[Rant] Minor Rant III: For a Few Hollers More

Apple will replace that phone for about $200, $250 if you want to add the "Next time it's only $50" coverage (assuming you don't have that already, otherwise it'll be $50 now)

EDIT: Almost forgot, stienman - Most carriers charge $100-150 deductible, I think.

My sleep schedule is so borked right now.

With everything that's going on, I went from Sleeping from 2am-6pm, working from 8am-5pm, then misc from 6pm-2am.... to an erratic schedule where sometimes I'm sleeping at 6am, other times at noon, other times at 9pm.... uuuugh there are times I'm losing track of the day it is.


Staff member
Why do people keep coming to look at my house and then writing feedback like "it's a little dated". No shit. You mean like I wrote in the ad? You mean like you could see in the photos? Why bother coming to look at it? It's not magically going to update itself when you step foot inside like a Disney cartoon. Thanks for making us bust our asses to clean for you when you already should have known this from the ad. Also, stop asking for a shiny brand new house when mine is clearly priced for what it is. Go find another house this size that is updated, and have fun paying--no joke--150K more for it.
Instagram is silly. "I want to take a picture with my phone, but I want to make it look like I used a camera from 1960."
Well, cellphone cameras suck. So you might as well have interesting lighting effects on your sucky camera...

So I don't really see the problem.

Unless the guy taking the pictures have no clue how to take pictures anyway.
Cell phone cameras still look better than shitty brown-filtered pictures from the 70's. Hell, my 4-year old non-smartphone takes a decent picture.
Why do people keep coming to look at my house and then writing feedback like "it's a little dated". No shit. You mean like I wrote in the ad? You mean like you could see in the photos? Why bother coming to look at it? It's not magically going to update itself when you step foot inside like a Disney cartoon. Thanks for making us bust our asses to clean for you when you already should have known this from the ad. Also, stop asking for a shiny brand new house when mine is clearly priced for what it is. Go find another house this size that is updated, and have fun paying--no joke--150K more for it.
I have learned recently that most people in the market for a house are morons. I'm not sure if there are just too many idiots shopping for homes, or if the process somehow makes people dumb.
Yup, the Surgeons photo was LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG ago proven to be a hoax.

If I recall correctly too, before that, the image of the Loch Ness monster most had was actually basically a big fish. It's that hoax that cuased this whole Pleisosaur thing.

And that's another thing.
PLESIOSAURS AREN'T DINOSAURS. They are a complete seperate order with its own suborders and species. Dinosaurs dwelt on land. Not in the ocean.
If they're going to LIE to kids about stuff, could they at least get their lies straight?


Another work related rant

-having your kids record the answering machine message for you is not as cute as you think it is.

I missed my son's playoff baseball game today, because I had previously made plans before I even knew there were playoff games for his baseball league.

He had his best game of the year and got the game ball. His team lost, though, so they're done. However, he blames me for not being there, and thinks it's my fault they lost the game, and if I were there they'd still be playing.

Logical or not, I feel completely miserable about it.
I missed my son's playoff baseball game today, because I had previously made plans before I even knew there were playoff games for his baseball league.

He had his best game of the year and got the game ball. His team lost, though, so they're done. However, he blames me for not being there, and thinks it's my fault they lost the game, and if I were there they'd still be playing.

Logical or not, I feel completely miserable about it.
I don't have kids, but damn. This kind of thing seems like it would destroy me. I hope you manage to make it up to him somehow, man.
A friend of mine asked me if he could see my resume last week. Somehow he had never made one in his life (he's 30), and he told me he wanted to get some ideas on how to make his own. He asked me to take a look "his" new resume earlier... and it's my resume with just a few things changed here and there. He put his name on it, changed the contact info, and altered some of the minor details (like the address of previous employers). Other than that, he just poached the entire thing. He used the same list of skills and qualifications, even though they don't all apply to him. He left the job descriptions/responsibilities for my work history. He even left my education info on there, including my GPA. Fucking asshole. He didn't even have the decency to change the font or format to at least pretend like he wasn't copying my resume. And then he sends it to me for my approval.

What the fuck.
"Dude, why are you so mad? It's pretty much YOUR resume, so you must like it, right?" :rolleyes:

Edit: Oh, and cheer up Tress! At least the Giants are decimating the Dodgers right now!
I honestly cannot fathom what he was thinking. He's already asleep, otherwise I'd call him right now and rip him a new one. I'll just have to wait until tomorrow to explain the oh-so-difficult concept of why he can't just copy my resume and try to pass it off as his work.

Edit: Oh, and cheer up Tress! At least the Giants are decimating the Dodgers right now!
Haha, I've been watching that all night! I was worried evil Zito would show up again and implode. Instead the Giants' offense starts kicking the crap out of the Dodgers. Mwahaha!
I understand why copying your work history and qualifications is scummy, but if someone asked to look at my resume I would expect them to just switch out the relevant information
I'm mostly just pissed about the work history, education, and qualifications. The font and format don't bother me. I'm just saying it's easy to see all the info he ripped off when he didn't change anything about the format.
Former front desk kid decided he'd just no show his job rather than even make the least bit of effort to be more professional. Little did he know that the majority of guests who had encountered him would be dancing on his proverbial grave at the news he was gone.

(ETA: I forgot to mention that I've been at work since 6pm last night thanks to him. By the time it all shakes out, once again another person's drama will net them nothing while the OT will buy me more toys :))
I have certifications in Softimage XSI and in 3DS Max from my college... and 90% of the job openings I'm looking seem to want Maya users :(
Maya is generally what most companies use, at least that was the case when I was still looking to get into the animation/game field. Some companies, like Blizzard, still use 3DSMax pretty regularly.