Rant VIII: The Reckoning

Early this morning (well, yesterday morning, at this juncture) one of our officers was found dead in her home by her husband, apparently of a self-inflicted injury.

This wonderful woman, who not even 24 hours before had been joking and laughing with officers on her watch, was one whom I have known my entire career - we were pinned the same day.

Sarah was a fantastically funny person, whose smile and wit were almost never lacking. I think I saw her lose her smile ONE time in the 7 years I worked with her.

She was a veteran, a combat medic with at least one deployment overseas under her belt.

I would be lying if I said I was handling this well.
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My sincere condolences to her family - and to you. It always hurts when one of my LEO brethren are killed - and doubly so if it was self-inflicted. I've lost one or two co-workers that way.
Just had a very surreal late-night rendezvous with my most recent ex - the one who mutually broke up with me three weeks ago. We were talking online the night before. A long talk, talking about how we admitted to missing each other and asking if we still thought about each other. I'd be lying if I said I didn't. And I've been jealous as hell whenever she posted something on Facebook about the guy she started dating recently.

In fact, her running through my head was the prime reason why I couldn't sleep last night.

Tonight, we chatted again. We chatted earlier today where she helped bounce around some ideas for Dill, but tonight was different. We talked about the idea of getting back together. How I'm still terrified at the idea of being a father for her 2-year old son. And how I've never gotten back together with an ex before. Before, once we broke up, that was it. We'd essentially stop talking to each other and they'd soon find someone else. Much like Alix seemingly did. But she admitted that he wasn't me. That he was a nice guy, but he just wasn't me.

And we talked. And talked. We'd been becoming more civil with each other again since the breakup, even able to joke around and such. I told her that it's one thing to be cute and jokey online like we used to be, but another thing altogether if we were in person.

Then she suddenly messaged, "Can you come here?"
"Right now?" I asked.
"Right now."
It was almost 1:00 AM.
I drove over.

We sat in the car and we talked more. I don't get nervous about many things, but I was nervous here. I didn't know what the hell I was doing there or what prompted me to go. But we talked. The way the conversation was going, I didn't know if we were getting back together or deciding again why we broke up in the first place. The biggest concern was, understandably, her son. I feel like such a manchild that I don't know if I'd make a good father. And she understood that. But dammit if I didn't miss her. Every time I looked at her, I felt like leaning in and kissing her.

...which I admitted right to her.
She said maybe I should.
So I did.

We held each other and cried and I think we're both scared, but also want to try making things work. We certainly need to set some new ground rules if we're going to try this again. For one, I seriously need to work on not pushing her (or others) away when I get depressed.

Anyway, we kissed more and hugged more and talked more. I didn't want to let her go because I was afraid it wasn't real.

Eventually I did go home, though. And now I'm sitting here feeling very emotional and scared. This is completely uncharted territory for me. I've never gotten back together with an ex. No one's ever given me a second chance. And I want to make things work. I really do. I love her. And her son. If being with her means learning to be a father figure for him, then it's worth it. She's worth it.

Dammit, I'm crying over this whole thing. I don't even know why. It should be happy, right?

We're going to take it slow. Not jumping right back into and making it official on Facebook or anything. Dates. That's all for now. And I'm okay with that.
Just had a very surreal late-night rendezvous with my most recent ex - the one who mutually broke up with me three weeks ago. We were talking online the night before. A long talk, talking about how we admitted to missing each other and asking if we still thought about each other. I'd be lying if I said I didn't. And I've been jealous as hell whenever she posted something on Facebook about the guy she started dating recently.

In fact, her running through my head was the prime reason why I couldn't sleep last night.

Tonight, we chatted again. We chatted earlier today where she helped bounce around some ideas for Dill, but tonight was different. We talked about the idea of getting back together. How I'm still terrified at the idea of being a father for her 2-year old son. And how I've never gotten back together with an ex before. Before, once we broke up, that was it. We'd essentially stop talking to each other and they'd soon find someone else. Much like Alix seemingly did. But she admitted that he wasn't me. That he was a nice guy, but he just wasn't me.

And we talked. And talked. We'd been becoming more civil with each other again since the breakup, even able to joke around and such. I told her that it's one thing to be cute and jokey online like we used to be, but another thing altogether if we were in person.

Then she suddenly messaged, "Can you come here?"
"Right now?" I asked.
"Right now."
It was almost 1:00 AM.
I drove over.

We sat in the car and we talked more. I don't get nervous about many things, but I was nervous here. I didn't know what the hell I was doing there or what prompted me to go. But we talked. The way the conversation was going, I didn't know if we were getting back together or deciding again why we broke up in the first place. The biggest concern was, understandably, her son. I feel like such a manchild that I don't know if I'd make a good father. And she understood that. But dammit if I didn't miss her. Every time I looked at her, I felt like leaning in and kissing her.

...which I admitted right to her.
She said maybe I should.
So I did.

We held each other and cried and I think we're both scared, but also want to try making things work. We certainly need to set some new ground rules if we're going to try this again. For one, I seriously need to work on not pushing her (or others) away when I get depressed.

Anyway, we kissed more and hugged more and talked more. I didn't want to let her go because I was afraid it wasn't real.

Eventually I did go home, though. And now I'm sitting here feeling very emotional and scared. This is completely uncharted territory for me. I've never gotten back together with an ex. No one's ever given me a second chance. And I want to make things work. I really do. I love her. And her son. If being with her means learning to be a father figure for him, then it's worth it. She's worth it.

Dammit, I'm crying over this whole thing. I don't even know why. It should be happy, right?

We're going to take it slow. Not jumping right back into and making it official on Facebook or anything. Dates. That's all for now. And I'm okay with that.

For what it's worth, I had something extremely similar happen to me before. Roll with it and hope it works out. For myself, I wouldn't have been happy if I hadn't tried when the opportunity to try again came.. Good luck, Nick.
The biggest concern was, understandably, her son. I feel like such a manchild that I don't know if I'd make a good father.
I doubt there is a man alive that didn't feel that way at the very real idea of being a father. I still feel that way from time to time. We're all selfish people and children (and usually relationships) show us just how self-involved we are. If you feel ill-equipped to be a father, that's normal.

No one's ever given me a second chance. And I want to make things work. I really do.
You're giving her a second chance too you know. You're not the only one who has to prove they want this to work.

Best of luck Nick!
So, for those of you keeping score, I work at a grocery store. Today I found out that one of our employees, a 17 year old kid, has cancer. Cancer that is being left completely untreated, because his family are christian scientists and don't believe in modern medicine.

... seriously, what the fuck?
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So, for those of you keeping score, I work at a grocery store. Today I found out that one of our employees, a 17 year old kid, has cancer. Cancer that is being left completely untreated, because his family are christian scientists and don't believe in modern medicine.

... seriously, what the fuck?
There are people who believe 100% that if he doesn't get better, then it was just God's Will, and who are they to question God's Will?

So, for those of you keeping score, I work at a grocery store. Today I found out that one of our employees, a 17 year old kid, has cancer. Cancer that is being left completely untreated, because his family are christian scientists and don't believe in modern medicine.

... seriously, what the fuck?
I would imagine these sects will eventual die out due to this sort of thinking, but who knows. Poor kid doesn't deserve cancer nor the taken ability to fight it. He is a minor perhaps the authorities should be advised?
There are people who believe 100% that if he doesn't get better, then it was just God's Will, and who are they to question God's Will?

Well, yes and no. Christian Scientists (one of the worst cases of mis-naming of all time) believe that as long as your faith is strong, you will not suffer illness or death; that getting sick and dying means that your faith isn't sufficient. The only medical care they allow is for injuries - broken bones, etc. Every year children in CS families die of ear, nose, or throat infections, diabetes, meningitis, the flu, etc.[DOUBLEPOST=1433778685,1433778576][/DOUBLEPOST]
I would imagine these sects will eventual die out due to this sort of thinking, but who knows. Poor kid doesn't deserve cancer nor the taken ability to fight it. He is a minor perhaps the authorities should be advised?
There have been a number of cases of attempts to prosecute for neglect or child abuse - one particular CS family in PA lost several of their children to easily treated illnesses and they were arrested, but the charges could not be brought to trial due to religious exemption laws, which many states have.


Staff member
So my mangled leg? Yeah...it's all kinds of infected. So tonight I start my antibiotics and tomorrow I get to get the wound abraded. What is that, you might ask? Well, it's when they basically sandpaper everything off and redress it to heal better. It's already one of the worst pains I've ever encountered, I'm not looking forward to this.

Oh, and before you think I'm a big pussy (from the root pusillanimous, you sexist heathens), I've had broken bones, many bruises/abrasions, and had my finger cut in half with a meat slicer. I've known my share o' pain. But this has been the worst I can remember.
So my mangled leg? Yeah...it's all kinds of infected. So tonight I start my antibiotics and tomorrow I get to get the wound abraded. What is that, you might ask? Well, it's when they basically sandpaper everything off and redress it to heal better. It's already one of the worst pains I've ever encountered, I'm not looking forward to this.

Oh, and before you think I'm a big pussy (from the root pusillanimous, you sexist heathens), I've had broken bones, many bruises/abrasions, and had my finger cut in half with a meat slicer. I've known my share o' pain. But this has been the worst I can remember.
Yeah, abrading is not fun. They had to do that when my leg wounds abscessed.
So my mangled leg? Yeah...it's all kinds of infected. So tonight I start my antibiotics and tomorrow I get to get the wound abraded. What is that, you might ask? Well, it's when they basically sandpaper everything off and redress it to heal better. It's already one of the worst pains I've ever encountered, I'm not looking forward to this.

Oh, and before you think I'm a big pussy (from the root pusillanimous, you sexist heathens), I've had broken bones, many bruises/abrasions, and had my finger cut in half with a meat slicer. I've known my share o' pain. But this has been the worst I can remember.
Dude, who the hell hears "infected leg... debraded... sandpaper everything off", and thinks "pussy"? Road rash is bad enough, at least it usually happens before there's another wound present.


Staff member
I'm going to insist they give me a topical. If they say they're not I'm going to point out that I'm the one paying for it and they are damned well giving it to me.


Staff member
My daughter took her car in to a different mechanic. Brake line issues. $1500. We noped right the fuck out of there and took it to our mechanic. $200.
We noped right the fuck out of there
When you say this, I imagine a sort of cartoon-level "cloud of smoke" exit accompanied by the gunshot ricochet sound, except that instead of saying something like "ZOOM!" it just says "NOPE!"

a big pussy (from the root pusillanimous, you sexist heathens),.
you do realize this looks the exact same as someone saying faggot is a bundle of sticks right? is it really hard to say yellow, chicken, or any word that doesn't degrade women's genitalia? the fact that you had the parenthetical even means that you know it's a shitty thing to say, but you just don't care.
you do realize this looks the exact same as someone saying nice gay person is a bundle of sticks right? is it really hard to say yellow, chicken, or any word that doesn't degrade women's genitalia? the fact that you had the parenthetical even means that you know it's a shitty thing to say, but you just don't care.
Uh... as an Asian person, I'd prefer if you not use that word. Thank you.

Also, my Chinese zodiac sign is that of the rooster, so I'm not entirely comfortable with the "chicken" part either, but there's no way you could've known that, so I'm not going to make a fuss about it.

you do realize this looks the exact same as someone saying nice gay person is a bundle of sticks right? is it really hard to say yellow, chicken, or any word that doesn't degrade women's genitalia? the fact that you had the parenthetical even means that you know it's a shitty thing to say, but you just don't care.
I once had a colonoscopy, and had to drink a gallon of Miralax over a 16 hour period, during which I was constantly defecating and pretty much living on the toilet. This word is incredibly triggering to me.

Please refrain from using bodily functions in the future in a derogatory way.

You could have instead used less controversial words, like "horrible" or "terrible" or "inconsequential".[DOUBLEPOST=1433855497,1433855125][/DOUBLEPOST]
Uh... as an Asian person, I'd prefer if you not use that word. Thank you.

Also, my Chinese zodiac sign is that of the rooster, so I'm not entirely comfortable with the "chicken" part either, but there's no way you could've known that, so I'm not going to make a fuss about it.

In Spain, Nicaragua, El Salvador and Puerto Rico, "polla" (female chicken) is used as a diminutive for female, much like we use "chick" in the US. Incidentally, "jupa de pollo", or "head of the chicken" is slang for "dick".

Charlie should have known that, and been less gender-discriminatory.