Or even MineCrack.Minecraft is like Legos, if you always imagined you were in a fantasy world. If your like me and LOVE Legos, it is crack. Pure, untainted CRACK. it should, quite literally, be called Crackcraft.
Yes, X's Adventures in Minecraft is great.Can't sleep.... must keep watching videos.....
Does killing the zombies count as something more? What about building more stuff?Is there like a point to the game beyond building and hiding from zombies?
What I've learned from watching X's videos:Interesting, I bet that blocky look strikes several nostalgic cords for many players and it is a interesting concept. But does monster only come out at night?? sounds it can be a little boring. And does resources re-spawn again after a time?
What I've learned from watching X's videos:Interesting, I bet that blocky look strikes several nostalgic cords for many players and it is a interesting concept. But does monster only come out at night?? sounds it can be a little boring. And does resources re-spawn again after a time?
FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! Show some screenshotsBought this the other day after watching and getting hooked on X's videos. I started out one game but wasn't really happy with the way things were turning out so started a new one today. The area that I began in had a series of tunnels and I had built my initial refuge there only to later discover an area akin to the hallelujah mountains in Avatar just a bit further to the west. Eventually made it to the top and I now have a nice fort built up there with a fairly large enclosed stairwell leading up to it. I've recently started building sky bridges to connect to the other floating mountains and to continue my expansion. Later I plan on hollowing out most of the floating mountains.
This game owns my life...
I am waitingHave been saving all the cobblestone I've been removing from my mine, polishing them up, and using them to make my castle above the clouds. Cobblestone I don't polish I've used to create roads between my castle-in-progress, my mine, and my current temporary dwelling. And I've made sure to line my road with torches as well as set up stones with torches all over the top of my plateau range to keep monster spawns to a minimum. I'll try to take screenshots when I get my own little Machu Picchu more completed.
again, screenshots?I think the thing that truly makes this game phenomenal is the LACK of complication. It's simple, but that's exactly what it needs to be. I find myself having to DRAG myself away from it to get my daily WoW things done, the entire time wishing I was delving deeper into my castle labyrinth, hoping to hit gold and red stone and perhaps one day, the fabled diamond.....
Perfect uniform stairwell right now, going about 400 tiles diagonal.... and counting....
I have devised an "ingenious" system to prevent this from happening: when you spawn, gather as much dirt or sand in the surroundings as possible (64 should be more than enough). When you find a point you want to return to, build a huge tower by the "jump, place block underneath you, repeat" method. When it is done, leap off it. When you inevitably die and spawn, you should be able to see it in the distance. If you are carrying any items with you, it is recommended that you build a box next to the tower to store your stuff.Holy hell, how you don't get lost in this game?
Switch to Cobblestone blocks. The only place that Cobblestone occurs naturally is within 4 blocks of a Monster Spawner, so if you can see Cobblestone, you know you are nearby a location you have previously been. You can also make signs.I have devised an "ingenious" system to prevent this from happening: when you spawn, gather as much dirt or sand in the surroundings as possible (64 should be more than enough). When you find a point you want to return to, build a huge tower by the "jump, place block underneath you, repeat" method. When it is done, leap off it. When you inevitably die and spawn, you should be able to see it in the distance. If you are carrying any items with you, it is recommended that you build a box next to the tower to store your stuff.Holy hell, how you don't get lost in this game?
Yes, this is a retarded as hell method, but I'm open for alternatives. I have also devised leaving blocks of something behind you as "bread crumbs", but the hilly terrain makes this difficult. Unless you use smaller towers instead of single blocks...this requires testing! *goes off*
Kind of. It's like you came upon a life-sized lego world, where all the blocks are a cubic meter in size, and you have to dig them up yourself to have blocks to build with, and at night out come zombies and skeletons and shaggy green suicide bombers to kill you. I build most of my stuff out of stone, which is easy enough to come by... but things like minecarts and tracks? That takes iron, which is fairly rare, and you have to smelt the ore into bricks first, which takes coal (which is abundant but still you gotta go looking for it), all the while you are wearing out and replacing tools via in-game crafting.so it's like legos? I like legos.
i can see why its addictive.
Put lava on top of the cobblestones and it'll be extremely visible in the dark.Switch to Cobblestone blocks. The only place that Cobblestone occurs naturally is within 4 blocks of a Monster Spawner, so if you can see Cobblestone, you know you are nearby a location you have previously been. You can also make signs.
x2I have completely been humbled by Gasbandit's video. Simply amazing.
The tower (and the elevated paths from the starting house) actually started just because I wanted to do something with all the hundreds and hundreds of cubic meters of stone I was digging up while hunting for iron before I learned the knack of finding iron quickly without excavating huge amounts of stone. But once I learned that, I actually feel LESS efficient now, because I no longer feel like I'm doing 2 things at once... I'm either quarrying OR mining iron, no longer both at once.I have completely been humbled by Gasbandit's video. Simply amazing.
Most of the narrow ones get cart tracks put on them to be made into tramways. the skinny ones around the mountain at the end were only temporary - usually when I build an elevated walking path to somewhere I make it 2 meters wide.x2
my only "complain" is that those narrow bridges make me nervous.
He's playing in classic/creative mode. No monsters, limited size world, no day/night cycle, no mining, no inventory (just infinite building materials of varying colors). When you don't have to go digging up your blocks, you can spend WAY more time building.I was browsing the GOG.com forums and I noticed they have a thread on Minecraft. A couple of the recent posts were interesting:
Please tell me this guy used some sort of eternal editor to construct this:
Like we said, the multiplayer is very primitive and buggy at the moment. I mostly play single player at this point. I, too, however, salivate at what this game will be once the multiplayer matches the single player mode for functionality.I've had a chance to play around with a multi-player server and I'm not hugely impressed at this point (unable to kill animals, unable to build near the spawn point, instant health regen, etc.). I'm eager to see what updates they bring to the table for that element of the game.
To get your ass the hell away from our arcade high scores!Gaaaah, I hate you all. Why would you show me this?
I can't stop laughing.today I finally figured out how the hoes work
To get your ass the hell away from our arcade high scores!Gaaaah, I hate you all. Why would you show me this?
It is never safe, he is always watching youMan, I don't read ghost stories before bedtime for a reason. I thought I was safe in this thread, but apparently not.
The night working on finishing my master's thesis (due tomorrow) will be fun.
Wonder if that has been made on the suggestion board.You know what would be nice, and a logical?
Allow the use of obsidian instead of flint to make more damaging arrows.
The biggest issue I have found is that they can be completely destroyed by creepers and occasionally by chopping them down to move them. They also appear to be rather rare and I'm not sure they can be "grown" in any way.So far, I've been rather disappointed by the mining applications of TNT. For the trouble you have to go through to get the ingredients, a 3 block blast radius in stone is rather underwhelming.
I may have to look into the defensive cacti... A lava moat is great and all, but it also burns up the feathers, arrows, gundpowder and string.
I'm told TNT gets exponentially more powerful the more of it you place next to each other. This is why people are able to make Obsidian cannons with it to launch people miles over a map.So far, I've been rather disappointed by the mining applications of TNT. For the trouble you have to go through to get the ingredients, a 3 block blast radius in stone is rather underwhelming.
I may have to look into the defensive cacti... A lava moat is great and all, but it also burns up the feathers, arrows, gundpowder and string.
have you tried to look over thereI just started playing.
FUCK FUCK FUCK why can't I find any coal?
have you tried to look over thereI just started playing.
FUCK FUCK FUCK why can't I find any coal?
have you tried to look over thereI just started playing.
FUCK FUCK FUCK why can't I find any coal?
The game is too easy right now. A lot of casual players will complain, but balancing a game is hard, and bumps along the way are to be expected. Besides, it's in alpha and costs all of $13.50.I don't see the "torches go out" thing going over well with the community, considering Lanterns are probably going to use precious iron to make.
Nice... very nice...Just abandon the Paramecium and rename it Ravenholm.
Oh man, that is sweet. I'd rep you for this if I could.Someone asked me privately what I did to map the world...
Which, the castle, or the mountain home? The castle's barely started, it really is epically huge in undertaking. What you see has taken us two days.Wow... my best castle looks like a sloppy hovel compared to your creation...
What you do with redstone, other than build the computer on page 3 (I think it was 3?), is you build a tram station that delivers carts to you on demand from an unseen mechanism in an adjacent room.Well, this is just a small idol. When the area surrounding The Paramecium is purified from monsters, he'll probably want to build a big shrine devoted to his gods. I'm sure such a statue will be built.
(Thanks! Now I know what to do with all the redstone I keep finding!)
Yep. I actually made the waterfall purely for aesthetic reasons, but it turned out quite handy.Nice. Do you use the waterfall to get into and out of your sphere?
It's 6 materials = 4 sets of stairs, isn't it?Instead of playing bunny hop for a few minutes each time I wanted to go up to the exit, I spent some time, a small chunk at least, on crafting cobblestone stairs. They came in handy. They do however take a shit ton of materials, it's 6 materials = 1 set of stairs. Yea.
Someone should suggest this to the Notch guy.I still think that an in-game metal detector should be available. Maybe 4 diamond, 4 redstone, and one glass so it's not something you get right out the gate, but once you've put in a bit of work to make it, it would be a tremendous help.
Hey I took that picture! Haha, now I know what it is. Yay!
No, there are at least 129 other people who agree with you.Am I the only one who thinks this "game" is stupid? It reminds me of the boredom of Spore. Initially cool but very boring very fast.
Anytime I feel compelled to maybe give it a shot, I go play the Sims instead. Scratches a similar itch.Am I the only one who thinks this "game" is stupid? It reminds me of the boredom of Spore. Initially cool but very boring very fast.
This. I lost 80% of my sky house due to a lava mishap. I thought I was okay since the lava was surrounded by water, but I didn't consider the embers.Be very carfeful whilst transporting lava that you don't accidently drop the stuff in your house. You'd think I would have learned from the other guy. Not a total loss though. It really only managed to spread to the roof of my smaller hut and the sky bridge. Now it just makes them seem more open. I'll probably either leave them open or just put glass up there now. I'm going to be remaking the floor of the bridge stone though so this doesn't happen again.
I have a friend at work who thinks similarly. He says the game looks like a hideous time suck (it is) and he thinks it is clever but would not be willing to invest that kind of time in something where you couldn't "blow some shit up." Then again, he's more of a CoD/WoW/Starcraft player, and so the lack of adrenaline-fueled action and big explosions probably isn't doing it for him.Am I the only one who thinks this "game" is stupid? It reminds me of the boredom of Spore. Initially cool but very boring very fast.
That might have to do with it generating world. The game generates immediate surroundings based on when you explore. Once you settle down, your immediate surroundings will already be generated, so the game should use less resources.My only issue with it so far is the weird fact that, even though the graphics seems rather "meh" it eats up my laptop worst then WoW.
That works, but you don't even need to do that. You can usually find source block magma streams deep in the earth, that will give you like 20-30 Obsidian if you dump water on them. Just takes a bit of work to find them.As far as I can tell, there is no way to make everlasting lava. If you don't mind using them, there are tools available that can be used to edit your inventory if you really want that much obsidian.
All in-game. My castle, though, is on a multiplayer server, so monsters don't work right (nothing does health damage to you or anything else, currently), so they're turned off. In single player, you can accomplish the same thing by turning the difficulty to "peaceful." You can always turn it back up later if you so wish.OK, I have to ask, how are you guys doing all of this building? I cannot for the life of me complete mini projects before I have to hide out from encroaching zombies. And I have yet to find any advanced materials other than a few pieces of iron which are few and far between. Are you guys map editing first and then playing the game to walk through or is this all in game? If so, wow!
You guys remember Herobrine?
Sleep tight.
It was enclosed on all sides, except the top diagonals. A cross section would have looked like this:Remember lava will send out little fireballs periodically that will set stuff on fire. If you use glass to enclose it on all sides you should be groovey though.
I want creatures that are smarter at invading your fortifications so you have to come up with clever designs to stay safe. Right now you can build a cruddy 2 block high dirt wall and be physically safe from mobs.
There are new enemies coming with the Halloween update.Some new enemies would be cool.
It'd take a pretty beefy machine... minecraft isn't into the whole "sharing the cpu" thing. As long as there's less than 5 or 7 people on at once, a regular desktop might be ok though.Cool... can't wait for that update...
I wonder if multiplayer will get some serious patching with that update. I want to be able to fight off zombie hordes with my friends!
Actually... a Minecraft server for the Halforums crew would be a pretty cool idea I think.
A strong dual core at the minimum. I have a kentsfield quad core and even it has trouble keeping up sometimes. It mostly becomes an issue when you go exploring new territory for the first time.What kind of machine would you need? I'm assuming the best CPU you can afford type of thing? GPU wouldn't really be an issue with a dedicated server would it? What kind of bandwidth would a game like this use?
I'm kind of curious as I want to set up my own server for my buddies at some point.
Start digging. Find the stuff you need to build a compass, and on your way back blaze a trail with torches so you can easily come back to your summer castle.Never leave base, with a friggin compass..
So my mansion is coming along. I got the roof complete and set a bunch of fires inside and the entire indoor perimeter is set with torches. Ain't nothing spawning inside.
I go tree hunting. I need more massive amounts of wood to create the second and third levels inside, stairs, etc. No problem, I aim in a straight line and just start lumberjacking my way across the map. Well night hit, and I put up a tiny stone structure to weather the night. Daylight comes.. and I'm lost.
I've spent the last two days wandering around day, and a little at night at peaceful, looking for my base. I've be fucking lost for two days. And thats with a giant tower as a landmark.
Rule 1, always carry a compass![]()
Start digging. Find the stuff you need to build a compass, and on your way back blaze a trail with torches so you can easily come back to your summer castle.Never leave base, with a friggin compass..
So my mansion is coming along. I got the roof complete and set a bunch of fires inside and the entire indoor perimeter is set with torches. Ain't nothing spawning inside.
I go tree hunting. I need more massive amounts of wood to create the second and third levels inside, stairs, etc. No problem, I aim in a straight line and just start lumberjacking my way across the map. Well night hit, and I put up a tiny stone structure to weather the night. Daylight comes.. and I'm lost.
I've spent the last two days wandering around day, and a little at night at peaceful, looking for my base. I've be fucking lost for two days. And thats with a giant tower as a landmark.
Rule 1, always carry a compass![]()
You can play on the same machine. And the C2Q 9300 is a "Yorkfield" processor (one up the chain from my "Kentsfield") so I think you should be fine.Hey GasBandit, I'm thinking of setting up a multiplayer server just for myself and one other friend (maybe two). Do I have to run a dedicated server or can I play on the machine that is hosting the game as well?
Will an Intel Core 2 Quad 9300 be enough horsepower to run such a thing?
Well THERE'S your problem. That stuff takes FOREVER to dig up, and not all that easy to find in that kind of amount, even if you go dumping water on every lava pool you find.The materials you choose to make a project out of really make a difference in completion time. Building out of cobblestone? Boom, done. Building out of obsidian and cloth? Grab a Snickers, it's going to be a while.
My current project requires:
282 Obsidian
I'm doing a cast-in-place method. I ran a minecart track from my mining basecamp to the nearest pool of lava, and I'm transferring six buckets of lava at a time to the project site. I'm not sure it's actually faster than mining the obsidian, but I enjoy it more and it doesn't take a diamond pick to do it. I could cut the time down by making more buckets, but I can't bring myself to spend the iron.Well THERE'S your problem. That stuff takes FOREVER to dig up, and not all that easy to find in that kind of amount, even if you go dumping water on every lava pool you find.
^That would be the greatest swimming pool EVER.Yeah, once you go deep enough, you can find huge pools of lava source blocks just waiting to be nabbed. Casting the lava in place actually makes a lot more sense too, if your not swimming in diamonds.
Yep, that they do...But they take twice as much space horizontally, I think.
My queen is a Cactus. Your argument is invalid.Project complete! As might have been guessed from my materials list, I made a chessboard.
Yeah, I used them on the entrance to my castle, but they would've gone way too far out to do it on the inside. They would have left me with no room to put in the fountain because of how far the stairs would have gone out.You can make smooth looking stairs with stone half blocks! (3 stone blocks one beside the other)
But they take twice as much space horizontally, I think.
Agreed. My world is vastly unexplored compared to his and mine is already up to 22MB, and thats just with a few buildings and tunnels.. this guy has explored like huge swaths of his world and laid minetrack, etc.I'm surprised that's only 53MB. Would have expected it to be much bigger.
My queen is a Cactus. Your argument is invalid.[/QUOTE]Project complete! As might have been guessed from my materials list, I made a chessboard.
Look at yourself, now look back at me. My king is now diamonds.My queen is a Cactus. Your argument is invalid.
Agreed. My world is vastly unexplored compared to his and mine is already up to 22MB, and thats just with a few buildings and tunnels.. this guy has explored like huge swaths of his world and laid minetrack, etc.[/QUOTE]I'm surprised that's only 53MB. Would have expected it to be much bigger.
Not to mention that eventually, you hit bedrock and can't dig any further, so it wouldn't work anyway.Each chunk is 16x16 horizontally and 128 vertically. So yes, digging straight down does not increase the size of your world.
I'm assuming since you're asking this question you haven't been making manual backups of your saves like I do... but do you have any automatic backups? Vista/7 is big on automatic backups, and since the world save data is stored in %appdata% maybe it gets backed up with automatic backup or perhaps even system restore...Well, my world got fucked during a power outage. The level data is still there, but something isn't right. As of right now, I can load the world, but at the startup screen it shows a world size of 0.0MB, along with having a new spawn point. I tried the Minecraft forums, but the search function isn't working. Anybody have any ideas?![]()
Speaking of minecraft, I saw your sign and chest in my mine yesterday. Thanks for visiting! I assume the stuff you left was for me, or are you setting up shop in that server as well?Nah, I usually manually backup important stuff (of which game data isn't something I usually consider), and never set up any automated backups. Ah well, the world mostly works fine, it's just irritating.
You may be near the mythical block 0,0 where mobs are created at a greater rate than elsewhere. People found this out when they started building mob grinders. Try building a river of lava between you and them.Yup. THAT one, I discovered. And the way in which I discovered it was another indication of the changes.
One of my outposts (Yes, I know I'm late getting my pics up. I had a hard drive failure and it took me a few days to rebuild my array. Deal with it.) is in an area that spawns critters like mad. We're talkin' something like half a dozen creepers every night, a dozen or so skeletons and zombies, and another half dozen or so spiders (and this is on Easy!). I apparently got some of them worked up by jumping around behind my big glass wall and this got a skeleton to fire a few arrows at my head as it popped up over the wall. Well, some of these stray rounds hit a spider, which then started hitting back on the skeleton. A nearby creeper got in on the action and exploded, blowing a hole in my wall and staircase and letting the mobs in.
I died.
It took me a bit to clean up the mess, but I patched up the hole and now vowed to be a little more careful about who's next to whom when I start pissing off the mobs.
The Nether doesn't work in multiplayer, either.That being said, it seems like it's the only viable way to do travel right now, seeing as how mine carts don't work in SMP. I wonder if Notch made this explicitly because he doesn't know how to get mine carts working online?
The Nether doesn't work in multiplayer, either.[/QUOTE]That being said, it seems like it's the only viable way to do travel right now, seeing as how mine carts don't work in SMP. I wonder if Notch made this explicitly because he doesn't know how to get mine carts working online?
It was actually one of the first things that came to mind when morning first revealed the rabble outside my gate..."Holy! I must be near chunk 0!" Building a river of lava really wouldn't work with what I have planned for that area, though. I was more upset about losing all my ladders, fences, and my steel sword I'd used all of half a dozen times. Oh, and my compass.You may be near the mythical block 0,0 where mobs are created at a greater rate than elsewhere. People found this out when they started building mob grinders. Try building a river of lava between you and them.
No, they're talking about this.Are you guys talking about this Mob Spawner - Minepedia - The Minecraft Wiki! ?
That's odd. I started a new SSP world this weekend just to test biomes after the patch, and chunk 0 gave me 4 creepers, 5 zombies, 3 skeletons, 4 spiders AND a skeleton RIDING a spider on my FIRST NIGHT. And that was just the stuff that wandered toward my house, I'm sure there was more that headed the other way.By the way, it appears that the chunk 0 thing got patched and is no longer applicable.
It's a lot more fun with two people cooperating. Everything goes so much faster, and the shared experience blah blah warm fuzzies blah blah accomplishment blah hippie bullcrap you know how it goes.That's a lot of work GasBandit. Some really nice stuff, though.
I'd love to see what the whole of Halforums could accomplish.It's a lot more fun with two people cooperating. Everything goes so much faster, and the shared experience blah blah warm fuzzies blah blah accomplishment blah hippie bullcrap you know how it goes.
why you map is "broken"?[/QUOTE]Cartograph of my world: here
That's because WoW isn't generating the world on the fly. That "move any direction a few squares" means it's having to generate those new cubic meters you're coming into visual range of. It's not the graphics card, it's your processor and ram that are slowing you down.I wish the game didn't take a beast of a machine to run.. in SMP, it crawls to a halt of 1-3 FPS. Thats with fast graphics selected, draw distance as "tiny" etc. If I stand in one place for a minute, everything loads ok and I can get lik 60+ FPS.. but as soon as I move any direction just a few squares it drops back to 1-3 FPS as new chunks load ;\ I love Notch's work but jesus.. for such a simplistic game (graphically) you'd think something ancient could run it smoothly. I can nail out a solid 30+ fps in mmos like WoW but this?Back to single player for me..
That's because WoW isn't generating the world on the fly. That "move any direction a few squares" means it's having to generate those new cubic meters you're coming into visual range of. It's not the graphics card, it's your processor and ram that are slowing you down.I wish the game didn't take a beast of a machine to run.. in SMP, it crawls to a halt of 1-3 FPS. Thats with fast graphics selected, draw distance as "tiny" etc. If I stand in one place for a minute, everything loads ok and I can get lik 60+ FPS.. but as soon as I move any direction just a few squares it drops back to 1-3 FPS as new chunks load ;\ I love Notch's work but jesus.. for such a simplistic game (graphically) you'd think something ancient could run it smoothly. I can nail out a solid 30+ fps in mmos like WoW but this?Back to single player for me..
Notch is horrified at the prospect of even touching assembly language.It would be really nice if Notch would code this thing properly and not be using Java... like GasBandit said... it's horribly inefficient.
Notch said:like checking registry and stack dumps? nah, I'll stick to my Java..
*facepalm*Notch said:like checking registry and stack dumps? nah, I'll stick to my Java..
You guys might be surprised at how efficient java is these days. It's not perfect, and a good java programmer can do better than a bad one if they understand how the JVM works, but it's not the snail it used to be considered.It would be really nice if Notch would code this thing properly and not be using Java... like GasBandit said... it's horribly inefficient.
How do I make freaking obsidian instead of cobblestone?? I kept doing obsidian by accident when I didn't need it and now that I'm curious about this Nether world thing I don't seem to be able to make any!!
From Obsidian - Minepedia - The Minecraft Wiki!Obsidian is created when flowing water hits a lava spring; when a water spring and a lava spring collide it creates cobblestone.
A basic Obsidian farm is composed of a trough seven blocks long into which seven blocks of Lava are poured using the Bucket. A water block is then placed on top of one end of the trough so that it flows onto and converts the Lava into Obsidian.
Screenshot? (Also, see my edited post)But I put lava from my bucket in a trench and the water source block over the lava soruce block... and all I got was cobblestone. What amb I doing wrong?
Don't put the water source block over the lava source block. Put the water source block at least one block away so the water flowing away from the water source flows over the lava source block. The source blocks should never touch.But I put lava from my bucket in a trench and the water source block over the lava soruce block... and all I got was cobblestone. What amb I doing wrong?
Since you've built with stone, I assume you've built a stone pickaxe already. FIND some COAL. It can usually be found in the sides of cliffs on the surface fairly commonly. Once you can make torches with that coal and some sticks, you can really start exploring underground. A large part of your early game will be the quest for coal... then the quest for iron. But you'll be using stone tools for most things for the rest of the game, just reserving iron tools for digging out diamond, redstone and obsidian.Any tips for beginners would be helpful. I'm poking around the wiki a bit so I've got a bit of knowledge now.
I think you mean diamond, redstone and gold. Obsidian needs a diamond pick to mine.just reserving iron tools for digging out diamond, redstone and obsidian.
Any tips for beginners would be helpful. I'm poking around the wiki a bit so I've got a bit of knowledge now.
An easy way to find the folder is to hit the windows key and then type %appdata% into the search and hit enter, it will open right up to the Roaming folder. Saves a little big of digging through folders.Using Win7, it's in C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\screenshots
I might be interested... but $10 for two slots, as in for every two players? I'm not familiar with the typical going rate on game servers, but that seems horribly overpriced, unless I'm misunderstanding.So I'm running a server for a couple friends and I. Though I would need to clear it with them first as they help foot the bill for it, I was wondering how many of you would be willing to play there, and possibly throw cash in to help with the cost of running it, if we used it as a Halforums house. It's only a six slot server at this point and we only fill two of those as it stands now, but we could expand it to accomodate more if there is enough interest.
It's currently approx. $30/month for the six slots and seems to go up $10/month for every two slots that are added. The server itself is based out of Seattle and is for Alpha and I'm running Hey0 mod on it at present.
Not entirely sure myself as I've only had the server up for about a week or so. I noticed anything my friend put into his chests I couldn't see if I opened them. Though upon thinking back that may have been because he didn't have anythign in them at that time... Further research is required. I'll get back to you.So, what are the differences between single player and multi? I know that minecarts don't work and there's no damage, but is anything else different? How do chests and stuff work? I find mining relaxing, could I load up chests with materials for others to use? I heard that storage minecarts work now, but that only the person who puts stuff in them can get it back out again.
Redstone torches don't go out. With the new patch, coal torches must be re-lit occasionally.What is up with all the redstone torchs and the cactus?
Coal torches stay lit. Notch hasn't changed that yet. It was supposed to be part of the Halloween update, but he couldn't get it working in time.Redstone torches don't go out. With the new patch, coal torches must be re-lit occasionally.
Coal torches stay lit. Notch hasn't changed that yet. It was supposed to be part of the Halloween update, but he couldn't get it working in time.[/QUOTE]Redstone torches don't go out. With the new patch, coal torches must be re-lit occasionally.
His blog says he already did "Reverted mob spawning back to the old code, it was far to annoying. I have plans on what to do with this."Then again, he may just not go through with it. He's already made some comments that he may take out the new Light-Based spawning rules for inside buildings.
I like cacti?What is up with all the redstone torchs and the cactus?
Hey, uh, you do know I've already offered you guys one for free, right?Hah actually the term is for 6 months at $30. Sorry had to re-read my invoice. So it would actually be about $5/slot every 6 months.
And I did! I guess when I'm not being a demeaning ogre nobody pays attention to me unless I've got a castle and a warshipand I recently gave GasBandit the go-ahead to post it here.
And I did! I guess when I'm not being a demeaning ogre nobody pays attention to me unless I've got a castle and a warshipand I recently gave GasBandit the go-ahead to post it here.
You better!I built a little shack in the woods before I pined for all the resources and tools I left in my single player world. I'll probably be back.![]()
Gasbandit was wearing a Mario outfit last I saw him on the server. It looks like if you update your skin at Minecraft then it shows up on the server as well, but maybe GB can chime in here?Hmmm I'm considering this. I've been away from Minecraft for a while now.... might be time to head back in.... would I still see my miner Shego skin on the multiplayer server?
I think I'll hold off on custom software for a while, though. At least until we see the smp updates notch promised next week.It's not "set" to non-pvp, you have to run special mods to enable quasi-pvpThe official minecraft server does not as of yet support pvp. Or minecarts. Or buckets. Or portals... or etc.
Wait, can we import our maps onto the server?Cartograph of the server, now with my castle and village imported -
You need to build something ugly and ostentatious like my skyway to be recognized. ;-PGas, your labeled cartograph shows my little hut but it is literally so small you didn't even label it.![]()
Wait, can we import our maps onto the server?Cartograph of the server, now with my castle and village imported -
Wait, can we import our maps onto the server?Cartograph of the server, now with my castle and village imported -
The most expensive way to heat a furnace, since you lose the bucket. 3 iron for 100 smelts isn't how I want to spend my iron. Nor do I want to have to set a timer to run back to my furnace to get the next 36 items into the hopper.I'd heard that buckets of lava are by far the most efficient ways of heating furnaces.
Yes, but as was said on the last page, it eats the bucket AND you have to sit there and tend it because it will continue to burn away after you've used up your stack of 64. It's just better to use 8 coal and come back later.If you're feeling like a big spender when you smelt, one bucket filled with lava is 100 smelts.
NOOOOOOO! That is Non-Ecludian in shape and design! You will awaken he who must not be named!Re: Minecraft After finishing up the big can of beans, I went for a brief exploratory trip into the LAND OF MADNESS beyond the borders of GasBandia -
I wonder what those dots are in the distance. More madness?After finishing up the big can of beans, I went for a brief exploratory trip into the LAND OF MADNESS beyond the borders of GasBandia -
Yes, but if your connection is too slow to load the pictures, it might be too slow for SMP... it's not exactly optimized for network. Even at T1 speeds it can load slowly.So, I haven't been able to read through the entire thread (I tried, but the slow connection where I'm at, along with the big pictures, made it too frustrating) but is there a multiplayer server that a lot of Halforumites go to? 'Cause I'd love to join in.
Yes, but if your connection is too slow to load the pictures, it might be too slow for SMP... it's not exactly optimized for network. Even at T1 speeds it can load slowly.So, I haven't been able to read through the entire thread (I tried, but the slow connection where I'm at, along with the big pictures, made it too frustrating) but is there a multiplayer server that a lot of Halforumites go to? 'Cause I'd love to join in.
