I'm cautiously optimistic

Bioware overall has a good track record (even Dragon Age 2 was a halfway decent game by normal standards, albeit a shitty one when compared to Baldur's Gate/KOTOR/Jade Empire/ME/DA:O), and in the past they've always tried to do right by their fans -- I've been following their various Twitter accounts closely, and a lot of the devs/community managers have been all but saying outright that something big is coming soon, but they want to give people time to finish the game (as it was just released globally yesterday.) Jessica Merizan, one of the community managers, has said several times stuff like:
User: @JessicaMerizan I think red is my fave. Why oh why do we have to sacrifice the Geth & EDI though
JM: @CmdrOwenShepard Well, depending on what you think of the Guardian, maybe it wasn't being truthful?
We'll see what happens. If I'm wrong, or if they want us (especially those of us who bought the game new -- $80 collector's edition for me) to pay for the real ending, I'll be as pissed as the rest of you. But I figure I'll be disappointed either way if I'm wrong, so what's the harm in having hope until Bioware makes an announcement?