[Rant] Minor Rant III: For a Few Hollers More

My ex knows I've been having trouble getting over her and I'm trying to distance myself to move on. And now she's sending me a new friend request? What the hell, woman? She'd better have a damn good reason for wanting to talk to me.


Staff member
Warning: Only unspoiler if you want to hear my advice. Otherwise, kick my post in the pants:

IGNORE HER. That's some obnoxious bullshit that some people have to do, because they're too cowardly to just live with the consequences of the choices they make. She cannot break up with a cake and call it too. You're the cake. And you're a wonderful cake with sweet-ass fondant ribbon. So just ignore her and let someone else start enjoyin' that cake.
My ex knows I've been having trouble getting over her and I'm trying to distance myself to move on. And now she's sending me a new friend request? What the hell, woman? She'd better have a damn good reason for wanting to talk to me.
Same caveat as CJ: if you don't need advice, feel free to fart in the general direction of my post.
Her reason: without knowing the details of your relationship and break-up, I can almost guarantee she gets some validation out of knowing her impact on you was significant enough that you're still affected even though you're no longer dating. This feeling is valuable to her, unconsciously or consciously and she is trying to maintain it by staying in touch. Advice for you to get past her: replace the patterns. The activities or times that remind you of her shouldn't be avoided because then you'll think "I'm avoiding x because of her..." but should be replaced. If normally Friday night was date night, don't stay in and feel regret/lonely; go out but go out with friends, or write for the few hours you'd have been having dinner and watching a movie. Replace the patterns: doing nothing will emotionally exhaust you


Staff member
Our neighbor's kids are always at our house. They just come right in. I don't care. In fact I kind of like it. But yesterday, their mom came over and less than subtly accused my kids of taking $20 from hers. Now make no mistake: I know my kids, and I gave them a cop-movie style grilling about it. But I could've done without the direct accusation from the neighbor. I thought we were friends, too.
Our neighbor's kids are always at our house. They just come right in. I don't care. In fact I kind of like it. But yesterday, their mom came over and less than subtly accused my kids of taking $20 from hers. Now make no mistake: I know my kids, and I gave them a cop-movie style grilling about it. But I could've done without the direct accusation from the neighbor. I thought we were friends, too.
I certainly would have preferred she mention this to me in as polite and up-front manner as possible. Especially if we are/were friends. I think people tend to forget that kids are kids. No matter how many times you try to get them to be honest upright citizens they may still have a bad streak (even if it's just a small one). If 20 bucks goes missing. Okay. It's worth looking into. But it's 20 bucks. Unless your rent is due and you NEED that $20 to keep your family from being kicked out of the street I think it's okay to give you the benefit of the doubt that you didn't know about it and give you some time to grill your kids about the matter.
I hope your kids didn't steal that money though. Trust amongst neighbors is a nice little luxery to have.
So I mentioned a day or two ago that I am going to Denmark for a couple days.Well some asspirate tried to smuggle drugs across the border and now all passengers on the bus are stuck at this policestation.
small mercy that there is free wifi in the area so i can talk to the outside world.
wellll,i was allowed to smoke,flanked by two cops.am now flirting withthe female cop who sits across from me.soall in all i int so bad.
whoops.no 4fraternetizing. im typing on my tab whenthey arent looking.they got kinda lax,now that almost everyone but me and a spanish dude got taken off the bus.guess they are interrogating the turkish and afrikan people irst.
8 freakin hours! at least they fed us.and ofcourse noone brought the bag with him.they took fingrprints and dna samples.i am so pissed.
Ugh so much to get done today at work.

I didn't even get to take my lunch break or grab anything to eat but on a slight plus side I get to leave an hour early since I had to work through my lunch. But of course since I am leaving an hour early I have that much less time to get everything done.


