I had a thought that made me realize why I keep asking for Athletics when something is pretty much a straight strength check--
You don't do that with any other ability score as far as I know.
I've never seen a Dexterity check, which will almost always translate out to Thievery, possibly Acrobatics.
A Constitution check would just be an Endurance check.
I've done a straight Intelligence check maybe twice, three times at the most, to see if my character was smart enough to know something that would happen as a result of my actions. (Basically gaining DM insight.) But really, most of that can always be settled with Dungeoneering, Nature, etc.
Charisma pretty much boils down to diplomacy, from smiles to dates to treaties. (I once made a CHA check to see if some Wilden ladies liked my Minotaur.)
Wisdom---- nobody ever makes a straight wisdom.
Is that all of them?
Well anyway, I was curious to see what others thought. Strength checks obviously come up the most, and seeing as it CANNOT be boosted except by 1 every 4 levels, you can see why I'm a bit biased to want to use Athletics in place of strength checks.
I'm not asking that we do, mind you-- I agree Strength and Athletics are different, but just wanted to see others' opinions.