[Rant] Minor Rant III: For a Few Hollers More




Well, some people get ruled out immediately.

Yeah, I even did that anonymously because I she has checked out the boards before. There's literally no way I can get into the meat of the issue without giving away everything about the gripe. I can't even be vague about it, it's that specific. But if you PM me I will tell you. I think it's obvious who this old person is



No advice can be given. It's one of those things that nobody has any control over.
If it makes you feel any worse,,, I want you ask you the same questions.
No it's ok. You don't call us every month asking who's sick and crying that we need to get off of this island before something bad happens. I understand curiosity. Drama on the other hand...

Those are calls are always fun. Did your husband resist trolling his mom? "The storm has broken in! It's got a knife!"
He's so used to her doing this that he pretty much talks to her in monotone.

evilmike said:
... it sounds like your family has enough sense to not go surfing or to try to make a kite out of a typically non-kite-like object to see if it will fly so I fully expect you all to make it through the storm safe and sound.
*tries to inconspicuously use her foot to push away the framework for a kite with a child seat attached* Okay :D

@GasBandit I wish I could do the livestream! That would be awesome. In addition to the link Adam posted the surf cams might stay up. You could try surfline.com which has cams on a few of the islands, not just Oahu.

@WasabiPoptart make sure all your valuables are at least a foot off of the ground. These things can dump an amazing amount of water. Have a fall back spot in the house. Like an interior closet or small bathroom. Since you have two smallish kids, bring their mattresses in there with you. One for the group of you to sit on, and the other to lean against the window.

I hope it moves fast, so you don't have to deal with flooding.
We have an interior closet. It doesn't have enough room for a mattress though. But we have sleeping bags and the like, plus the cushions from the couches we can toss in there if need be. Thanks for that suggestion! Usually by our house we don't get a lot of flooding. I'm more worried about the wind and losing electricity. I think that's ingrained in my thoughts about hurricanes though because of living just outside of a state forest in NJ. We always had downed trees,.
my father harassed me for a week about going to pick my mother up from the airport, I cancelled plans with other people to do so. tonight right before its time for me to leave he tells me he has it under control and not to worry about it anymore. I kind of want to scream...
We have an interior closet. It doesn't have enough room for a mattress though. But we have sleeping bags and the like, plus the cushions from the couches we can toss in there if need be. Thanks for that suggestion! Usually by our house we don't get a lot of flooding. I'm more worried about the wind and losing electricity. I think that's ingrained in my thoughts about hurricanes though because of living just outside of a state forest in NJ. We always had downed trees,.
That is just the joy of living in Hurricane and Tornado Alley.

I hope you have a weather radio.

Don't go out if the eye passes over you. The back side of the eye wall can catch you off guard and then you will be facing 75-100 mph winds.
That is just the joy of living in Hurricane and Tornado Alley.

I hope you have a weather radio.

Don't go out if the eye passes over you. The back side of the eye wall can catch you off guard and then you will be facing 75-100 mph winds.
Our radio is one that you can power with a crank, ac, batteries, or solar. I snagged that last year. It's got AM, FM, and I think another band, but I don't remember off hand.

I learned about the back of the eye wall when I was in NJ, too. I ran out once in it to pick up some branches in our yard and ended up getting stung by a pissed off wet hornet. Not the real reason to stay inside, but good enough for me to remember it 30+ years later.


Staff member
This picture reminded me of this conversation.

Now that's a damn well fitted door.
"A third lonely guy, who had a view just below the east river, opened his window and drowned.
There was no suicide note. Apparently, he had no one to leave it to."


Staff member
Yeah, I even did that anonymously because I she has checked out the boards before. There's literally no way I can get into the meat of the issue without giving away everything about the gripe. I can't even be vague about it, it's that specific. But if you PM me I will tell you. I think it's obvious who this old person is
I want to PM you but I don't know how to PM anonymous. I have a guess but I'm not going to presume. ANYHOW! If you want to vent privately, I am totes here.
Angie, your List sucks. I don't want to sign up for another account that will spam my inbox with offers I don't need just to see what optometrists are in my area.


Staff member
Thanks for the commiseration guys.

I also now find myself in a spat in a moms group on facebook. One mother was talking about how horrified she was to find that her friend allows her 6 year old to go down the street to the park by himself. All the other moms started talking about how their kids aren't ever allowed out of their sight and how neglectful that was. One mother has a 14 year old that has never once been in another persons car, gone to a sleep over or went shopping on her own.

I just said that Jet goes out on his own and he's five. I also said that I believe in allowing kids to explore things with out a watchful gaze as I think its empowering, even if they do get into something they shouldn't at times.

...I am now basically mommy hitler. I don't love him enough. Someone will swipe him off the street and I'll never see him again.

Guess that's what I get for playing a devils advocate to a bunch of mothers who apparently have eyes in the back of their heads and infinite time for hand holding.

Maybe i am a sucky mom!

Getting back to this, here's an article from the Economist my dad just forwarded me, that maybe you should post to the facebook harpies.


"The fear about safety is the least rational. Despite the impression you get from watching crime dramas, children in rich countries are mind-bogglingly safe, so long as they look both ways before crossing the road. Kids in the 1950s—that golden era so often evoked by conservative politicians—were in fact five times likelier to die before the age of five. Yet their parents thought nothing of letting them roam free. In those days, most American children walked or biked to school; now barely 10% do, prevented by jittery parents. Children learn how to handle risks by taking a few, such as climbing trees or taking the train, even if that means scraped knees and seeing the occasional weirdo. Freedom is exhilarating. It also fosters self-reliance."

