I consider myself a very big football fan. I try to watch every Bills and Mizzou game as well as all of the big games with other teams. The outcome of games can and does have a notable effect on my attitude for at least the next week.20 minutes into the broadcast the coach became so disgusted with the players' performance, that he's had them run drills. They've been jogging in place for 5 minutes. Boy does that make for some exciting radio.
Clearly, you have not seen the magnificence that is Varsity Blues. That should answer all of your questions.I have no fucking idea what it is with Texans and high school football.
Enjoy it...then exercise.I made this post, got hungry and ordered a pizza. In 10 minutes it's already here.
They added extra pickled jalapenos to it because last time I told the driver I love the pickled jalapenos.
I'm dead.
Honestly, it's the fun of it. You NEVER know what you will see. Crazy plays that actually work. Defensive stands that should have never worked. The fact that you have kids playing a game and enjoying the heck out of it, even though they don't have a chance at all to get anything but memories from it. That you can have a town of 35000 that brings 10000 to an away game, that is a 2 hour drive away.I have no fucking idea what it is with Texans and high school football.
What if you're young and think the current music sucks? 'Cause that was me in the 90s. The only music I listened to was Weird Al, making fun of the crap everyone else was listening to.You get the idea. People have been talking about how new music is worse than when they were kids forever. When you're young it's "those adults just don't understand!" When you're old it becomes "NOW music is really bad. Unlike when I was young."
Well, when you're a kid, you define your personality based on what music you hate.What if you're young and think the current music sucks? 'Cause that was me in the 90s. The only music I listened to was Weird Al, making fun of the crap everyone else was listening to.
Maybe it's just American music that's tended to suck for the last 40 years.
I don't know about that. I just didn't hear anything I liked. Gravitated towards score music in movies, video games because of it. It wasn't until I turned 16 that someone online introduced me to Euro-metal and I was all "Well, when you're a kid, you define your personality based on what music you hate.
As you get older, or at least as I got older, I found I hated less and less music, and now there's still music I don't care for, but I can't say I hate any of it.
Except for modern country... fuck that shit.
Been there man. I always have to remind myself that it passes eventually and there are too many people I don't want to disappoint and would miss if I was gone. No matter how shitty I feel, I take solace in knowing there are people who would be disappointed in me if I gave up. Plus, having seen it far too often (was home when my mother got the call about my uncle Tom and uncle Jon), I couldn't do that to anyone I loved. That memory is what keeps me from giving up with I feel at my worst.I am an unhappy human being.
Could be worse. They could have opened a Five Guys in that strip mall.God damn it. In the strip mall that's like 2 blocks from my house, they just opened both a Papa Johns and a Fatburger.
How the fuck am I supposed to stay low sodium with no willpower and both of those monsters nearby?
Mmm...peanuts.Could be worse. They could have opened a Five Guys in that strip mall.
Five Guys isn't that much further away. Now there's a Carls Jr. nearby too. Fuuuuuuck.Could be worse. They could have opened a Five Guys in that strip mall.
Seriously, why? Gotta be one of the worst chains that I've ever eaten at, not quite down to the Taco Hell level, but toward that end of the list.I'd suck a dick for a Carls Jr. in Montreal.
*drops monocle*Seriously, why? Gotta be one of the worst chains that I've ever eaten at, not quite down to the Taco Hell level, but toward that end of the list.
Hardee's.We have one by my apartment now, but they have a different name down here. They do the "thickburgers" yes?
Still doesn't tell me why anyone would eat there. Bland, dry burger patties, soggy under-cooked fries, and generally underwhelming taste on everything that I've ever eaten from there.*drops monocle*
Speaking of hell, you sir, may go to it.
Really? I was under the impression that they were the exact same.Carl's Jr. > Hardee's.
Went to a Hardee's in Virginia, wasn't even close to Carl's Jr. quality.
Maybe it was the Hardee's I went to, but the burgers there were much smaller and the meat seemed to be of lesser quality than the Carl's Jr.'s around here.Really? I was under the impression that they were the exact same.
Hardee's was a separate chain, but it was bought out by Carl's Jr. It's possible they're still doing some stuff the old way. I did always like Hardee's.Really? I was under the impression that they were the exact same.
In the spirit of the franchise, you could just suck the same dick twice.I'd suck 2 dicks for an In-And-Out.
Generally, their burgers are more about the crap ton of topping than anything else.Last time I went to 5 Guys was weird. The meat tasted completely unseasoned.