Rant VIII: The Reckoning

Well, tonight went to shit in an awful hurry. Just got off the phone with my little brother, who works construction up in an oilfield city called Ft. MacMurray. Tonight, he was at the bar eating dinner having a smoke outside when a Somalian man who had a disagreement with two guys my brother talked to while smoking decided to take it up with the only guy still outside, my brother. He pulled a gun on him, pistol whipped him a few times (brother has a concussion and multiple massive deep cuts on his face and head) and left him a mess in front of the bar.

He was feeling ashamed and violated and I feel fucking powerless from here. The Spl/Cst in charge of his case gave me the lowdown.

Christ, what a U-turn.
Fort Mac isn't a huge place, can't they find the guy and arrest him for assault with a weapon?
Fort Mac isn't that big, but it's not easy to track it's non-permanent population, which is massive. There are over 2000 Somalians in Fort Mac and MANY are involved in the drug trade there.
Well, tonight went to shit in an awful hurry. Just got off the phone with my little brother, who works construction up in an oilfield city called Ft. MacMurray. Tonight, he was at the bar eating dinner having a smoke outside when a Somalian man who had a disagreement with two guys my brother talked to while smoking decided to take it up with the only guy still outside, my brother. He pulled a gun on him, pistol whipped him a few times (brother has a concussion and multiple massive deep cuts on his face and head) and left him a mess in front of the bar.

He was feeling ashamed and violated and I feel fucking powerless from here. The Spl/Cst in charge of his case gave me the lowdown.

Christ, what a U-turn.
At least he wasn't shot and he's alive. Still absolutely horrible, but that is one bright side, right?
I would really like it if something went smoothly. The last 2 weeks have sucked donkey dick, and the argument I got into tonight was the turd on top of the shit sundae.
I'm at a loss for words to describe how stupid my in laws acted tonight.

Maybe tomorrow I will have the words.
Are you sitting comfortably? Then lets begin.

While staying at some cabins in New Brunswick, my wife and her sister decided to hike up a small marked trail to a small lake and take pictures of the sun setting over the lake. Now, there is a simple understood concept in that sentence, if you are taking pictures of the sun setting, you will be there after the sun sets. So the pair of them gather up some camera gear point out where they are going on the map and trundle out the door. I stay at the cabin with our kids and put them to bed, then watch some TV.

Then my brother in law sticks his head in the cabin door and tells me that our in laws are going to go out looking for the girls as they think that they are lost and should be back by now.

It's been twenty fucking minutes! Bloody Speedy Fuckin Gonzalez couldn't get there and back in that short a window. So I tell my brother in law to put and end to this bullshit and tell them to sit tight and just wait for the girls to come back.

Well props to the brother in law for one thing, he managed to stop them from calling 911 and getting SAR involved. But he still wasn't able to stop them from going out searching for them. Now had I learned of their actions, I would have put a stop to it. Hey, I'm the least favourite son in law, whats a little more disliking for berating them into beets gonna do to me?

So they avoid me and leave the brother in law in his cabin with his kids and set out to search for their "lost children"

Some key points to help elevate your appreciation of how dumb this action is;
1. They are completely inexperienced in any form of SAR.
2. They have been drinking.
3. They are unequipped to search for anything at night.
4. One of them is injured.
5. And after starting out to look for the girls in the area the girls actually went, they decide that the terrain is too tough for their girls and head off to a different trail, a full 180 degrees from where they should be looking AND didn't tell anyone that they had changed search locations, so if the expected occurs the actual SAR would be looking for my in laws in a completely wrong spot.

Those five points right there, that's not how you find some one at night, that's how you give Chris McCandless a good name.

While sitting peacefully in the cabin watching the Simpsons, my wife and her sister arrive back about 15 minutes after I expected them. Her parents showed up half an hour later.

I then chugged a box of wine.
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Staff member
My Dad used to get brought a few people like that every year, back when he worked in the only emergency room in Salida, Colorado (which is up in the mountains with lots of camping).
But seriously, at no point were we in danger and I carry a head lamp in my camera bag. I was prepared for a return trip after dark. We hiked down, got some great pictures and enjoyed some wine.

I was far slower than my sister on the trail due to my current health issues but we hadn't been gone very long and a call to 911 would have been foolish.


Staff member
Mother fucking son of a bitch! I am trying to explain to my friend why I have so much trouble just going out and doing things. I'm trying to explain what it's like having severe anxiety and worrying what other people think. She's the type to boldly declare "I don't care what people think of me, I can do everything on my own, I don't need people to think well of me." (which is total bullshit, because last week she was terrified about gossip her friends might be spreading). I spent more than a decade of my life wholely dependent on others, with no hope of being able to support myself. I was absolutely, 100% dependent on the opinion of others, as no one was under any obligation to support me. It was a horribly dysfunctional system, and very manipulative, but it's all I knew, for a very long time. And it wasn't just pleasing my parents. I had to play the game with the church we went to, with relatives, with anyone who might talk with my parents, because if they got talking about me, my parent's opinion could shift, and they might suddenly decide to expect more of me, or decide it was time to see a new doctor, or whatever. I was subject to the whims of people around me, and I never knew whose opinion of me would cause my life to change next.

So yeah, I'm a little fucked up when it comes to social interactions, and it's really hard for me to feel comfortable in public, especially at a church. Because I'm used to being judged. I'm used to people's opinions drastically impacting my life because of the fucking gossip and judgement that goes on. I'm used to having to watch my tongue around everyone because it wasn't just a matter of who I could trust, it was a matter of never knowing what was going to be expected of me, or what standards I would be held to. So, yeah, I've got a lot of baggage when it comes to showing up to a public event and feeling safe. It's not just a matter of "fake it until you make it", because the anxiety is so severe that it's tearing my body apart. It's not a matter of "think happy thoughts and you'll be fine". Not to mention that most churches, especially in this area, have no fucking clue what to do with people who aren't part of the career-house-2.5kids demographic, and are very dismissive of anyone who they can't shuffle off into the appropriate Sunday School class with ease. The church I grew up in is especially horrible about this.

I don't even know where this rant is going anymore. I am so sick of people who don't even have a desire to understand what it's like to have a mental illness.
Why would someone play "Happy Birthday to you" on repeat for 35 minutes? What the hell?
Someone set someone else's alarm as a joke, but then that person had already gotten up early and left so the alarm just sang to itself until it timed out?

Heard a weird sound last night and couldn't figure out the source. Figured it out this morning when we couldn't open the garage door because the spring was sheered in half.
I'm guessing freeze-thaw cycles, rust on the spring, frequent open-and shutting of the door, and BUH-WAANNNNNGGGGGGG! CRACK!
I mean, it is 8 years old, it was probably just normal wear. Also the people who built the houses in our neighborhood definitely cut corners on quality, so that wouldn't surprise be too much either.
My daughter and I went out to get pedicures so that she wouldn't be underfoot when the repair guy showed up, because we manually pushed up the door to get the cars out. It's a hard life. [emoji14]
I mean, it is 8 years old, it was probably just normal wear. Also the people who built the houses in our neighborhood definitely cut corners on quality, so that wouldn't surprise be too much either.
That makes sense as well.



My arthritis is getting worse or at least this flare is and I'm in a really bad way. I had a very long appointment with my specialist yesterday and we went over many long term treatment and short term pain relief options.

I tell my family what the plan is and my sister, who has never had an episode of pain anywhere near what I'm currently experiencing, dismisses it out right. No...she knows more than my doctor and what I need is Physio from a guy named Sean. Because if my core strength improves, there will be no reason for inflammation.

Where do I even start with this? I'm sure Sean is cool and all but this is the sort of dip shit remark I expect from a random not a family member who has watched me struggle for roughly 25 years. I am way beyond physio at the moment. Believe me, I've tried! Many times!

I'm so sick of this. I'm so tired of people being so uninformed and oblivious to how hurtful their stupidity is.

I love my sister and most of the time she's awesome. I know she's not saying this out of desire to be unkind or anything but out of an ignorance of having good health and not aware that's it's not as easy for everyone. No amount of core strengh will stop the progress of this autoimmune disease.
Jeebus, a Facebook friend that posts anti-Vax propaganda on a nearly daily basis... just posted an ad for a $20 Dog Vaccination special.

Of course this is the same person that posted a hippie, Buddhist, peace message just before posting a, if you step on my property I'll shoot you post.
My arthritis is getting worse or at least this flare is and I'm in a really bad way. I had a very long appointment with my specialist yesterday and we went over many long term treatment and short term pain relief options.

I tell my family what the plan is and my sister, who has never had an episode of pain anywhere near what I'm currently experiencing, dismisses it out right. No...she knows more than my doctor and what I need is Physio from a guy named Sean. Because if my core strength improves, there will be no reason for inflammation.

Where do I even start with this? I'm sure Sean is cool and all but this is the sort of dip shit remark I expect from a random not a family member who has watched me struggle for roughly 25 years. I am way beyond physio at the moment. Believe me, I've tried! Many times!

I'm so sick of this. I'm so tired of people being so uninformed and oblivious to how hurtful their stupidity is.

I love my sister and most of the time she's awesome. I know she's not saying this out of desire to be unkind or anything but out of an ignorance of having good health and not aware that's it's not as easy for everyone. No amount of core strengh will stop the progress of this autoimmune disease.
When my wife was diagnosed with cervical cancer, we got the same kind of stupid crap. One guy we knew wanted us to sign up for his acai berry shake subscription, someone else sent us that stupid Suzanne Somers book about how you can beat cancer with diet. I know they meant well (well, except the acai berry guy, who just seemed to want to profit on our suffering), but their armchair "expertise" was so frustrating. I feel for you.[DOUBLEPOST=1433427892,1433427710][/DOUBLEPOST]and for my own rant:

My aunt's house burned to the ground last night. Total loss.

Nobody was hurt, their pets survived, and they have insurance, so it could've been a lot worse.