Note: when I say my dad "forwarded" me the article, I mean he scanned it and sent me the PDF'd images. I found the online version on my own. Though there's more in the hard copies, attached.



Staff member
It's astonishing how much work/organization/planning our owner seems to expect to magically do itself with nobody put in charge/made responsible for it. Today's e-mail "Send me a copy of the promo we're airing for next week's football broadcast and its schedule."

Nobody's put through any sort of order, or even mentioned verbally, doing any kind of promo - either scheduling it or producing it.

Every year we go through this shit because there's no one person who's in charge of our football broadcasts. But I'm not going to point out what's needed, because that'll make me stand out and probably get ME put as the aforementioned "one person in charge" and I've already got more on my plate than I can deal with right now.
Today's e-mail "Send me a copy of the promo we're airing for next week's football broadcast and its schedule."
At least his iPhone Galaxy IIIGs didn't auto-correct it to "porno." That's a lot of regulatory paperwork you'd have to amass in a pretty short time.

As of yesterday afternoon, I reached a major milestone on this board, where my post count finally surpassed that of @North_Ranger.
On the one hand, I feel like this should be some kind of forum achievement (North of North, or something).

On the other hand, I wish it would have been more of a moving target.

It's astonishing how much work/organization/planning our owner seems to expect to magically do itself with nobody put in charge/made responsible for it. Today's e-mail "Send me a copy of the promo we're airing for next week's football broadcast and its schedule."

Nobody's put through any sort of order, or even mentioned verbally, doing any kind of promo - either scheduling it or producing it.

Every year we go through this shit because there's no one person who's in charge of our football broadcasts. But I'm not going to point out what's needed, because that'll make me stand out and probably get ME put as the aforementioned "one person in charge" and I've already got more on my plate than I can deal with right now.
This is where you put on your IT hat, and *only* your IT hat? Not your job, and not your job to make it your job.


Staff member
This is where you put on your IT hat, and *only* your IT hat? Not your job, and not your job to make it your job.
Really it doesn't fall under ANY of my hats, other than my least favorite "only guy who truly understands what the fuck goes on around here" hat.
Still no internet to the new apartment, been coming down to the pool so I can bogart the single power outlet and the free wifi. I look very out of place amongst neighbors who come out to actually swim.
I just came back from time off, and before I left, work told me to come in at 7am the day after I return (which was around 20 hours of travel), so I did, with the knowledge that I would be home for the draft. I arrive after 2 hours of sleep and find out that they scheduled me for 4pm, meaning I lost hours of sleep and will miss the House of Pain draft.
They've recently started randomly processing debits (either online transactions or actual hard-copy checks) through my wife's savings account instead of her checking account. When she called them on it today, they told her it was because her checks were printed a long time ago and she needed to buy new ones, because the new ones have a 4 digit code on the front of the checking account which is the only way their systems have to differentiate between a checking account and a savings account. But, just this once, because they're really nice, they're going to waive their $35 NSF fee for trying to process a check against a savings account. They are not, however, going to do anything about the $178 in late and NSF fees that we incurred from our leasing office, because this is really our fault.

We'll be closing the account this weekend, once we can get to my credit union, which doesn't do this kind of random bullshit to people.
The roommate we kicked out agreed he would have his stuff out by 10:00am today. He first showed up at 7:30, which was good in my book, but has been moving at a rate of one box a trip, coming back once every 20 or 30 minutes. He's dragging it out all freaking day. I'm about ready to throw all his stuff outside the door and stop letting him in.
The roommate we kicked out agreed he would have his stuff out by 10:00am today. He first showed up at 7:30, which was good in my book, but has been moving at a rate of one box a trip, coming back once every 20 or 30 minutes. He's dragging it out all freaking day. I'm about ready to throw all his stuff outside the door and stop letting him in.
Considering that it is after 10 AM in most of North America, I'd say you'd have a good case to do so.
Just learned a guy I was friends with in High School passed away suddenly of pneumonia. FUCK. I haven't talked to him in years, but he was the sweetest fella and I never gave him enough credit for putting up with my shit. Just a real bummer. :(


Staff member
Just learned a guy I was friends with in High School passed away suddenly of pneumonia. FUCK. I haven't talked to him in years, but he was the sweetest fella and I never gave him enough credit for putting up with my shit. Just a real bummer. :(
A guy I went to elementary school and middle school with committed suicide a few years ago. We weren't great friends, but it was weird and sad. He was one of those good ol' country boy types, which you don't see taking their own lives too often.

In a completely, completely opposite rant, I've been in an oddly better mood recently. I don't know why. I've been so down and mopey all the time recently that it feels -weird- to feel like I'm in a good mood, and I feel like I have to figure out why. When in reality, it should be my default.

Like, nothing has changed. I'm still relatively bummed about the things I should be bummed about. But maybe I'm focusing on them less, or just not letting them get to me? I dunno. Will optimistically hope my good mood continues to grow into what it used to be.


Staff member
I had the same weird feeling when my sister's brother in law shot himself. He was your classic high school bully right down to the tank top and mullet. They were actually never sure if it was suicide or a cleaning accident.
My company's clients will never satisfy their lust for nitpicking random stuff in our translations in an attempt to avoid paying us, and my bosses will never satisfy their lust for piling more work on me and thus leading to clients having openings for nitpicking.

I'm going to have some alcohol for lunch now.
My company's clients will never satisfy their lust for nitpicking random stuff in our translations in an attempt to avoid paying us, and my bosses will never satisfy their lust for piling more work on me and thus leading to clients having openings for nitpicking.

I'm going to have some alcohol for lunch now.
But surely somebody around can satisfy your lust. Eh? Eh?