[Rant] Minor Rant III: For a Few Hollers More

This is a minor rant due to circumstances: Got a Car Camcorder DVR (aka the "dashcam") for my car, via Groupon. $25, uses a microSD card, looks decent.

Got it pretty quick, and was looking forward to getting it installed.

And then... I took a look at the User Manual.

@bhamv3, if you company did the translation for this manual, you should fire yourselves.

Now, for the cost, I kinda expected cut-rate translation, but really?
haha I was thinking about buying 2 of those, myself
This is a minor rant due to circumstances: Got a Car Camcorder DVR (aka the "dashcam") for my car, via Groupon. $25, uses a microSD card, looks decent.

Got it pretty quick, and was looking forward to getting it installed.

And then... I took a look at the User Manual.

@bhamv3, if you company did the translation for this manual, you should fire yourselves.

Now, for the cost, I kinda expected cut-rate translation, but really?
Y'know, as far as bad translations go, that's actually a fairly comprehensible one.
That was only the first page.

Screen Saver

DVR is turned on by pressing the menu button (MENU), then press the down key has been to find the screen saver option, press the ok button to set the screen saver time. if set up one minute, one minute after the screen will automatically shut down. DVR now normal operation, press any button to turn on the screen. To screen has been displayed, follow the above steps, screensavers time setting is off.
What do people think they're going to get when they call to dispute a credit card charge at FOUR IN THE FUCKING MORNING?!?

Nothing is accurate on a Monday morning before 9am, anyway.


Staff member
Watching an interview with National Geographic photographer Bob Holmes. All these photography sites spend so much time playing down gear. The gear is nothing, blah blah blah. So I'm waiting to hear what lens he shoots with. It's obviously a prime, and obviously wide angle. It seems like he shoots mostly with one lens. So finally, he nonchalantly says Leica 35mm Summiplex. Oh that's all? Just a $4500 lens? That's how he gets the trademark National Geo light falloff (hot in the front dropping quickly to black in the background). You're not doing that with a Canon 24mm pancake, because the glass is small in order to make the wide angle at cost. I googled images from that lens, and yeah, it's a lens characteristic, it seems.
It seems to be a combination of decrying gear heads and expressing their own self importance without being blatant.

"I'm not a gear head, the gear is nothing, I am everything."
Watching an interview with National Geographic photographer Bob Holmes. All these photography sites spend so much time playing down gear. The gear is nothing, blah blah blah. So I'm waiting to hear what lens he shoots with. It's obviously a prime, and obviously wide angle. It seems like he shoots mostly with one lens. So finally, he nonchalantly says Leica 35mm Summiplex. Oh that's all? Just a $4500 lens? That's how he gets the trademark National Geo light falloff (hot in the front dropping quickly to black in the background). You're not doing that with a Canon 24mm pancake, because the glass is small in order to make the wide angle at cost. I googled images from that lens, and yeah, it's a lens characteristic, it seems.
It's the same as calling someone a "script kiddie," decrying the people who get fancy tools but don't really know how to use them.

My brother is a professional photographer. And he loves Dentists. Because they buy top of the line gear and pawn it within a year.

When a host belittles a photographer's skill at a dinner party, the normal reply is "the dinner was delicious. You must have really nice pans."


Staff member
There's no denying skill is the number one attribute, but there's also no denying gear in photography. Comparing to pans is an argument en extremis, because pans may have some effect on the food, but not nearly as much as a complex thing like a lens or a camera has on photos.
It seems to be a combination of decrying gear heads and expressing their own self importance without being blatant.

"I'm not a gear head, the gear is nothing, I am everything."
You get the same b/s in the tinwhistle world. "You don't need an expensive whistle to sound good. All those old school whistle players made do on a $3.00 Generation brand."

Which is so much crap...almost all of those "old school" players have switched to high end instruments, now that they're readily available. And if you listen to most of them talk about it, back when they did play Generations, they usually went through dozens or hundreds before they found one of the rare, good sounding ones.
I'm kind of torn on this issue. I hate when people say I must have a nice camera because I take nice pictures.
But it is true (as a fellow photog), because what they think of as a "nice" camera is a little point-n-shoot Nikon or Sony and that the arrow has to be pointed at the green automatic settings square. I've had people say that I take "great" photos at Disney, but they don't understand that I may take 20-30 shots with differing settings to find that one they think is great. Not unusual that I take 200-300 shots during a 3 minute dance routine and share the 10-12 best that I take.
But it is true (as a fellow photog), because what they think of as a "nice" camera is a little point-n-shoot Nikon or Sony and that the arrow has to be pointed at the green automatic settings square. I've had people say that I take "great" photos at Disney, but they don't understand that I may take 20-30 shots with differing settings to find that one they think is great. Not unusual that I take 200-300 shots during a 3 minute dance routine and share the 10-12 best that I take.
Exactly! I plan to photograph flowers tomorrow and maybe 1 in 20 will be photoshopped and shared. For concerts or wildlife, my ratio is much closer to yours.
For concerts or wildlife, my ratio is much closer to yours.
My inner pedant feels the need to point out that a ratio of "10-12 out of 200-300" and "1 in 20" is pretty much the same :p

That said...Of course both play a role. They're both necessary, and in photo shooting even more than in many other areas. A good violinist may produce something passable on a cheap violin, but will sound much better on a good one; a good photographer may still produce well-framed and decently balanced pictures with a crappy camera, but will take much better ones with a proper camera and good lenses etc. On the other hand, I couldn't possibly produce something decent if you gave me a Stradivarius, it'd still sound like a cat being flogged. While I wouldn't be able to make proper use of a $5.000 camera or lens, I'd still be able to take a decent picture with it, probably using automatic settings for a lot of it....But a lot of people with no discernible photo skills to speak of still have an expensive camera, and sometimes their pictures will look better than mine, but mostly, they don't, because it's about a lot more than just the settings :p

Besides, pans with bent and deformed bottoms that heat unevenly, where you have to use twice the amount of grease to still have twice as much sticking and burning, do make it much harder to make a good steak :p
@Bubble181 I've never been a math expert :)

I follow a fantastic website about astrophotography and the guy tests all kinds of cameras from cell phones to full frame beasts and shows how to photograph the Milky Way with each. There are quality differences for sure but he can do making things with a cell phone.


Staff member
All of this is true, no doubt, but my point was that the gear does make a difference. A great photographer can make a crappy camera take the best pictures that crappy camera can take. And conversely, great kit doesn't take great pictures by itself. That said, pictures taken by a crappy photographer on nice gear still has that nice look, and the best picture a crappy camera takes in the hands of a great photographer still shows the limitations of the crappy camera. Point being that this guy kept going on about how the gear doesn't matter, then says his go-to lens is a $4500 dollar lens, which any number of example shots on google images shows gives you that nice lighting pattern that is notable about his imagery. No question the man is brilliant, but some of that look is attributable to a lens that is much faster than a consumer wide angle.
@Bubble181 I've never been a math expert :)

I follow a fantastic website about astrophotography and the guy tests all kinds of cameras from cell phones to full frame beasts and shows how to photograph the Milky Way with each. There are quality differences for sure but he can do making things with a cell phone.
Could you link us? This sounds interesting, but I think my google-fu is busted today.


Staff member
This is a neat video comparing the iPhone 5 to DSLRs. The best part is at the end, when they print photos from each and show them to people on the streets, and no one can tell which is which.

My brother once did a photo shoot where he made an adapter out of foam board, and shot his high dollar Nikon rig through a $5 Argus. The Argus is at least 60 years old too.

And he still has not given the damn $5 camera back to me.

I don't push because it belonged to our Grandmother.
I'm fixing some client-provided copytext before integrating their new functionality into our front-end, because it looks like it was written by one of @bhamv3 's bad-touch translators... Except this is supposedly a U.S.-based company.

Also, whomever did this last time chose to prettify their text by repeatedly adding spaces in order to justify the text... Instead of using one of like 50 xaml properties/tags that do that for you.

I'm fixing some client-provided copytext before integrating their new functionality into our front-end, because it looks like it was written by one of @bhamv3 's bad-touch translators... Except this is supposedly a U.S.-based company.

Also, whomever did this last time chose to prettify their text by repeatedly adding spaces in order to justify the text... Instead of using one of like 50 xaml properties/tags that do that for you.

You know you'd spend CAD$1200 of it on Diet Coke right off the bat, make a throne out of 12-packs, and then sit on it like a dragon atop her hoard.

Dude that's her Tuesday.

I took over 100 pictures with Squidleybits super ir thing am a jig camera on Saturday. Clearly I am an expert in photography things.
I unfriended someone on Facebook today. I'd considered it before because I was sick of the way they'd enter any conversation or argument. They were constantly patronizing and argumentative in the worst ways.

This time, it was in response to the fact that I think many people are overreacting to this whole "Captain America joined Hydra!" thing. I look at it as a long-time fan and see it as another shlocky shock story done just for hype and getting in mainstream press. Plus, it'll be revealed to be some kind of mind control or some other overly complicated solution, and forgotten in a few months.

They argued about the fact that it's disrespectful to people killed or treated by Nazis, Neo-Nazis, or minority's overall treatment. As I kept trying to press the fact that none of it matters because it's another stupid comic book event, they brought up the fact that I've struggled to understand transgenderism over the past few years. Given the fact that this person is a male-to-female transgender person themselves, and the fact that I have done everything in my power TO understand transgenderism - and shown endless support - I was incredibly insulted by this.

And now we're arguing in private messages because she still doesn't seem to understand my point about it.