RANT - about anything II

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Canary said:
Scarlet Varlet said:
A sudden cold snap hits. Go to store to buy a warm blanket.
Think I can find one? Guess again. I can buy a beach towel and humourous beachball, though.
We got a massive dumping of snow on Tuesday and it's been unnaturally cold since. All thanks to the wind...And at least you can imagine you're on the beach?
Keep saying to yourself, "Summer is coming. Summer is coming!"

Kitty Sinatra


And the season.

-- Thu Mar 12, 2009 10:25 am --

And dammit. I gotta work next week.

-- Thu Mar 12, 2009 10:36 am --

And Dammit, I had my best life as a Heavy last night, almost beat a lot my overall records and set a couple others, but Steam somehow lost the info.


-- Thu Mar 12, 2009 10:37 am --

Oh c'mon! I can't even triple post anymore?

I am really fucking tired of riding the wrong edge of the poverty line. My fiance and I are this close to making ends meet, and paying off all of our outstanding debt and wham! something else comes up to fuck us over.

This month? My fucking car loan finance company was harassing me because my autopay debit bounced (I got paid the next day and was hoping against all hope that my bank would take an extra day to process the draft, because they frequently do that with my car insurance, but no dice) so I made a one time emergency payment (which I paid an additional $25 dollar fee on). What happens next? They re-run the autopay and bam... double payment.

I can handle $350 a month, honestly I can, but I cannot handle $700 a month out of the same check as my rent check. So, even though I just got my regular pay check of about $1200 and a bonus check of about $250, I'm immediately back in the hole on my checking account. Luckily I only have one more payment on my last payday loan so I can get out from under that hell circle, but I'm getting really fucking tired of never being able to buy anything other than necessities.

I would love to be able to pick up a damn DVD or maybe buy some food so I can actually cook something nice for dinner (though I did make a good pot of chili on Monday, the only reason I was able to do that was because I had to use the ground beef before it went bad and I just happened to have 3 cans of cannelini beans), or I don't know, go out to eat at a place that doesn't have plastic flatware.

I hear ya, Gared. Right now I'm in the hole $400 or so because of an insurance payment that I thought was supposed to start NEXT month. My next paycheck is almost 1/2 gone and I have to pay for mortgage.

Gotta get through a few more months and I think I'll have a handle on things.

Wasabi Poptart

I had to start wearing maternity pants already. The button on my regular jeans push in on my belly and make me uncomfortable especially when I'm sitting. There is no conversion of sizes. You just buy maternity clothes in the same size as you regularly wear. Except these pants are usually made to last through all 9 months of pregnancy and I'm not that big yet. There is no waist in these things, just super stretchy elastic. My pants keep falling down while I walk!! :eek:rly: Stupid fucking pants.

WildSoul said:
There is no waist in these things, just super stretchy elastic. My pants keep falling down while I walk!! :eek:rly: Stupid fucking pants.
How YOU doing? :unibrow:


I got the job offer I have been waiting 2 months for. The fuckers offered me $2 grand less a year than I am making now. They offered me what I make now to try to keep me before I left a year ago to come here. I blame Dave for stealing all of the good job offer mojo and using it on himself.
I hate solicitors who stalk you at the grocery store parking lot to try to sell you crap or collect money while you're standing there loading groceries in your car. I've been trying to think of a wise-ass comment to make to them. So far I'm thinking something along the lines of "Sorry, I just gave all my change to a guy collecting money for the Death to Solicitors Association."

quandofloo said:
I got the job offer I have been waiting 2 months for. The fuckers offered me $2 grand less a year than I am making now. They offered me what I make now to try to keep me before I left a year ago to come here. I blame Dave for stealing all of the good job offer mojo and using it on himself.

Kitty Sinatra

Dude, I was setting you for a specific comment, referencing the episode where the Simpsons get a pool. Your reply was s'posed to be "I said Ha ha."

I didn't think anyone would get it since I didn't do the voice.

"Ha! Ha! Your medium is dying!"


Edrondol said:
Gruebeard said:
Dude, I think he's really hurt over the job offer.
But...but he blamed ME!

I'm sorry.
I'm deeply wounded. I hope you get really hot slutty female students that laugh at your old man hooties.

Philosopher B.

Stress and colds and whatnot all combined sucks a big one. I've spent nearly all day either sleeping or wishing I was sleeping. Sleeping is not a fun activity! It's goddamn boring.
Getting drunk with your roommate to celebrate her being finished the mother of all papers (Yet I've yet to finish mine) + taking my meds = Being awake at 4am with nothing better to do than work on my paper.... -_-;
Canary said:
Getting drunk with your roommate to celebrate her being finished the mother of all papers (Yet I've yet to finish mine) + taking my meds = Being awake at 4am with nothing better to do than work on my paper.... -_-;
I mixed alcohol with Benadryl on New Year's Eve and it had the opposite effect. :bush:
Come on kids, know your meds. Sudafed = awake. Benedryl = asleep.

Also, when the side of the bottle says "Alcohol may intensify effects", that is not actually a serving suggestion. :falldown:
Fun Size said:
Come on kids, know your meds. Sudafed = awake. Benedryl = asleep.

Also, when the side of the bottle says "Alcohol may intensify effects", that is not actually a serving suggestion. :falldown:
Hee. I pushed it for as long as I could, and drank a LOT. Then I slept for 12 hours, went home, and slept for 5 more.
Is it wrong that I'm tempted to post one of those NSFW motposters here in reply to Canary? ok, ok, I'll go back to not posting.... :paranoid:

@Wildsoul: ooh, sorry.

Bubble181 said:
Is it wrong that I'm tempted to post one of those NSFW motposters here in reply to Canary? ok, ok, I'll go back to not posting.... :paranoid:

@Wildsoul: ooh, sorry.
Let's not scare away all the new people, m'kay?
Fun Size said:
Come on kids, know your meds. Sudafed = awake. Benedryl = asleep.

Also, when the side of the bottle says "Alcohol may intensify effects", that is not actually a serving suggestion. :falldown:
But....but....but it's not Sudafed or Benedryl! hehe. And the side of the bottle only says 'keep out of reach of children'...Guess that should have been my first guess lol.

-Much like WildSoul, I have to wear maternity pants. Unlike 'Soul, I am 7 months preggers and they are still falling down around me. I can't walk with something in both hands because I hace to stop and pull my fucking pants up. I feel like a hobo!
-I have money problems out the wazoo. How the hell am I suppose to pay for my baby with collectors hounding me? :waah:
-I got a massive tax return but most of it is gone already to the companiers we owe shit too...and we are still having problems with the above.
-I need this house to be spic and span by Sunday but my energy depletes so quickly that I can hardly freakin' move after an hour of work.
-I am getting Braxton Hicks. This also hinder all progress with things...I am doubled over in pain.
-I can't sleep well. The bed is too small for me and husband now that I am the size of a mink whale.
-My baby shower is on Sunday and no one has bought anything from my registry which means I am going to end up with alot of 'cute' useless crap.

God damn. Make it stop!
Spent the past three weeks with the boyfriend. Best three weeks of my life and he left last saturday. Since he's been gone I can't sleep for more than an hour at a time, been uber sick, not hungry, and all mopey. THANKFULLY, this will be the last time I say goodbye to him at the airport as he's moving in Mid-April.

Unfortunately, I have to make it 34 days without trying to tickle him, kiss him, hold him, and watch DVDs with him until we both pass out on the couch...

I can do this... I think.

-- Fri Mar 13, 2009 9:49 pm --

Spent the past three weeks with the boyfriend. Best three weeks of my life and he left last saturday. Since he's been gone I can't sleep for more than an hour at a time, been uber sick, not hungry, and all mopey. THANKFULLY, this will be the last time I say goodbye to him at the airport as he's moving in Mid-April.

Unfortunately, I have to make it 34 days without trying to tickle him, kiss him, hold him, and watch DVDs with him until we both pass out on the couch...

I can do this... I think.

Went to the bar tonight and through the waitresses, relived all of my most trying moments in retail.

It turned out to be really funny for us, since we have such a rapport with the waitstaff there now, but it sucked for them, cuz they had to serve assholes who ALSO did not leave a tip.
LittleSin said:

-Much like WildSoul, I have to wear maternity pants. Unlike 'Soul, I am 7 months preggers and they are still falling down around me. I can't walk with something in both hands because I hace to stop and pull my fucking pants up. I feel like a hobo!
That's what the father is for, silly.

-I have money problems out the wazoo. How the hell am I suppose to pay for my baby with collectors hounding me? :waah:
-I got a massive tax return but most of it is gone already to the companiers we owe shit too...and we are still having problems with the above.
That's what an internet birth registry is for, silly
-I need this house to be spic and span by Sunday but my energy depletes so quickly that I can hardly freakin' move after an hour of work.
That's what the husband is for when he's not carrying things, silly!
-I am getting Braxton Hicks. This also hinder all progress with things...I am doubled over in pain.
Ouchie, sorry to hear it :-(
-I can't sleep well. The bed is too small for me and husband now that I am the size of a mink whale.
But mink coats sell for a lot. Think of all the money you'll earn with all that leftover skin after the birth!

-My baby shower is on Sunday and no one has bought anything from my registry which means I am going to end up with alot ofhigher-quality-than-I-dared-to-ask-for useful stuff.

God damn. Make it stop!
Just two more months :)
Why in the fuck did all of my professors assign a ton of work to be due on the same day?! It's all due tomorrow for no logical reason. Aren't they supposed to talk and help plan things out? I'm pretty sure that was part of the deal. Jerks.
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