[Webcomic] PVP Discussion


Staff member
I think having Monday off fucked with his time sense. It has gotten to me several times this week.

No work Monday, NFL on Wednesday, confusion every day.


Staff member
It's going to be like the "epic dungeon": one clever thing wrapped in a stupid joke, then there's piles of gold everywhere and the Big Bad is just an average troll.
It killed the momentum, but in this case there's a goodly chance there wasn't much he could do about it.
You mean like LICD, GWS, S*P, and whatever other comics went down at the same time for the same reason, and also couldn't possibly post comics until it was resolved?
You mean like LICD, GWS, S*P, and whatever other comics went down at the same time for the same reason, and also couldn't possibly post comics until it was resolved?
Yeah, the fact that every other webcomic that was hit in the server attacks never missed a beat and kept posting new strips via redirect just makes Kurtz look like he was using it as an excuse to not make comics.
She also rolled her eyes when Francis got a free mouse-pad. THAT MEANS SHE IS SKEPTICAL! Did every-one get it? How Satan-damned skeptical she is? I hope so.


Staff member
So they aren't really married and Killshot set them up? Ugh. It would have been better had they actually gotten drunk and married. That NEVER happens in Vegas.
I don't think there's really a winning solution here. Either it was a fraud put up so Killshot would win, which is predictable, or it's a fake-out, Marcie and Francis really did get drunk married and the other guys have nothing to do with it, and it still isn't funny or clever, though I'm sure Kurtz is going, "Hah, betcha didn't see that coming - they really DID get married in Vegas! I'm a tastemaker!"
I don't think there's really a winning solution here. Either it was a fraud put up so Killshot would win, which is predictable, or it's a fake-out, Marcie and Francis really did get drunk married and the other guys have nothing to do with it, and it still isn't funny or clever, though I'm sure Kurtz is going, "Hah, betcha didn't see that coming - they really DID get married in Vegas! I'm a tastemaker!"

I believe that would be "I'm THE tastemaker!" ;)
Does anyone else find the sub-text to Marcy and Francis getting back together in Vegas blatantly obvious? They break up, Francis tries to fix it with him saying "I win" at the end, and then they go to Vegas and get back together. Gee, that doesn't remind me of any-thi-

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH, I get it now! Marcy and Francis's break up is meant to be parallel to Brent and Jade's break-up! Only unlike Brent and Jade's break-up which was well written and helped further develop the characters , Marcy and Francis's break up pretty much came right out of no-where and wasn't prompted by ANY THING! I wouldn't as much if not for the fact that Skull(the silly farting troll) had a break-up story line better written than the two characters that were in the more actually developed relationship writing wise. As the meme says: Kurtz is a hack.
Geez, looking at the art on this now, it looks less like a big romantic moment and more like Jade has turned into some kind of monster trying to engorge on Brent's face. Seriously, like a fifth of his face has been sucked into her mouth.
At least they don't have potato chips for noses.

The art has improved, though I don't like the style as such, but the stories back then were what I was looking for. Nowadays I just go to tastemaker central when this thread heats up every once in a while and check out a few pages, not to my pleasure mostly (sometimes it is worth the look).
I meant to bring this up early in the week.

So two weeks ago when the ferret ate the servers, Kurtz tells us that he doesn't want to cross-post the strips to FB because it was SUCH a GREAT story arc, that he didn't want to interrupt it due to technical difficulties. So he took a week off to let the servers cool down & get the site back up & running.

THEN... last weekend on his twitter feed he was bitching & moaning about having writer's block - how he was all ready to pack up his Cintiq & call it a career... he was fresh outta ideas.

So wait... I was assuming that when you said it was such a great story arc, that it was already well planned & written, if not already drawn, inked & colored, ready to post. Now you're gonna tell me that you've hit vaporlock, mid arc? I guess that explains this lame ass transition. "We got drunk & woke up the next day... and then we vacuumed"

Lar & Sohmer get it done. One franchise 7 days a week, another twice... plus other side projects & Lar is ALWAYS drawing something into the wee hours on twitter. AND they have time to BOTH go to cons WITHOUT relying on "guest strips", all while posting on time. Hell even Absath manages to keep enough of a buffer to keep posting on time.

This is one of the things that would scare the hell out of me if I was making a living off my creativity. Writer's block. where is my next idea going to come from? You would think that Kurtz (& I also lump Jeph into this category) would learn... when the creative fire is hot, let it burn. Pump out as much creative work as you can while the ideas are flowing. Then when you've got a decent buffer, take a day off to play WoW, make a guitar, go to a con or whatever.

But Kurtz will never learn