[PC Game] Halforums House 3: Halforums Academy Semester 1 Complete!

Yeah, SimFrank took a huge nosedive in popularity. Dude's best friend is murdered and everyone abandons him.
Oh sad, I don't want self-hate!

Is it relationship related? Being with a guy who constantly cheats (and then pretty much cheating yourself) has to weigh on a girls' mind.


Staff member
Oh sad, I don't want self-hate!

Is it relationship related? Being with a guy who constantly cheats (and then pretty much cheating yourself) has to weigh on a girls' mind.
Cheesy never cheated on Dirona even once. Never even hugged anybody else. Dirona's eye did wander quite a bit though... (but she didn't ever follow through with action). I can't find an explanation either, and I'm starting to think it's just a really unfortunate bug in the game.


Staff member
As Cheesy said, the really perplexing thing is the people who you would think SHOULD be experiencing this (IE, Cheesy, with his negativity subconscious trait) are completely unaffected.


Staff member
What started out as a lighthearted romp through sexy anime school is rapidly turning into a parable on mental health and depression, how they can strike anyone at any time for no reason and there's no easy fix.
Halforums: The Movie
"A lighthearted comedy about mental health and depression."
My favorite part was when that student stabbed the other one mercilessly.
I know it was supposed to be funny, because she was laughing the entire time.


Staff member
@MindDetective - this NodeXL stuff is an order of magnitude more complex than I'm used to having to deal with in Excel! It looks interesting, but I think it would take me a dedicated week to get to understand it well enough to do something useful with it, and the data entry will still be heck of a chore, since I'll have to define every edge by hand.
If the academy really starts to head south we should simply transfer in shego, and every time she has to leave she gets transferred in again. Over, and over, and over.

The last remaining student is the winner.


Staff member
If the academy really starts to head south we should simply transfer in shego, and every time she has to leave she gets transferred in again. Over, and over, and over.

The last remaining student is the winner.
I've picked up a lot more information on the game while trying to research the self-hate problem. Seems the game will never let you have a class smaller than 3 people no matter what you do - if student 4 kills student 3, it makes you transfer in a new student before you can start the next day.

There's only 6 days till the end of the semester, though, so maybe folks can tough it out. Then the worst of the depressed can get some counseling over winter break and come back refreshed. Assuming I'm not totally burned out on this by that point. And that people actually still want to read it.
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Trust me, we're loving this. Even those of us who don't post that often. Your hard work is not going unappreciated, and your "in-character" commentary is wonderful, as well!

I had meant to post something after Lord Rendar's day about your comments about Lana being all over the map - not too dissimilar from real life, ironically enough. *chuckles*

But then Bhamv struck and... yeah. Didn't seem right. *wry smile*

But yeah, there's something about being twitterpated that can make all of one's high-horsedness go out the window. Or is Lana merely staking out the halls for some undercover work? Hmmm...

For all of the headaches that this has caused you, it's definitely been highly enjoyable from those of us on the outside. And for all the bugginess of the program (the AI could use some tweaking, and more conversation options probably couldn't hurt), there's definitely a seed of a solid simulation program amongst the ecchi.

I'd not played it before you started this, but I've... acquired a copy (complete with stealth trojan horse - nice try! ) and run it through a couple times... Not too shabby, for what was intended to be a porn game.
@MindDetective - this NodeXL stuff is an order of magnitude more complex than I'm used to having to deal with in Excel! It looks interesting, but I think it would take me a dedicated week to get to understand it well enough to do something useful with it, and the data entry will still be heck of a chore, since I'll have to define every edge by hand.
It depends on how much you want to do. You could probably use formulas to code the connections, so each update could be semi-automatically scored. Otherwise, you pick the simplest way to depict the data and stick with that.
Trust me, we're loving this. Even those of us who don't post that often.
What he said!
I read along, though I was two days away from the computer, and last week got a bit busier than I wanted when I started looking for a new car.
Your work's appreciated a lot, and probably not by just me ( :confused: ) and I also love the humor in the pictures' names!


Staff member
It depends on how much you want to do. You could probably use formulas to code the connections, so each update could be semi-automatically scored. Otherwise, you pick the simplest way to depict the data and stick with that.
Originally I had envisioned a simple cloud of vertices with the lengths of the edges being based on the favorability of the relationship (shorter for stronger, longer for worse), but that would require a whole lot of data entry as it would require me to enter data for about 231 edges, unless there's a way I don't see right off the bat to make it pull data from a table.[DOUBLEPOST=1381856328,1381856120][/DOUBLEPOST]
I'd not played it before you started this, but I've... acquired a copy (complete with stealth trojan horse - nice try! ) and run it through a couple times... Not too shabby, for what was intended to be a porn game.
Oh, heck, if anybody wants a copy (certified virus free) I could probably provide it easier and safer than having to dig through the backalleys of the net, along with the english patch. Just be advised folks, it pretty much requires you to be using Microsoft Applocale to fool it into thinking your computer is Japanese.

And OC, if you want I can zip up the files for all the characters we have so far and host em real easy.
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Originally I had envisioned a simple cloud of vertices with the lengths of the edges being based on the favorability of the relationship (shorter for stronger, longer for worse), but that would require a whole lot of data entry as it would require me to enter data for about 231 edges, unless there's a way I don't see right off the bat to make it pull data from a table.
The length part isn't easy to do. NodeXL gives you a could of display options but I don't know if there is a way to do that, honestly. It seems easier to just make a simple friends network and enemies network like you did (you can do directed graphs too, which means you could make a frenemies graph too). But the strength might have to be displayed with the weight of the edge or something, if possible. It really depends on how fancy you want to get. Maybe just save that for the conclusion of the semester (or year).
What in the hell is wrong with AniDirona?!? Poor thing needs some serious time in therapy. And possibly some medication. Or... something.

I'd gotten rather used to being in the middle of the charts for most everything. Oh, my popularity ranking! *sobbing in the corner*

Also, Gas, I have no idea how much time this has taken for you, but it has been vastly entertaining on the outside, for me at least.


Staff member
Generally each game day takes me 2.5-3 hours from opening the game to submitting the post depending on the complexity of the day and of course real life interruptions. Also if I'm trying to be REALLY clever with screenshot titles, for instance during Bhamv's and Kags' days, that takes a little extra time.