Julie's D and D Game!

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First session recording.

I've edited out the silent sections and ended up cutting about 30 minutes of silence, making for a smoother, more fun listen. About an hour and 26 minutes as-is. I'm not sure I'm going to do the editing again unless it's while doing something else that's fun, like watching a movie or something, because it took almost as long as the uncut session.

Anyway, enjoy!


Staff member
First session recording.

I've edited out the silent sections and ended up cutting about 30 minutes of silence, making for a smoother, more fun listen. About an hour and 26 minutes as-is. I'm not sure I'm going to do the editing again unless it's while doing something else that's fun, like watching a movie or something, because it took almost as long as the uncut session.

Anyway, enjoy!
What do you use to record? Vent? And how did you get it on the megaupload?


Staff member
In Vent, you right click on it, View -> Record/Playback (or something like that), and just hit record.

As for getting it up on Megaupload, just go to megaupload.com and upload the vent file, or convert it to a wav file (in vent), or use something like audacity to turn it into an MP3.

Also, what silence was there? Or did you include all the getting it to work crap?
I mean, like the pauses between Jay getting his voice altering software going, or just general gaps. Download and listen to the first couple minutes and then listen to the first couple minutes of yours, since you and I started recording around the same time. You'll see what I mean.

Dave: I do the recording like Doom, export as a .wav, and then converted to mp3 with iTunes. I did edit out the gaps with Audacity though.


You can say other things besides 'Yes Master', don't be afraid. Also, man I sound terrible.


Staff member
Well saying "yes master" is all he is right now. As we do more things and level up, his self-awarenessand intellect will grow, allowing him to make his own decisions and such.

I may have made a terrible charactr choice, but let's play it out, shall we? XD


Staff member
So I've come to realize that the film competition I entered is showing its movies Thursday at 7:00 Central, which gives me an hour and a half to play.

So unfortunately I have to miss out on, like, all of the meat of Julie's game, but I can probably get a tiny bit of time in there. But if I don't show up at all, don't be surprised, as I might have had to meet up with my team.

Sorry, Jules. =(


Staff member
Too bad I have to miss it.

Le sadness.

Just throw some "Yes Master"s in there and it'll be just like having me there!


Sorry if my performance was not up to par, I was fighting a cold that came this morning.
I apologize everyone. I said I'd have loot up this evening, but I got distracted. I'm about to go to bed, but I wanted ya'll to know I didn't forget. It will be posted tomorrow without any further delay. ♥
I will give a rundown with less flavor text, because I think Doom wants an idea of what was going on and not Reynard's opium spell.

After the worm-tentacle-thing popped out of the girl's head, we followed the other zombie-people to an elevator that would go to the next tier of Amaranth (2 of 7). Too many people got in the elevator, or the elevator was made unstable by certain individuals causing problems inside it, and it went shooting downward, into another, under-level of the city. Nikto observed that there was not supposed to be an underground level.

The possessed people ran off into the dark and we followed them until we hit a dragon-statue and were stopped by what appeared to be a line of Drow. They vanished and Nikto and Kara fell into a pit-trap, upon which another Drow appeared, as did a half-dozen elves with their eyes bandaged and bloody, who began to shriek in Abyssal.

The rest of the session was primarily combat. Simkin slid the Drow into the pit, crushing Nikto but mostly eliminating the Drow as a threat (Nikto and Kara kicked the shit out of him). The rest of us were left to handle the dragon statue that came to life and seemed impervious to damage. Only the Simkin really picked up right away to knock out the elves who were chanting Abyssal. When that didn't stop the dragon, we resorted to killing the elves, at which point the dragon exploded. We hauled the Drow (and our buddies) out of the pit. The Drow made some "you have no idea what you've done!" threats, and a big booming Drow voice down the hall somehow killed him (perhaps with bad breath). We ended the session running after the voice, leaving the unconscious possessed guy behind.

I feel bad that Shawn spent the whole combat in a hole in the ground. It was a pretty interesting combat. I wish I had picked up that we could not hurt the dragon earlier, as it could have been finished more quickly that way, but also I guess more story would've happened that Doom would have missed.
I would've helped Shawn out of the pit, but he seemed to wanna stay down there as an in-character sorta hiss-fit.

I totally used some magically-enhanced Athletics checks to run, jump and climb my way out of that 30 foot pit, Prince of Persia style.
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