[Rant] Minor Rant III: For a Few Hollers More

Hardee's would likely be what you'd end up with, @Jay - and believe me, you would NOT like Hardee's.

One of these days they're going to claim they're "fast food" and be sued by the thousands of people who have ever had the disappointment of eating there.

The coupons they give only move them up to "barely tolerable" on the quality meter.
Generally, their burgers are more about the crap ton of topping than anything else.
Completely this. When I went to Five Guys I didn't really care for it for the price of what you got. Next time I went I realized all the toppings you can get included. I wouldn't say its my favorite place or anything, but I definitely enjoy having it now.


Staff member
Carl's Jr. Western Bacon Extra Thickburger ftw.[DOUBLEPOST=1408932597,1408932536][/DOUBLEPOST]
All of you fast food fans should make a trip to TX for the best fast food chain ever: Whataburger.
Whataburger's overhyped. They overuse mustard and salt SO much.
In-n-Out is awful. Too much shredded onion and mustard on the burger. Fries that are limp. I tried it twice while we were in San Diego. Ick. I'd rather eat at Islands or Carl's Jr. Or even Jack in the Box.

They opened a Fatburger on base here. It's good, but too damn expensive for what you're getting.
In-n-Out is awful. Too much shredded onion and mustard on the burger. Fries that are limp. I tried it twice while we were in San Diego. Ick. I'd rather eat at Islands or Carl's Jr. Or even Jack in the Box.

They opened a Fatburger on base here. It's good, but too damn expensive for what you're getting.
The Fatburger that just opened near me also has a Buffalo Wild Wings attached. Compared to Buffalo Wild Wings exorbitant insane prices, Fatburger might as well be the 99 cent menu at McDonalds.

12.99 for 10 chicken wings?

Fuck. Right. Off.

You do realize you opened between two Irish pubs that both serve 25 cent wings right?
So. We've got a major translation case from a major client. They're all like, "This is a major case we're giving you now, we need it to be abso-fucking-lutely 120% perfect otherwise you suck and we're going to slash your fee. Please pay particular attention to the terminology you use, and make sure it's industry-standard terminology."

And we're all like, "Okay, no problem, we're professional translators, and we're familiar with this field. We'll use the right terminology, no problem."

They give us a bunch of documents. We translate them and hand them back. They're all like, "Dude, WTF is this, we told you to use industry-standard terminology! You got them all wrong!"

And we're all like, "Um, excuse me? We got the terms right, actually. Show us where we got the terms wrong."

And they showed us a bunch of terms and how they think it should be translated, and their terms are completely wrong. Like, 100% wrong. Like you can go to Google and easily show they're wrong. They're so wrong that if they put these terms on actual documents, they'll be the laughingstocks of the whole industry.

And we're all like, "Um, dude, your terms are wrong. Like we can go to Google and easily show you they're wrong. They're so wrong that if you put these terms on actual documents, you'll be the laughingstocks of the whole industry."

And they're all like, "Nuh uh, we don't care what Google tosses up, these are right, and you will follow them otherwise we're going to slash your fee."

And we're all like, "... fine. But don't come crying to us when you become the laughingstocks of the whole industry."

So, now taking bets on who's going to get blamed when these guys become the laughingstocks of the whole industry.
I think that all of the above mentioned chains can be decent depending on the actual store. I've had great experiences at all of the above though I haven't eaten at a Fat Burger or In-n-Out. I forget about In-n-Out every time I am in California; I alway go for Mexican and Chinese food when I am out there.

Whataburger has the best fast-food burger of all time!
So. We've got a major translation case from a major client. They're all like, "This is a major case we're giving you now, we need it to be abso-fucking-lutely 120% perfect otherwise you suck and we're going to slash your fee. Please pay particular attention to the terminology you use, and make sure it's industry-standard terminology."

And we're all like, "Okay, no problem, we're professional translators, and we're familiar with this field. We'll use the right terminology, no problem."

They give us a bunch of documents. We translate them and hand them back. They're all like, "Dude, WTF is this, we told you to use industry-standard terminology! You got them all wrong!"

And we're all like, "Um, excuse me? We got the terms right, actually. Show us where we got the terms wrong."

And they showed us a bunch of terms and how they think it should be translated, and their terms are completely wrong. Like, 100% wrong. Like you can go to Google and easily show they're wrong. They're so wrong that if they put these terms on actual documents, they'll be the laughingstocks of the whole industry.

And we're all like, "Um, dude, your terms are wrong. Like we can go to Google and easily show you they're wrong. They're so wrong that if you put these terms on actual documents, you'll be the laughingstocks of the whole industry."

And they're all like, "Nuh uh, we don't care what Google tosses up, these are right, and you will follow them otherwise we're going to slash your fee."

And we're all like, "... fine. But don't come crying to us when you become the laughingstocks of the whole industry."

So, now taking bets on who's going to get blamed when these guys become the laughingstocks of the whole industry.
As a fellow translator, I bro-fist you SO HARD (that might've come out wrong, but screw it).

This kind of situation is why we always keep a copy of the correct translation on hand, just in case someone tries to come and give us any crap. That way we can point to it and say "Yes, that translation job is certainly a monstrosity and whoever did it should be flogged. It is, however, not our fault, as you can plainly see. Your beef is not with us but with the idiot who committed this atrocity. May I suggest you tell them to fuck off?"

Sorry, it's kind of a sore subject. It's happened once or twice.
I'm on the phone during a business conference call.

They stopped talking about anything that had anything to do with my department 45 minutes ago.



Staff member
I just learned that our local cable company (Suddenlink) basically paid the city council to shoot down any google fiber application in the works.



Staff member
Because competition is good while you are being political, but bad if it means they are competing against you.
It won't matter. Google is determined enough to get Google Fiber in major cities that it could easily match or exceed anyone's grift. It's going to happen. It's just going to take a few years.
It won't matter. Google is determined enough to get Google Fiber in major cities that it could easily match or exceed anyone's grift. It's going to happen. It's just going to take a few years.
Unless the local company made the city council sign a long term contract with hefty cancellation fees. That happens a lot with privatization, too - the corporation taking over that area of public responsibility drafts a contract with the public agency (state, etc) making it very, very difficult and costly for the public agency to get rid of them when they inevitably do a terrible job. For example, the state of Virginia was forced to retain Northrop Grumman to improve the state's information technology infrastructure, despite numerous missed deadlines, massive cost overruns, and technical shortcomings - because cancelling the contract would have cost the state $400 million dollars. Chicago's contract for privatizing the parking meters in the city is for 75 years, again with massive costs if the city attempts to cancel it. So Google may offer better bribes, but if breaking the contract would bankrupt the city, they still can't go for it.
I use an MX 518 mouse. It is an awesome mouse. Seriously awesome. But I've been using it for a few years now, and it's getting a bit gross. The rubber parts are flaking off, and there's gunk in every conceivable crevice.

I've scoured every computer store to look for a replacement. Can't find any. I go on Amazon to see if I can buy one online. It's available, but the price has tripled because the mouse is no longer in production, yet it's still in demand. Fine, I think to myself, it's worth it, because the mouse is awesome. I try to buy it, except Amazon bugs out on me and I can't complete the purchase.

I am sad I'll never be able to replace my utterly awesome mouse.
My husband just went through the same thing. He had a Logitech G7 that I bought him for our anniversary one year. It stopped working right a few months ago. He was heartbroken since it's the longest he's ever had a mouse and he really liked it. He just replaced it with a Logitech M705.
Just Leyla just got over a small cold she caught last week.... she gets Hands Foot and Mouth disease. Last night suuuuuuuuucked... and she looks terrible. :(

Gonna be a long couple of days.