Harry Potter 6: Half-Blood Prince (film) (SPOILERS AHOY!)

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I just don't want to be lumped with people that find pedophilia funny and pretty much go around being sociopathic /b/tards.

sue me.

Hey Calleja, can I add your name to your signature, instead? Quick, give me something quotable!


Snape was the third wandman on the grassy null.

Snape is the Metranon (sp?).
ThatNickGuy said:
Hey Calleja, can I add your name to your signature, instead? Quick, give me something quotable!
NO, you ignored my offer to give you my A+ blood when you need it :humph:

That's some A+ Mexican blood, too! Put a lime in it and it takes you away to a beach where you lay in the sun all day long with buxom women.

Le Quack

Snape went out and spoiled the 6th harry potter movie with a megaphone.
Edrondol said:
That's some A+ Mexican blood, too! Put a lime in it and it takes you away to a beach where you lay in the sun all day long with buxom women.
It's A+ in both type AND quality!

Charlie Dont Surf said:
anyone wanna talk about the movie yet.....
I already did. And then was berated for writing more than a couple of paragraphs. :humph:


I actually really enjoyed the movie, I forgot nearly all the little things of the book minus the funeral so I had nearly no clue what exactly the left out.

I agree it felt like a bridge of most parts, but that may have been because there was more focus it seemed on relationship/character developement that overall plot development, whether or not that is a good thing for people is a toss up.

But I did really enjoy it.

Calleja said:
ThatNickGuy said:
Hey Calleja, can I add your name to your signature, instead? Quick, give me something quotable!
NO, you ignored my offer to give you my A+ blood when you need it :humph:
I didn't say I needed it NOW. But you know, there will come a time I'll piss Sheg off and will barely, just BARELY crawl away alive.

The funny part is my review was a total of 6 sentences. The rest was about my movie-going experience.

I am not sure when 6 sentences became tl;dr territory.

In any event, I liked the movie but it just seemed incomplete. It's like they tried to mash things together for the sake of time (which I suppose they may have done.)

They barely touched on the Half Blood Prince and what that meant. It was the name of the movie and it really only showed up a couple of times - when Harry discovered the book's notes and in the end when Snape did the big reveal. Other than that it was like nobody cared too much that he had it when in the book they were strong arming him to get rid of it, including Snape.

There were a few things I liked better, like the part where Dumbledore compliments Malfoy for disarming him, setting up big doings in the final movie. And the cave scene was far better in the movie than the book.

Still, like "Empire Strikes Back" (as you said) this movie is a good one, but even though it stands on its own it's still not much more than a prologue for the next two.
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