I feel for you, and I understand the frustration, but at the same time I can't help but also see it from the other side. I'm personally asexual, and I've been in relationships where sex becomes something that is almost like an obligation, and that can be incredibly anxiety inducing. Feeling like you're being shut out of intimacy fucking sucks, but it can also suck to feel like you have a chore to do that you don't want to, or even if you -do- want to maybe just not right now. It's a complex situation and people are complex organisms, so I really wish I had some advice to give other than shit's complex, yo.I asked for sex and it was met with a "meh" and a shrug and I didn't know how to really respond to that, so after a few more minutes of just cuddling I casually pulled away to reach for my phone but stayed away really because I just didn't want to keep touching her anymore. I kinda... think I'm done. Usually I'm given a minimal "I don't feel like it right now" but this just felt so dismissive. At best incredibly tone deaf, given how frequently I've talked to her about feeling like I need more intimacy. I keep rereading the "Wishing for Divorce Often" thread in the health & advice subforum and identifying with that as being my future life if I stay and go through with marrying this girl. It's clear that she and I don't have compatible physical needs and probably never will. I wish I had ended things in California last year and gone to Kansas starting a completely fresh life by myself instead of bringing her with me. It's like I'm wasting my most energetic years on someone who leaves me feeling like she's not even attracted to me 90% of the time.