Jaw hurts from surgery. As a result, my sarcasm filter is malfunctioning and everything coming out of mouth is the true response I'd want to give if I weren't self-muffled at almsot all times.
Added at: 16:06
Also I've found that "<EmployeeName>, give me the god-damned X" gets me the god-damned X in short order.
Yes, but wouldn't you rather have a not-damned X than a damned one?
Also, I know the feeling. My jaw's been hurting for 2 weeks now (in the "tears in my eyes from chewing" variation...As if losing weight from sress wasn't enough, now I'm deliberately not eating because of the pain). Problem is the jaw specialist I've seen has a 18 weeks waiting time for an appointment, this isn't urgent enough to go to emergency, adn my GP is an idiot.
I'm still hoping it'll go away, but so far, no luck. If you can hear your jaw joint crunch and crack every time you chew, that's not good, I guess?