Staff member
I failed a test for the first time in my life last night. Well, I didn't technically fail, I'm more ... on probation. It was my brown belt for shotokan karate. I did not know one of the moves the sensei called. Never practiced it even once in class in the entire time I've been at this dojo or the last dojo. I was told I should've known it anyway, and I suppose that's true. They're holding the belt for one month to see if I improve. They said if it was any belt but brown, it wouldn't have mattered. I'm disappointed in myself on the one hand, but on the other, it sure is inspirational. It's a bit embarrassing because only 5 adults elected to test, and all the others (much lower level) passed.
I failed a test for the first time in my life last night. Well, I didn't technically fail, I'm more ... on probation. It was my brown belt for shotokan karate. I did not know one of the moves the sensei called. Never practiced it even once in class in the entire time I've been at this dojo or the last dojo. I was told I should've known it anyway, and I suppose that's true. They're holding the belt for one month to see if I improve. They said if it was any belt but brown, it wouldn't have mattered. I'm disappointed in myself on the one hand, but on the other, it sure is inspirational. It's a bit embarrassing because only 5 adults elected to test, and all the others (much lower level) passed.
Did you refuse to sweep the leg?
The printer in the office isn't printing, which is a key part of its job.

Talking to tech support, they ask me to print a configuration page.

I... what. I can't print. If I could print a configuration page, I wouldn't be talking to you! rargh
Jet has been very aggressive lately. He hits and bites. He also won't listen and getting him into time out is becoming an effort of endurance.

I have no idea how to correct this.

Also, yesterday was his 4th birthday, but it became an aggravation cuz a kid at day care told him he could do whatever he wanted on his birthday.

It became an issue.


Staff member
In defense of tech support, they may have meant the internal configuration page, which is usually printed by buttons physically on the printer, and often prints even when nothing else will, and gives information that might be useful in troubleshooting - particularly if it is a network printer with its own IP address. Just 2 weeks ago I had a printer refusing to print... because it turns out some tech-illiterate sales weasel tried to fix a low toner problem by punching buttons at random and managed to switch the printer's network settings from fixed IP to DHCP, which changed the IP address, which made it so NOBODY could print.

Naturally the starting point of my involvement was a DIFFERENT sales weasel complaining "it won't work." Very descriptive, that.
I was trying help a user that could not open a spreadsheet directly from an email. I asked her if she tried to save it first, because it always works.

"I just clicked on the file."

I sit down, and I right click the file and hit save. The save function wanted to drop the file somewhere deep in her server folders.

I ask where do you normally save files from email.

"I just clicked on the file."

Where do you save your files?

"I just clicked on the file."


"I save them in Excel."

I will never understand how people can be that computer-illiterate in an office workplace. I just don't understand.
"I save them in Excel."

That's one of my favorite answers. I'll get people panicked because they can't find a file they always use.

"Where is it saved at?"


"No, like in your documents or is it in a shared directory?"

"... Excel. It just opens."

They get so used to opening it from the recently used that they have no idea where it's actually at.
In defense of tech support, they may have meant the internal configuration page, which is usually printed by buttons physically on the printer, and often prints even when nothing else will, and gives information that might be useful in troubleshooting - particularly if it is a network printer with its own IP address.
Turns out this is what he meant. However, I was unable to do that as apparently the menus on the printer are password protected. Oh well.
IT support is why I work in enterprise architecture. Just so I don't have to deal with that; I just deal with the suits and the dollars.

DC comics. That's it. I really don't need to say ANY more than those words. In fact I should stop typing, but I love the clackity sound that happens when I'm doing it so such is the existence of these 3 following sentences..
I really don't know where to put this, it can all come out so many different ways... My wife has an interview for a new position within the same department that she works for with the State of Texas. She has to go to Austin for the interview (and that's where the job will be located), and I'm going with her (overnight stay because it's a freakish long drive) and just wishing for the best for both of us.
I've been watching a sad little rebellion form over mass emails here at my school. I won't bore you all with the details, but suffice to say that the district office made some unpopular choices regarding funding and hiring for some positions at my school. A teacher decided to send out a mass email voicing his displeasure and asking others to speak up. A second one joined in. A third one proposed a meeting in the library after school. Then a few people started sending letters and poems (I shit you not) about their "plight" here. Seriously, this is all because a popular teacher didn't get a promotion they really wanted.

This morning the principal sent out a mass email saying that he heard their complaints, vowed he was not going to budge on anything, but wanted to let people know that he passed on the names of the three "leaders" to the district supervisor for "further discussion."

The original teacher sent out his own mass email saying what an outrage this was, and called for anyone else who had a grievance to meet with him after school to "plan their next step."

Now, I just got an email from the district. They've apparently heard that some of us are upset, and they want each individual who has a gripe to send back an email on their work account, outlining their complaints.

It doesn't take a genius to see this one coming.
