Random Video Game Crap

Welp, there goes any interest I had in this game. Vic Mignogna has built a reputation of mistreating and abusing women. To the point that he tried suing some of his accusers of libel and lost...badly...because he couldn't price they were lying. He's a right-wing dickhead. Disappointing that 7 Days to Die would associate with him.

That Amazon one has an 11" blade length.

Hard to say for certain, but from the picture figmentPez posted, the blade looks like painted plastic.
Considering that we're just google searching, and these things are made by a variety of companies, no telling what the actual sword was made of.

That said, whether or not it was plastic or had sharp edges doesn't really mean anything to me. This here's a video of a dull-bladed balisong I printed: