bubble needs to get a grip. Shawn calls the whole thing ridiculous and pulls Bubble aside to have a word with him. Afterwards, he goes to smooth things over with Dirona.

20 - Bubble you need to get your shit together and stop PMSing.JPG 21 - Dirona's got an eye out.JPG

Shawn lets Bubble know he'll be on the roof, if he wants to meet him there later when he's cooled off. As he passes through the hallway, Shawn notices Frank.. uh.. giving Tin Whistler a Massage? I think?

22 - Nothing to see here, move along.JPG

Raven Poe is on the roof, too. They're practically strangers, so he goes to say hello.

23 - Roof Poe - Most Unexpected.JPG

Another conversation, another depressed girl. Lot of that going around lately.

24 - I swear to god if I meet one more depressed girl today.JPG

Raven leaves the roof after Shawn manages to help cheer her up some. He takes the moments of solitude to get his mind in order after a perplexing and slightly aggravating day that is but half over yet.

25 - Peace and quiet at last.JPG

After a while, Bubble hasn't arrived, but Frank does. He's in a low mood too. With a sigh, Shawn breaks out the platitudes. It's hard to tell if they work this time.

26 - It's really hard to tell the difference between surly Frank and horny Frank.JPG

Bubble comes up while they're talking, but Shawn is able to gracefully end the conversation before Bubble sees them, so as to not cause yet another ruckus.

Bubble's actually in a pretty good mood now. Shawn also notes Film Fanatic and Klew seeming to get friendly some ways away as well. Shawn and Bubble have a long conversation that ranges every topic imaginable.

27 - Film Fanatic fails to woo Klew properly.JPG

That's all the time for shennanigans at lunch. Afternoon classes go very well.

As the end bell rings and the class is packing up, Shawn, who knows what it feels like to be the new guy, announces to everyone that they ought to make an effort to be friends with Joe since he's joining so late in the semester. Shawn doesn't have a lot of pull with most of the class, but a few heads nod.

Then, he finds Bubble and the two head for the pool for swim practice.

28 - Hey Bubble guess what time it is.JPG 29 - The Swimmers.JPG

The warmup goes, well, swimmingly. But what does one expect to happen when two healthy, romantically involved young, strapping fellows, the water glinting off their chiseled abs, spend two hours of physical effort in close proximity while wearing next to nothing? Shawn's just grateful the school swimsuits aren't speedos. There'd be no hiding anything then. Bubble's probably thinking the same thing.

As they retire to the locker room afterwards, the shower is nigh unbearable. Getting dressed again, there's a lot of shoulder massaging going on. Can't have any sore muscles after all.

30 - what.JPG

I'm really not sure how to describe all the things I'm seeing going on here.

31 - What.JPG

But at one point, Bubble takes Shawn in his toned arms, and kisses him.

32 - Ok that one I know, that's kissing.JPG

Shawn suggests they continue their discussion back at his house.

33 - Might I intrerest you in five and twenty orgasms.JPG

Unlike with girls, the game doesn't actually show any Yaoi after the "undressing scene." But how's a girl supposed to compete with Bubble's pool-sculped physique, I ask you?



anything.JPG popularity.JPG sports.JPG study.JPG

Epilogue: Ok, I don't know what the hell happened at Shawn's house and I'm not sure I want to know, because the game saw fit to award them each credit for 25 sexual encounters, placing Shawn and Bubble firmly at the top of the Nympho list. Dear God, fellas. Naturally, Dirona's already getting friendly with Joe, though he's just as stumbling and slow to reciprocate - maybe that's WHY she likes him, reminds her so much of a certain other big guy with social anxieties. Her self-hate has hit critical mass - 14. Her numbers are flying all over the place, and I think some of the hate relationships she has with others have wrapped back around to adoration. I dunno what we're going to do with this girl. THERAPY. Film's still trying to make time with Klew, but he must have said something wrong today because she's getting colder to him. All other relationships seem to be unchanged, though Frank did apparently get miffed at Tin for some reason today, though they seem to have patched things up in the end. Lord Rendar's self hate is becoming worrisome - it's at a 7 now. But he and Lana are going gangbusters.
Poor AniPoe, the new guys are already more popular than her.

What is it about her character that keeps her on everyone's shit list? Is it the forceful personality?


Staff member
Poor AniPoe, the new guys are already more popular than her.

What is it about her character that keeps her on everyone's shit list? Is it the forceful personality?
I think it's the personality archetype turbocharged by low morals and dirty mindedness. Nearly everything she says is a come on/double entendre.
I'm a very good boyfriend.

Am I the only person with the zealot personality trait? I seem to be somewhat decent at cheering people up as well.


Staff member
I'm a very good boyfriend.

Am I the only person with the zealot personality trait? I seem to be somewhat decent at cheering people up as well.
Hup, wait, there's one other virtue zealot, and that's Eve Stienman. You haven't got a shot though, LoliStien is designated a penis-free zone.


Staff member
I went ahead and got the week 3 update out of the way. As threatened, it's a color coded spreadsheet, but exported to PDF for your convenience, attached.


Klew and eve are crushing on each other pretty hard. Haven't looked at klew's traits, though, is she just as shy as eve?


Staff member
Klew and eve are crushing on each other pretty hard. Haven't looked at klew's traits, though, is she just as shy as eve?
Kinda. Klew is the Mysterious Wallflower personality, with sociability set to introvert. However, unlike Eve she doesn't have the "withdrawn" subcon trait.
Ok, I don't know what the hell happened at Shawn's house and I'm not sure I want to know, because the game saw fit to award them each credit for 25 sexual encounters, placing Shawn and Bubble firmly at the top of the Nympho list. Dear God, fellas.
:unibrow: You know how frustrated nerds can get in high school, don't you?Think of that massive power source going untapped....

Also, I can't believe someone actualy chose over AniKags. Dude, you're nuts.

Also also...Yup, PMSing all day, sounds about right.


Staff member
:unibrow: You know how frustrated nerds can get in high school, don't you?Think of that massive power source going untapped....
Oh, no doubt. But it's definitely a bug. No matter how many "times" it is done in one session, the game is supposed to treat it as one encounter. The 25 thing is clearly in error and I'm still making up my mind whether to correct it or not in the savegame data because it's throwing off the nympho leaderboard.
GasBandit said:
Oh, no doubt. But it's definitely a bug. No matter how many "times" it is done in one session, the game is supposed to treat it as one encounter. The 25 thing is clearly in error and I'm still making up my mind whether to correct it or not in the savegame data because it's throwing off the nympho leaderboard.
Seriously, I don't appreciate being usurped! >.>
Seriously, I don't appreciate being usurped! >.>
Look, if you're looking for someone to help you up your average....[DOUBLEPOST=1382028714,1382028656][/DOUBLEPOST](it's not creepy if I do it in this thread right? Because you think I'm talking about in-game, right? Right?) :whistling: