So I'm working on my world, I zip it up and carry it back and forth between work and home so I can meddle with it here and there.
Originally I started out with the big tower landmark idea, that helped at first. then I kept getting lost from my initial little cobblestone building I made to weather the nights. Now even on normal difficulty, it can be easy to die. Zombies and spiders aren't much of an issue, dodging creepers and friggin arrow shooting skeletons is my issue. So to start I died, a lot. I then played super conservative, at least until I built up some resources.
From my starting little rock hut, I began major excavations;
Instead of just randomly going in a direction, I figured I'd go straight down. Mainly in hopes of finding iron and diamond. Still haven't found a lick of diamond but I've slowly built up some iron over time. Once I got down to a decent level, I started to branch out.
I remembered a large mountain range from the surface, so I aimed my tunnel(s) that way. Now eventually I wanted to have a back door leading to a surface entrance, so I started digging my way up.
Instead of playing bunny hop for a few minutes each time I wanted to go up to the exit, I spent some time, a small chunk at least, on crafting cobblestone stairs. They came in handy. They do however take a shit ton of materials, it's 6 materials = 1 set of stairs. Yea.
Now, I know what some may think, a ring of torches around the building? A fence would be better to keep things from getting close, but my problem was always shit spawning near my door, and once sunlight came up, having to fight off Creepers and Spiders. I don't mind Creepers but jesus I hate having to rebuild my base when they assplode.. To the left, I am starting a mansion of wood, that will house multiple floors, a tree built in, etc.
I finally get the outter foundation of the mansion started and the floor boards in, and oh look another big green penis coming to explode

I dispatched him quickly before he blew a huge hole in my floor.
Still working on that, mining tons of wood for the mansion, planting new trees to replace all the ones I'm choppin down. I always keep a suit of iron armor on, it really helps. I rarely use iron for tools unless I'm mining rock. Still havent found diamond

On ward ho I guess.