Why not grow trees down there with you?The only times I'll ever resurface is to stock back up on wood for supplies.
Feel free to connect to the tunnel system near Humble Tree....just dont tunnel through wall that have two torches one atop the other...there is lava behind those >.>...then I'll stretch out in various tunnel systems leading to other areas of the world. And I'm staying entirely under ground. The only times I'll ever resurface is to stock back up on wood for supplies.
I was thinking of going with Dig Dug;You should totally make a custom dwarf player skin too :3
I was thinking of going with Dig Dug;You should totally make a custom dwarf player skin too :3
Nothing out of the ordinary on my end as far as I know, although I was probably asleep at the time.I tried getting on last night to start building some rails in preparation for the patch, but man, I had like 90 seconds of lag! What the heck was going on last night?
Server is updated, but I'm afraid there'll be some maintenance downtime for the next hour or so, in case anyone wonders. Gonna move it back into the closet and try to get rid of some cable clutter.Hooray! The new patch is live! ... soon as Noax updates the server exe, Imma be a tracklayin' foo.
The login servers are down. Not much to do but wait.Do I need to redownload Minecraft after this patch? I can still log in to single player stuff but when I attempt to join the multiplayer server it either tells me the client is outdated or I just time out.
Dammit Notch! That is going to be such a pain.a PLACED minecart can no longer be "broken" to be picked back up again...
Did you not find the chest of supplies I placed near spawn? Or did that get emptied out already? Also, if you're in need of wood, there is a tree farm between your hut and my place, just look for the super dense cluster of trees with torches at their bases. On the south side of the grove is a chest with wood that is free to take. Whenever I harvest I tend to leave about half of what I get in that chest for others.If you're feeling generous, please feel free to drop any resources and tools you can spare into my shed. I think I have a large chest in there but I honestly don't know. If not just toss it in or even make me a chest.Any help you can spare would go a long way to my making a stand in the Gasbandian wastelands.
Meh, until there are monsters at night that can do damage, I don't care what people find on their own.If you take anything but a stone pick out of a newbie chest, you're doing it wrong.
Well, the newbie chest is labeled, and I was going to make a sign for the tree farm chest, but the server was doing funky stuff to me last night. (I got stuck in a loop where the same thing happened over and over and over).Haha, word, I'll just raid every chest I see on my way to somewhere.![]()
The first time I got on the multiplayer server I got in some kind of loop when placing coal in my furnace that basically generated me like 15 free coal.(I got stuck in a loop where the same thing happened over and over and over).
I am constantly amazed by this kind of stuff. I can't wait til someone makes PongCraft.The tech of minecraft computing advances again... Redstone LED numeric indicators -
That's pretty amazing. My mind was boggling at how huge the structure behind it is. I wonder how long it took this guy to build it.The tech of minecraft computing advances again... Redstone LED numeric indicators -
Good idea.You might want to place a monument or at least sign above your area so that we know not to start working in that area, and also so it isn't deleted when the next update comes along and the unused portions of the world are deleted so biomes can take effect elsewhere.
Using Gasbandit's most recent cartograph, I think I've plotted out an area to claim.
could you mark on the map were you were? Looks like simple lag, especially the last pic. Probably caused by the update.Sweet Ragnar graphic glitches!
I found these while on a two day trek to the south to find clay. I wanna make Gusto Tower out of brick.![]()
I would describe it as Dwarf Fortress if all you had to worry about was being one of those Dwarves who got a Fae mood, so you could spend all day get materials to build your next wonder.As a huge fan of Dwarf Fortress would this be worth picking up? I don't really like the fact that there is only one dwarf under your control, and it looks like all you do in this game is building, but the building stuff seems interesting. Anyone here who has played both care to comment?
could you mark on the map were you were? Looks like simple lag, especially the last pic. Probably caused by the update.[/QUOTE]Sweet Ragnar graphic glitches!
I found these while on a two day trek to the south to find clay. I wanna make Gusto Tower out of brick.![]()
Same for me, although it seems to happen more often and takes longer to correct itself lately. Maybe I'm imagining things...That second one happens to me all the time in both single and multiplayer, no matter the server. It's just a chunk update glitch.
It's entirely possible to lose a huge supply of materials (that will vanish if you don't get them quickly) by dying because of...bah, that's boring. Where's the Fun?
It's entirely possible to lose a huge supply of materials (that will vanish if you don't get them quickly) by dying because of...bah, that's boring. Where's the Fun?